The mountain behind the funeral home.

Lin Can, Ma Guozhen and Lu Jiatao came to the back mountain, and under the leadership of the police, they came to the place where the footprints were found.

On a muddy road, a relatively eye-catching footprint was left on the road, and the footprints were surrounded by warning signs.

Lin Can came to the footprints with an umbrella, squatted down and observed carefully.

The footprints in front of him are obviously relatively small, and according to the size, they should be the footprints of a woman with bare feet.

"Judging by the size of the footprints...... The height of this woman is around one meter six. "

Lin Can said: "And it has mild flat foot characteristics. "

"These ...... All conform to Zheng Xueling's foot characteristics......"

Ma Guozhen, who was on the side, said with some surprise: "Are these really Zheng Xueling's footprints?

Lin Can squinted at the footprints in front of him, which began to appear from the muddy section of the road, extended a few meters forward, and disappeared after reaching a meadow.

Although the rain kept soaking these footprints, each one was still very clear.

After scanning the footprints, Lin Can understood something in his heart, he closed his eyes slightly, and his brain was running rapidly.

At the same time, Lu Jiatao on the side walked around the footprints for a while, scanning the surrounding situation.

This footprint is consistent with Zheng Xueling's characteristics, but it is still not certain that this is Zheng Xueling's footprint. "

Lu Jiatao said: "The search for the body still has to continue, and it is necessary to focus on the place where the footprints appeared, and focus on checking the surrounding situation. "

"Understood. "

Ma Guozhen nodded, and then greeted the police officer beside him.

Jingle bells.

Another ringing of the mobile phone.

Ma Guozhen took out his mobile phone and answered the call.

"Ma team, we are now visiting Zheng Xueqin's home to inquire about her, just a few minutes ago, Zheng Xueqin suddenly received a text message on her mobile phone. "

The police officer's voice came from the mobile phone: "Judging from the number, it was sent by Zheng Xueling." "

Ma Guozhen set the mobile phone to be outward, so that Lin Can and Lu Jiatao on the side could hear the content of the call, "What is the content of the text message?"

"The content is a very strange time......"

The officer's voice was a little confused, "It was June 28 five years ago. "

"June 28, five years ago?"

Ma Guozhen frowned and said, "This day seems to be a little familiar...... But what does this date really mean?"

Hearing this date, Lin Can's eyes suddenly lit up.

The malfunctioning electronic clock in the funeral suddenly came to his mind.

Lin Can also noticed this electronic clock before, but at first he thought that it was just a simple failure, and the time above was also caused by a fault change.

But now it doesn't seem like that at all.

The time on that is exactly the same as this!

What does this mean?

Is someone trying to hint at them something?

Thinking of this, Lin Can's brain was running at great speed again.

"You send me the detailed address of Zheng Xueqin's home, and we will rush over immediately. "

Ma Guozhen said on the phone.


The officer replied.

After hanging up the phone, Ma Guozhen said to Lin Can and Lu Jiatao: "Professor Lin, old captain, let's go to Zheng Xueqin's house to see the situation first, and leave it to the police officers to deal with here." "

Lu Jiatao nodded, and then looked at Lin Can on the side.

Lin Can closed his eyes and thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, go over and see the situation first, and ask Zheng Xueqin a few words by the way." "

Several people returned to the funeral home from the mountain with umbrellas.

Lu Jiatao chose to drive his own off-road vehicle, while Lin Can drove his own paramela and Ma Guozhen in the direction of Zheng Xueqin's house.


Z City.

On the highway, Lin Can drove a Porsche on the highway.

Even in rainy weather, this Porsche's driving ability on the road is still very strong, and under Lin Can's control, this business sedan close to the performance of a sports car is constantly shuttling in the traffic.

"Captain Ma, there's something you need your officers to help you investigate. "

Lin Can said while driving the car: "I have just sent the specific content to your mobile phone mailbox." "

"Okay. "

Ma Guozhen, who was sitting in the co-pilot, nodded, and then immediately took out his mobile phone to check it.

"By the way, the information I asked you to check should be carried out in secret, no one can disclose it, and it must be fast, and strive to find out the information I want in the shortest possible time, understand?"

Lin Can said.

"Understood. "

Hearing Lin Can's serious tone, Ma Guozhen naturally didn't dare to slack off, and immediately called his police officers and gave orders.

Lin Can nodded slightly, he glanced at the rearview mirror, Lu Jiatao's off-road vehicle had been pulled farther and farther away, he slowed down slightly, and tried his best to keep up with the off-road vehicle.


Z City.

Begonia villa area.

A dark silver Porsche slowly drove into the neighborhood, followed by a black SUV.

When he came to the vicinity of Zheng Xueqin's villa, Lin Can parked the car, then picked up an umbrella from the car and opened the door and got out of the car.

The rain was still pouring down, and the sky was gloomy.

Ma Guozhen and Lu Jiatao also got out of the car with umbrellas, and the three of them came to the door of the villa together and rang the doorbell directly.

There was a thud.

The door to the villa opened, and two police officers stood in the doorway and saluted the three of them, and greeted them at the same time.

A woman with a large wavy curl stood in the doorway, her body was plump and her face was graceful and luxurious.

"Come in, three. "

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The grades are too bad, and there is basically no subscription in the future, but this book will not be a eunuch, and it will be written down normally with guaranteed quality, which you can still rest assured.

It's just changed to three changes a day.,Anyway, there's no follow-up.,If you love to fatten, fatten, let's fatten.,If you don't like it, you can delete the bookshelf directly.。 _

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