"What did you say, the man was gone?"

Ma Guozhen's eyes were round, "What are you kidding, didn't I tell you to follow him every step of the way?

"We did keep an eye on Fei Qingshu all the time, but he said that he was going to the bathroom, and we couldn't follow him into the cubicle to accompany him to the toilet...... So just waiting for him outside. "

The police officer said in a nervous tone: "Who knew that he hadn't moved for a long time after he went to the toilet, and we noticed something strange, so we went in to check the specific situation." "

"Who knew there was no one in it......"

The policeman's voice became quieter and quieter, "We carefully checked every corner of the toilet, but we didn't see Fei Qingshu. "

"So...... Fei Qingshu just evaporated from the world?"

Ma Guozhen forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart and said, "Did you desert and let him slip away while waiting outside?"

"Captain Ma, we have absolutely no such dereliction of duty!"

The officer immediately explained: "We have been waiting outside very carefully, and we can guarantee that no one has ever entered or left the toilet door......"

"Then how did Fei Qingshu escape?"

Ma Guozhen's tone was cold, "I tell you, find a way to get Fei Qingshu back immediately, if he really disappears completely, I can't spare you!"


The police officer on the other end of the phone immediately answered.

Ma Guozhen hung up the phone, and his face became more and more difficult to look at.

The news of Fei Qingshu's slipping away was obviously extremely bad for him, and Fei Qingshu had already pleaded guilty and confessed the details of the crime.

This case should have reached the most critical stage, as long as you dig deeper, the case will basically be closed!

As a result, Fei Qingshu is now gone!

This is tantamount to returning the case to its original stage...... Their efforts for so long have come to naught!

Professor Lin ...... Let you see the joke......"

Ma Guozhen sighed and said to the police officers on the side: "I didn't expect the police officers under my command to let the murderer slip out of their noses...... What a disappointment for me. "

Lin Can didn't mean to blame, but opened his mouth to analyze: "The windows of the toilet are welded with anti-theft windows...... The entrance is guarded by police officers...... How did he leave?"

"In this case...... It must have been negligence on the part of my officers. "

Ma Guozhen said: "Although they refuse to admit it, it is already a fact that Fei Guoqing escaped, and if they were not lazy, it would be impossible for Fei Guoqing to slip away." "

Hearing this, Lin Can thought thoughtfully.

"Now that Fei Qingshu's whereabouts are unknown, my long-term efforts are almost in vain. "

Ma Guozhen said: "I finally let him explain everything before...... Now I can't find anyone else. "

"If Fei Qingshu really wants to find a place to get up, we will really find it difficult to find him out for a while. "

Ma Guozhen shook his head and said, "The current situation is very unfavorable to us......"

Lin Can thought for a while, and then said slowly: "I know where Fei Qingshu is. "

Hearing this, Ma Guozhen's eyes couldn't help but light up.

He knew very well that Lin Can would never say anything uncertain, since Lin Can said that he knew Fei Qingshu's whereabouts, then he must know!

Thinking of this, Ma Guozhen looked at Lin Can in front of him with some surprise and said, "Where is he?"

"You call a couple of officers. "

Lin Can didn't directly report the detailed address, "Come with me." "


Ma Guozhen smiled again.

Really...... As long as there is Lin Can, the case will never be in a desperate situation!


Z City.

The mountain behind the funeral home.

The rain pierced through the jungle foliage and fell to the ground in a trickle.

A figure in a suit swayed quickly through the jungle, his clothes and hair already wet from the rain, and his trousers were muddy on his legs.

Fei Qingshu quickened his pace, and at the same time glanced around with extremely vigilant eyes.

He knew very well that the police were investigating the whereabouts of the body in the area behind the mountain facing the funeral home, so he deliberately avoided that area and went to the other direction of the back mountain.

When Fei Qingshu went to the toilet in the funeral home before, he unexpectedly found that the anti-theft window outside the toilet had very hidden cutting marks on the welds of several aluminum pipes!

After trying to pry the anti-theft window for a while, Fei Qingshu actually removed the aluminum tubes on the anti-theft window.

He wasn't fat, so it was easy for him to get out of the hole.

After doing all this, Fei Guoqing carefully put the aluminum pipes back to prevent the police from quickly discovering the abnormality of the anti-theft windows.

After climbing out of the toilet window, Fei Qingshu cautiously avoided the sight of several police officers in the courtyard and climbed out of the fence next to the funeral home.

After that, he kept avoiding the part of the police force in the back mountain, and walked away quickly in other directions of the back mountain.

Fei Qingshu glanced around, he had been walking for a while, and he was obviously far away from the group of police officers who were searching in the back mountain.

Thinking of this, Fei Qingshu couldn't help but take out the card he found in the gap in the toilet window before.

The font on it was slightly wet from the rain, but it was still legible.

I'll be waiting for you in the old place in the back mountain.

Looking at these words on the card, Fei Qingshu's eyes were deep.

His mind seemed to have those images of the past, as well as Zheng Xueling's strong and controlling face.

Fei Qingshu clenched the card in his hand tightly, and at the same time took out his mobile phone and opened the compass software that came with the phone.

Then he walked briskly in the direction of the west, with a hurried step.

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