"It's not just that there is no one, there are not many traces of life in the villa, Yan Xiuying usually doesn't live in that villa at all, why do you want to report a wrong address to us?"

Ma Guozhen looked at Fei Qingshu in front of him coldly, "Aren't you very worried about Yan Xiuying's safety, why do you still do this?"

"You're kidding!"

Fei Qingshu's face was even more stunned, "Xiuying has always lived there, how can there be no trace of anyone living in it......"

"Do you still have to quibble, then look at these pictures!"

Ma Guozhen showed the villa photos taken on his mobile phone to Fei Qingshu, and at the same time said in a cold tone, "How many things are you still hiding from us?"

Seeing the photos on his phone, Fei Qingshu's pupils trembled violently.

"The house was cleaned by Zheng Xueling by professionals, I only lived there yesterday evening, how could there be no traces inside!"

Fei Qingshu said excitedly: "Xiuying must have had an accident!"

"You don't talk nonsense there. "

Ma Guozhen slapped the table again, the water glass on the table trembled slightly, "All your current actions are aggravating your crime, if you continue to choose to deceive the police and refuse to confess the facts of the crime, then we can't help you." "

Fei Qingshu's whole face changed incomparably complicated for a while, and then he suddenly seemed to have made up his mind, and his whole person's emotions gradually converged.

He took a deep breath and said to Ma Guozhen: "Captain Ma, I can explain all the details, but I hope you must try your best to find Xiuying's whereabouts...... She could really be in danger!"

Hearing Fei Qingshu's intention to explain the facts, Ma Guozhen's expression perked, he sat down opposite Fei Qingshu with a pen and paper, and said to him: "Since you have chosen to confess, then don't think about tricks." "

"From now on, explain everything word for word, and don't deceive in any way. "

Ma Guozhen said: "Otherwise, your crime will not be mitigated, but will be aggravated, you know what I mean, right?"

"I understand. "

Fei Qingshu nodded and said: "This matter started half a year ago, when the new drug that I was responsible for developing to inhibit the central nervous system was listed as a banned drug, and the project I had worked so hard with for so long was ruined and did not receive any return. "

"The company even suspended my qualification as the person in charge of the drug, my rights were withdrawn, and my salary level was greatly reduced, even though I was Zheng Xueling's husband, I was not able to give me any preferential treatment. "

"Since then, I've been a bit self-defeating, I have given up my job in the company to concentrate on the classes in the school, and I have been teaching for a long time as a professor. "

Fei Qingshu said: "It was also at that time that I met Xiuying...... She is a student in another department, but she never misses any of my classes whenever she is available.

"Students from other departments?"

Lu Jiatao on the side raised his eyebrows and said: "It seems that Mr. Fei is very charming, even students from other departments are attracted by you and come to your class to listen to the lectures." "

"She is really a girl who loves academics, and at first she came to my classes just to learn Xi relevant knowledge that she was interested in. "

Fei Qingshu said: "She often comes to me to ask me about all kinds of problems, and I am very happy to explain them to her, but with the increase in contact, we begin to have different feelings for each other." "

"We both found that we had become Xi to each other's presence, Xi to her coming to my lectures, asking me all kinds of questions, and eventually we fell in love. "

"But this relationship is not destined to be bright, I have a family, and my wife is Zheng Xueling...... This strong woman with a strong desire for control. "

"I know very well that I am just a prop for Zheng Xueling, a beloved toy, she has such a big pharmaceutical group, she has endless money and a lofty status. "

"She has everything, as long as she wants to have, there's nothing she can't get, so she doesn't care about the idea of the toy in her hand at all. "

"Just like what I wanted, she never cared, Zheng Xueling just wanted me to do what she wanted, to serve her, she never treated me as an equal to his husband. "

Speaking of this, Fei Qingshu's face became a little painful, "I have always thought that I am a smart person, I have excelled in Xi since elementary school, I was admitted to the junior class of a top university in my teens, and I graduated with a doctorate in my early twenties. "

"But all this is not worth mentioning in the eyes of a rich and powerful person like Zheng Xueling, I have never been equal to her, just because I was born from the grassroots, and the class between me and her is ...... It's like an insurmountable chasm. "

"The more this happens, the more I cherish my relationship with Xiuying, she is the love I really want to get. "

Fei Qingshu said: "Xiuying also knew about my situation, although we had conflicts and quarrels over this, but in the end Xiuying found out that she was pregnant with my child...... Feelings still prevailed over everything, and for the sake of our children, we finally chose to face them together. "

"Yan Xiuying is pregnant?"

Ma Guozhen asked with some surprise.

"Yes, it is precisely because of this that I have no turning back, for the sake of my child with Xiuying, I must persevere in this relationship to the end!"

Fei Qingshu said: "So in the end, I chose Xiuying, and the child in her belly." "

But Zheng Xueling eventually noticed this, and she realized that I might be having an affair, so she asked me to stop my classes at school and return to the company to take up important positions to prevent me from having more opportunities to make trouble. "

"And what I didn't expect was...... According to the photo evidence you showed before, Zheng Xueling even arranged for a private detective to follow and investigate me!"

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