"Report to the horse team, Mr. Fei borrowed my mobile phone just now to call Yan Xiuying. "

The police officer with the walkie-talkie responded: "Yan Xiuying was very frightened on the phone, and revealed that a stranger came in the house. "

After Yan Xiuying screamed and hung up the phone, Mr. Fei became emotional, and he kept wanting to leave, claiming that he wanted to go over to save people. "

"We asked him to give Yan Xiuying's specific location and said that he would send someone over to help immediately, but Mr. Fei ignored our advice and insisted on fleeing. "

"I chased him all the way from the toilet to this side, but it was thanks to the other brothers who came to stop him," the officer said. "

Hearing this, Ma Guozhen looked at Fei Qingshu, who was held up by the police, "Mr. Fei, don't you still understand your current situation? You can't leave here at will now." "

"You immediately inform us of Yan Xiuying's specific location, and we will immediately notify the nearby police to come over to support. "

Ma Guozhen said coldly: "Isn't this faster than you driving over by yourself?"

Seeing the tone of Ma Guozhen and the others, Fei Qingshu's face slowly eased.

He stopped struggling, and after hesitating for a moment, he slowly spoke, "Xiuying is now in that villa in Nanwan. "

Hearing this, Ma Guozhen immediately nodded, and then took out his mobile phone and commanded.

Half a minute later, he hung up the phone and said to Fei Guoqing in front of him: "Okay, I have already notified the command center to dispatch police forces to the South Bay side for support." "

"Thank you...... Captain Ma. "

Fei Qingshu's face softened slightly, but his expression was still a little ugly.

"Let's get him back to the office. "

Ma Guozhen said to the police officers on the side.

The police officer answered, and then continued to drive Fei Qingshu back to the office.

Ma Guozhen, Lin Can and Lu Jiatao stood at the gate of the funeral home and chatted.

This Fei Qingshu obviously wanted to find an excuse to escape. "

Ma Guozhen squinted his eyes and said, "If this will make him run away, it will be difficult to find him again." "

"yes, he doesn't look right. "

Lu Jiatao said: "There will be a formal interrogation of him, and I believe that something should be able to be tried." "

There was a clatter, and there was a sound of footsteps.

Chen Lingyue came to the three of them with a few reports.

"I just heard from the police that you're back. "

Chen Lingyue handed out the report in her hand to the three people in front of her, "It just so happens that the detailed drug ingredient identification report has come out, you can take a good look at it." "

The three of them took the report handed by Chen Lingyue, and they all checked it carefully.

Lin Can's eyes swept over the report carefully, and the bottle of medicine that was found on Fei Qingshu's body was indeed the same as the one that had been preliminarily tested before, which was a central nervous system suppressant drug.

This kind of drug belongs to the anesthetic system, the effect of the substance is strong, and the side effects are large, and it is extremely harmful to people with special constitutions, and even kills.

Therefore, this drug has not been put on the shelves through formal procedures, and needs to be destroyed accordingly.

Lin Canzai read the report carefully, and then his expression became a little deeper.

A few minutes later.

Jingle bells.

A cell phone rings.

Ma Guozhen took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and after glancing at the number on the mobile phone screen, he directly swiped the answer button.

The policeman's voice immediately came from the phone, "Ma team, we have now arrived at Nanwan, Yan Xiuying's villa, but there is no one inside. "

"No one?"

Ma Guozhen said with some surprise: "Have you carefully inspected every corner?"

"Checked. "

The officer responded: "We have carefully inspected every corner of the villa and have not found any traces. "

"And we found that there was hardly any sign of life in the house. "

The officer said: "Although there are some traces of walking on the ground, whether it is a chong shop or a toilet, it is no different from a brand new one, and we have not found any traces of hair or other hair, and this villa should have been uninhabited in recent times." "

"No one has ever lived there, how can this be?"

Ma Guozhen frowned and said, "Isn't this the villa that Fei Qingshu bought for Yan Xiuying......? Could it be that Fei Qingshu was lying all the time just now? It seems that he really tried his best to get out!"

The police officer on the phone said: "We have taken a few photos of the villa and have already sent you your mobile phone. "

"Okay, I got it. "

Ma Guozhen hung up the phone, and then opened the photo sent by the police, which was a few detailed photos of the villa.

As the police officer on the phone said, everything inside is basically clean, and there is no trace of use at all.

"Horse team...... Fei Qingshu did call Yan Xiuying just now, and Yan Xiuying did say that her situation was very dangerous. "

The police officer on the side spoke.

"That is, Fei Qingshu lied about the address. "

Lu Jiatao said: "He must know Yan Xiuying's specific whereabouts, but he didn't tell us the truth." "

"Makes sense. "

Ma Guozhen nodded and said, "It seems that we still have to ask him to tell the truth." "

He greeted Lin Can and Lu Jiatao, and then the three of them came to the office together.

Fei Qingshu was pacing back and forth in the office, his face extremely anxious.

After seeing Ma Guozhen and the others come in, he immediately stepped forward and asked, "Captain Ma, how is it, Xiuying, is she okay?"

"Don't be cowardly here!"

Ma Guozhen directly hammered the desk in the office and said, "Just now, the police officers have arrived at the villa in Nanwan between you and Yan Xiuying, and there is no figure in it at all!"

"What? There's no one in there?"

Fei Qingshu's eyes widened, and he said with a look of disbelief: "This is impossible...... Xiuying, she's definitely in the villa!"

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