I saw a row of block letters printed on the card: I'm waiting for you in the old place in the back mountain.

"She's definitely alive!"

Fei Qingshu's face was a little nervous, he suddenly seemed to think of something, immediately left the toilet, found a police officer outside, and hurriedly grabbed his clothes and said, "Give me your mobile phone!"

"Mr. Fei, please don't get excited. "

The police officer immediately pulled Fei Qingshu's hand off and said, "May I ask what you need my phone for?"

"I'm going to call Xiuying, she might be in danger!"

Fei Qingshu took out his mobile phone and pressed and held the power button, but it still showed that the battery was insufficient.

"See, my phone is out of battery!"

Fei Qingshu said in a hurried tone: "Please hurry up and borrow your phone for me, this is very important!"

Seeing Fei Qingshu's appearance, the police officer hesitated for a moment, and then said, "I can help you call her, what is her phone number?"


Fei Qingshu's face was still anxious: "Trouble you to hurry up!"

The police officer nodded, and he immediately pressed the numbers Fei Qingshu said on his mobile phone, and then directly dialed the corresponding number.

As a beeping sound rang, the phone was connected, and Yan Xiuying's voice came from the phone, "Hey, who?"

"It's me, Fei Qingshu. "

Fei Qingshu hurriedly approached the phone in the policeman's hand and shouted into the phone.

Teacher Fei...... How did you change your number?"

Yan Xiuying asked, "I just kept calling you and couldn't contact you." "

"My phone is dead. "

Fei Qingshu said, "Where are you now?"

"I'm at home. "

Yan Xiuying replied, "Teacher Fei, your tone sounds very bad, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me. "

Fei Qingshu said: "You just said that you kept calling me, is something wrong?"

"At home...... Someone seems to have come in. "

Yan Xiuying's voice was a little scared, "It's on the second floor, I wanted to go up and close that window before, but I didn't dare to go up and close it after hearing the sound above." "

Hearing Yan Xiuying's words, Fei Qingshu's face suddenly darkened, "Did you take a fruit knife to defend yourself according to what I said before?"

"Took it...... I'm hiding in the door right now. "

Yan Xiuying's anger became more and more frightened, "You said you want to open the door and leave?"


Fei Qingshu said: "Zheng Xueling, she must have a helper waiting for you outside!"

"That'...... So what should I do, I'm afraid ......"

Yan Xiuying said: "I seem to hear her footsteps coming downstairs!"

Hearing this, Fei Qingshu's face became more and more anxious, "You hurry up and find a place to hide first, the knife must be held in your hand to defend yourself, don't lose it!"

"Good ......"

Yan Xiuying's tone became tense and hurried, "It seems that someone really came down!"

"Then you hurry up and hide!"

Before Fei Qingshu finished speaking, Yan Xiuying's screams suddenly came from the phone, and then the phone stopped abruptly.

"Xiuying, Xiuying?"

Fei Qingshu called Yan Xiuying's name several times in succession, but there was no response anywhere on the phone.

"Comrade, you heard it just now, Xiuying is in danger!"

Fei Qingshu said nervously to the police officer in front of him: "I must rush over immediately, immediately, otherwise Zheng Xueling will not let her go when she finds her!"

"Mr. Fei, you are still a suspect, and you can't leave casually. "

The police officer immediately stopped Fei Qingshu and said, "You report the address to us, and we will immediately notify someone to come over to support." "

"By the time you report on the process, something has already happened to you!"

Fei Qingshu shouted a little excitedly, "You guys get out of the way, I really have to go over to save people!"

Mr. Fei...... Please don't mess around. "

The police officer still stretched out his hand to stop Fei Qingshu, "I have already said that with your current situation, we can't let you leave without the permission of the captain." "

"Let go!"

Fei Qingshu shouted almost hysterically, he pulled away the hands of the police officer who stopped him, and then ran desperately towards the door of the funeral home.

While chasing Fei Qingshu, the police officer took out the wireless walkie-talkie pinned to his waist, "Report, Fei Qingshu is trying to escape towards the main entrance and ask for support!"


The sound of other police officers answering can be heard over the walkie-talkie.

At the same time, Fei Qingshu had already run to the door, and several police officers who rushed to support him immediately blocked in front of him.

Fei Qingshu wanted to run, but the officers immediately rushed up and grabbed his arm.

"Let me go!"

Fei Qingshu was extremely emotional, the green tendons on his neck flare, and he struggled to twist his body, trying to break free from the restraint of the police officer next to him.

But several police officers have been training all year round and have received professional combat training, and they also use a lot of strength, so it is difficult for Fei Qingshu to break free.

"I warn you people, let me go!"

Fei Qingshu still yelled unrelentingly, "If something happens to Xiuying, I will definitely not be able to spare you!"

"I've said it twice, you can't leave now!"

The police officer who came with a walkie-talkie before said with a serious face: "Please report Yan Xiuying's exact location immediately, if she is really in danger, we will send someone to rush over to rescue immediately!"

During the altercation, a Porsche and an SUV returned to the funeral home together.

Seeing these two cars, the police officers in the funeral home were all happy.

They all saluted the three of them and greeted, "Horse team, Professor Lin, Old Captain Lu!"

"What's going on?"

Ma Guozhen frowned and looked at Fei Qingshu, who was unable to move at all by the police's hands.

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