Walking into the living room of the villa, it is spacious and luxuriously decorated, and the nanny aunt wearing an apron is cleaning the house in the house.

"Aunt Mei, pour tea for a few police comrades. "

The wavy woman beckoned.


The nanny aunt in the apron immediately got busy.

"This is Zheng Xueling's sister, Zheng Xueqin. "

The police officer on the side introduced to both sides, "These three are Captain Ma of our police station, Professor Lin, and Captain Lu. "

"Ms. Zheng, we just heard on the phone that Zheng Xueling sent you a text message?"

Ma Guozhen sat on the sofa and asked straight to the point, "What is the specific situation?"

"I received you two little comrades who came to visit my house before. "

Zheng Xueqin said: "Then halfway through, my phone suddenly lit up, and it showed that the sender of the text message was my sister. "

After speaking, Zheng Xueqin took out her mobile phone, opened the screen lock, and entered the SMS interface.

"See for yourselves. "

Zheng Xueqin showed the mobile phone screen to Lin Can and the others.

Lin Can and the others carefully checked the content of the text messages on Zheng Xueqin's mobile phone, which was indeed consistent with what the police had reported before.

The content is the date from five years ago, and there is no superfluous information.

Lin Can carefully glanced at the number of the sender of the text message, and it did show that it was Zheng Xueling's number.

"At that time, I thought it was very strange that my sister's mobile phone was obviously in the funeral home, and it was put away by the staff inside. "

Zheng Xueqin said: "Then what's going on with this text message in my mobile phone? Is it a prank made by someone using a fake number forged by special number changing software?"

"The possibility of changing the number of the software is relatively small, and there is a high probability that someone deliberately used Zheng Xueling's mobile phone to send it. "

Ma Guozhen said, "Because...... Zheng Xueling's mobile phone was lost. "

"What? I lost my phone too?"

Zheng Xueqin said with a look of surprise: "I heard that my sister's body has been found before, why is her mobile phone missing now?"

"Ms. Zheng, you don't have to get too excited. "

Ma Guozhen said: "We are trying our best to investigate, and we will definitely try to find out the truth as soon as possible." "

"Ms. Zheng, I heard that you are a lawyer, and you also helped draw up the marriage agreement between Zheng Xueling and Fei Qingshu, right?"

Lin Can on the side asked.

"Yes, that's right. "

Zheng Xueqin nodded.

"Since that's the case, then you must know more about your sister and brother-in-law's situation. "

Lin Can continued to ask, "How is Zheng Xuelinghe's relationship?"

"It's hard for me to describe it. "

Zheng Xueqin replied: "If you want me to answer, then I can only answer you with the impression of my supervisor." "

"You don't care, you just say what you think. "

Lin Can said.

"I think their relationship is extremely unstable, so I drew up the contract for them when I got married, to put it bluntly, I just think that Fei Qingshu and my sister are with me, purely for my sister's family property. "

Zheng Xueqin said: "The two of them were able to develop to the point of getting married, which was something I didn't expect at first. "

"Because Fei Qingshu's family is poor and white, although he himself is very hard-working, whether it is studying or working, it is still very difficult to climb to our level. "

"But as long as he can climb the big tree of my sister, he can easily get everything he wants, fame, fortune, status, these things that he would have to struggle for all his life, are at his fingertips in an instant. "

"But my sister's tree is not so easy to climb, I know my sister's character very well, she is strong, authoritarian, and can only bow down to anyone in front of her, even if it is her partner. "

And Fei Qingshu is a smart person, usually too smart people are not willing to easily submit to others, but Fei Qingshu actually endured it. "

"The two of them have known each other for only a few months, and then they quickly developed to the step of getting married, so I have to think about it. "

"At first, I also advised my sister to be cautious of Fei Qingshu, but she really liked Fei Qingshu very much, so she always ignored my words. "

Zheng Xueqin paused for a moment and continued: "But after being married for so long, Fei Qingshu has always been quite obedient, but my impression of him is still not very good, I always feel that he is hiding his character and thoughts, such a person is the most terrifying." "

Hearing this, Lin Can suddenly pondered thoughtfully.

The three of them continued to ask Zheng Xueqin about some things, and then left Zheng Xueqin's villa.


Z City.

Funeral home, toilets.

After coming out of the toilet cubicle, Fei Qingshu stood at the window of the toilet and looked at the rain outside the window.

He pulled a box of cigarettes out of his pocket, pulled one out of it and lit it.

The curling white smoke was entwined and drifted away, just like Fei Qingshu's thoughts, messy.

He could now generate several or even a dozen thoughts in his mind at a second, but he still couldn't find any of the best options.

Fei Qingshu knows that he has come to the edge of the cliff at present, and no matter how he chooses, the ending seems to be very bad.

He couldn't help but take a deep puff of cigarette, and Zheng Xueling's figure appeared in his mind again.

This damn woman!

Everything is counted by her...... This time, it seems that she is really going to be planted in her hands!

Fei Qingshu knocked the cigarette ash on the edge of the window, and just looked out of the window again with the cigarette, when suddenly, a card in the gap of the window caught his eye.

What is this?

After thinking for a moment, Fei Qingshu threw the cigarette on the ground, stepped on it with his foot, and then slowly pulled out the card in the gap in the window.

After seeing the above content, Fei Qingshu's face changed again.

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