"Although I have always known that Zheng Xueling is not someone I can easily afford to provoke, I still didn't expect her methods to be so powerful. "

Fei Qingshu said with palpitations: "She is a very controlling and competitive person, and she likes to grasp the weaknesses of others and not let go. "

"Once my cheating is exposed, she will never let me go easily!"

"I know that it is impossible to simply divorce her, she will not watch her playthings betray her, and then follow others to live happily ever after. "

Fei Qingshu said: "As long as Zheng Xueling is still alive, it will be impossible for me to live well with Xiuying, and even the child in her belly will be in danger!"

"So you designed to kill Zheng Xueling. "

Ma Guozhen looked at Fei Qingshu in front of him: "Use the kind of banned drug you developed?"

"No, Zheng Xueling is not dead. "

Fei Qingshu shook his head again and again: "I'm 100% sure that she must not be dead!"

"On what basis do you make such a judgment?"

Ma Guozhen raised his eyebrows and said.

"There are a lot of details that allow me to make that judgment...... But those are vague feelings and judgments, and I can't describe them. "

Fei Qingshu did not truthfully reveal the details of the SMS card, "Until I called Xiuying before, the situation on her side sounded very dangerous, and I knew that Zheng Xueling must still be alive!"

"She first made me a murderer, and then went to Xiuying for revenge! The house must have been cleaned up by her! All this is this woman's scheme!"

Fei Qingshu said: "If Xiuying is targeted by her, then my child with Xiuying will be really dangerous......"

"So I really beg you, Captain Ma...... Be sure to help me find so-young. "

Fei Qingshu almost cried at Ma Guozhen and said, "If you don't find her as soon as possible...... She may evaporate from the world with my children, with Zheng Xueling's character as a woman, she must have done such a thing!"

"I can't find Yan Xiuying's whereabouts over there in Nanwan, you tell us some of the addresses that Yan Xiuying frequents. "

Ma Guozhen said: "I will ask the police to investigate Yan Xiuying's whereabouts." "

"Okay. "

Fei Qingshu nodded hurriedly, then immediately picked up the pen and paper on the table, wrote some addresses and handed them to Ma Guozhen.

"Captain Ma, please find Xiuying's whereabouts!"

Fei Qingshu pleaded.

Jingle bells.

A cell phone rings.

Ma Guozhen immediately took out his mobile phone and answered the call.

"Horse team, we found a pair of women's shoes on the mountain. "

The police officer's voice came from the phone, "The size is the same as Zheng Xueling's feet." "

"Very good, continue to increase the search efforts, and see if there are more discoveries!"

Ma Guozhen said.

"Captain Ma, let's go over for a while.

Lin Can opened his mouth and said, "I want to see those shoes." "

"Okay. "

Ma Guozhen nodded, and then instructed the police officer on the phone to locate the specific location to himself.

"Senior Lu, I saw him in the office just now. "

Lin Can glanced around, "Why is the person disappearing in the blink of an eye, I have to call him over together." "

"The old captain just went to the toilet ......"

Ma Guozhen said, "I'll send him a text message to locate it, and he will come over after he receives it." "

Lin Can nodded, and then left the office with Ma Guozhen.


Z City.

The mountain behind the funeral home.

In the middle of a mountain forest, two police officers are taking pictures around a pair of red high heels on the ground.

There was a rustle, and footsteps rang out.

Lin Can and Ma Guozhen came to the scene.

"Professor Lin, Captain Ma!"

The officer immediately saluted them.

Lin Can came to the side of the pair of high heels with an umbrella, and a pair of red female high heels came into view, the shoes were delicate and small, and there were warning strips around them.

"These ...... Is it new?"

Lin Can looked at the shoes that were half embedded in the dirt on the ground with some surprise, he turned his head and asked the police officer next to him, "Have you ever touched these shoes?"

"No, we called the horse team as soon as we found out, and you guys came over. "

The officer replied.

Lin Can continued to observe the shoes in front of him, and then slowly made a judgment, "This shoe has not been worn, it should have been deliberately thrown here." "

"Deliberately thrown here?"

Ma Guozhen frowned and thought, "Who would do such a thing? What is his purpose...... To confuse us?"

Lin Can didn't speak, but stared straight at the shoes.

Jingle bells.

A text message sounded, and it became clearer against the backdrop of the rain.

Ma Guozhen looked at the contents of his mobile phone while holding an umbrella, and then his face couldn't help but become a little serious.

"Professor Lin, the police officer who asked me to investigate before has all sorted out all the information. "

Ma Guozhen said: "I just sent one to your mobile phone. "

Lin Can immediately took out his mobile phone, and then clicked on the information sent by Ma Guozhen and checked it carefully.

After seeing the details inside, Lin Can's face gradually became clearer.

And so it was......

Jingle bells!

Another ringing of the mobile phone.

The calls came too often, and Ma Guozhen was also a little surprised.

Ma Guozhen glanced at his mobile phone screen, and it was the police officer at the funeral home who called.

Could it be that something happened to Fei Qingshu's side?

Did he explain other details?

Thinking of this, Ma Guozhen immediately connected the phone.

The hurried voices of the police officers suddenly came from the phone.

"Horse team...... Fei Guoqing, gone!"

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