In the whole wilderness, they are all ranked highest.

The leader is the deputy commander of the Blood Dragon.

Now, his face is full of excitement.

Because this time, the Blood Clan cooperated with the Orc Clan and prepared to transport the Blood Clan's army into the Blood Sea Galaxy.

There are abundant resources that can supply the army to increase its strength.

If it is indeed successful, the benefits for both races are obvious.

"Blood Dragon General, ahead is the Blackstone Tribe.

Are we going to go on the offensive again!"

A general spoke.

He knew in his heart that such a war would be a heavy loss for either side.

And just after his voice fell.

The corners of the blood dragon's mouth were outlined.

Then he said coldly.

"Of course, how could such an opportunity be missed.

No matter how much it costs, as long as we can occupy the Blood Sea Galaxy, we will earn it!"

After the voice fell, the figure flew out.

Others followed.


When the two sides collided together, the blood dragon punched a blood master beside him to kill.

Then he spoke.

"Brothers, kill me!

Carl, that bastard, caused Lao Tzu to lose face.

If I can take the Blackstone Planet this time, I will make him unable to survive and die!"

After hearing the voice, the eyes of everyone around him showed a bloodthirsty light.

Then, they went to the black city.

The strength of these masters of the blood clan is already stronger than that of ordinary Blackstone clansmen.

Especially the blood dragon party, the strength is amazing.

Although there are not many of them, they can also crush the ordinary masters here.

The defenders of Blackstone City, after a brief encounter, were forced under the walls.

At this time, the Black Stone King also knew that it was not good.

The veins on his forehead swelled.

The anger in his eyes almost erupted.

At this time, he yelled.

"If you dare to hurt my son, you will have to pay the price today.

Set me up!"

As his voice fell, the ground around the city changed in an instant.

A huge formation appeared in the void.

A rich metallic energy ripples from above.

This is the moat of Blackstone City.

At the beginning, it was by this formation.

can stop the attack of the blood army, but now it is sent to use.


A huge dragon groan rang out.

Then, the body of the Black Stone King jumped up directly, and it was standing on top of the big array.

At this time, he was shrouded in dazzling golden rays.

It's like a god descending into the world. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And after seeing this scene, the blood dragon's eyes couldn't help but show a look of jealousy.

I didn't expect that in this Black Rock City, there was such a formation guard.

However, even so, under his own leadership, it is enough to defeat it.


Thinking of this, he shouted without hesitation.

And with his voice rang out.

The boundless blood mist spread between heaven and earth.

Then, a blood python that covered the sky appeared in the air.

Hit the big array hard.

The vast energy surges (King Nuo Hao).

The King of Blackstone on the city walls.

Cracked eye sockets.


Finally, in the next moment, the blood python collided with the large array.

Bursts of roars rang out between heaven and earth. []

The entire city wall was trembling.

And those blood clan masters also took advantage of the situation to enter and wanted to destroy everyone in the Blackstone clan.



With bursts of screams, there were screams.

Those of the Blackstone clan who were already injured.

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