But there were no complaints.

Because, the strength of the Blackstone tribe is obvious to everyone.

"Haha, the Angel King is polite, we will be allies in the future.

I will help you ascend to the position of Emperor of the Angel Clan.

As long as I kill these blood people, it will be worth the price I pay!"

The Blackstone King said with a smile.

It's just that at this time, he didn't notice it at all.

The Angel King, with an eerie glow shining in the depths of his eyes.


The news of Carl's killing soon spread throughout the Savage Star Field.

24Outside the Black Rock City, more strong people of all races gathered.

At this time, they all want to see this Blackstone King.

After all, the other party's establishment of a royal court near Blackstone City also shocked them.

Now, he is a fierce general who kills a member of the blood clan.

Such a character is enough to make everyone fearful.

However, it is at this time.

A vast momentum, but surging.

Then, a Saint Emperor powerhouse of the Blood Clan appeared in the field.


Dressed in blood-colored armor.

As a result, the temperature in the whole field has been lowered a lot.

He stood in the middle of the field, his eyes scanning his surroundings, grim.

"King Blackstone, come out and die!"

There was a monstrous anger in his voice.

"It's the patriarch of the Blood Demon Clan, he actually came, this time Black Rock City is in danger. "

"Yes, the strength of this Blood Demon Clan is strong, and it is said that the strength of every patriarch has reached the Quasi-Saint Ninefold.

Now, since he has made a move, the Blackstone Tribe will definitely be defeated. "

"This time the Black Stone King is going to be unlucky, can he stop the Blood Demon King!"


There was a lot of discussion among the various clans, and it was obvious that the name of the Blood Demon King was called.

Make them fearful.

At this time, the face of the Black Stone King was extremely gloomy.

Because, he sensed it clearly.

The other party's cultivation has definitely reached the Triple Saint Emperor.

And the combat power is extraordinary.

Can Carl resist it?

When I think of this, I can't think about it much.


In a flash, he swept forward.

At the same time, he shouted.


The sound sounded, and there was a burst of breaking air around him in an instant.

Then, I saw that the dense blackstone royal clan masters rushed out of the blackstone tribe.

Kill the Blood Demon King.

Two Saint Emperors are two powerhouses.

Almost instantly, the battle was in one place. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The terrifying energy emanated, distorting the space around it.

However, the strength of the Blood Demon King is indeed too powerful.

In a short period of time.

The master of the Black Stone King's lineage is losing and retreating.

There was even a look of horror in his eyes.

And at this time.

A huge axe slashed down.


The head of the Black Stone King was cut off in an instant.

And the younger brother of the Black Stone King was slapped 440 by the Blood Demon King and shattered his chest.

Then, facing the guards beside him, he said lightly.

"Give you half a pillar of incense time to get rid of all these guys!"


As soon as his order fell, those soldiers of the Blood Clan roared madly and rushed forward.

Their speed was extremely fast, and wherever they passed, the Blackstone clan fell. []

The screams rang out incessantly.

But to no avail.

The high-ranking members of the Blackstone tribe were all killed.

Carl was even more completely dead.

And on the other side, outside the Blackstone Tribe.

An elite squad is slowly advancing.

The first person is the Blood Dragon Knights.

They are the top existence of the blood clan, and their strength is incomparable.

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