Not an adversary at all.

In an instant, he was killed.

The smell of blood was pervasive, and the entire Blackstone Planet was plunged into desolation.

At this time, the Blackstone tribe.

Karl's face showed a look of grief and indignation.

His eyes were full of hatred.

I didn't expect that the Blackstone tribe would encounter such a catastrophe.

And the Black Stone King sat on the chair and muttered to himself sluggishly.

"It's over, this time my Blackstone clan is finished!"

At this time, even if he wanted to escape, he couldn't do it.

for the blood python was at his door.

The other party seemed to sense that he was about to flee.

There was a roar.

So that he didn't dare to move a single inch at all.

At this point, though.

The Black Stone King suddenly raised his head.

He saw a familiar figure rushing towards the outside of the city gate.

It was his son Carl.

And at this time, there are still scars on the body.

"Carl, you shouldn't have come back!"

The Black Stone King said in a deep voice.

At this time, Carl had no way to protect himself.

And just after his voice fell.

The commander of the Blood Dragon Clan opened his mouth and shouted.

"Haha, it's so good that Lord Carl came.

Today I want you to see with your own eyes that my father dies in front of you (CFDA)!"

After the voice fell, he stepped out, and his whole body swept towards Carl.

Above the arm, there was a brilliant glow.

"Get out!"

Karl roared.

At the same time, it also greeted it.


It's just that just with Carl's current strength, how can he be the opponent of the blood dragon.

As soon as he touched it, he was directly knocked out.

At this time, Karl showed a look of pain in his eyes.

But soon, it was replaced by the hideous.

looked at his aunt in the distance, and shouted through gritted teeth.

"Why did you abandon me, why!"

There was a hint of desperation in his voice.

"Carl, we have no choice but to do it, don't worry, I won't let the blood dragon hurt you!"

After hearing the voice, the Blackstone King spoke.

"Hmph, don't struggle, you think with a dilapidated moat.

Can you really stop my blood clan, it's just delusional.

I advise you to surrender, and perhaps I can spare the lives of your whole family.

Otherwise, just wait for death!"

After hearing the voice of the blood dragon, the Black Stone King showed a resolute look on his face and spoke. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


At this moment, another angry shout rang out.

Then, infinite blood swept in from afar.

The Blackstone King's eyes widened in an instant, and he recognized that this was a member of the Blood Clan.

But it's already night.

The other man's spear stabbed straight down, piercing him through a sieve.

At the same time, a knight also appeared outside the Blackstone tribe.

The armor on his body exuded a brilliant brilliance.

On the palm of his hand, the blade glowed with a cold glow.

He is a powerhouse of the Darkmoon Tribe.

And after seeing such a scene, the corners of the blood dragon's mouth showed a look of disdain.

Then came the opening.

"Now that both teams are here.

Then kill them all!"

The voice rang out. []

The powerhouse of the Dark Elf Tribe rushed towards the leader of the Dark Moon Tribe.

The two of them fought in an instant.

At this time, Carl was completely dumbfounded.

The Blackstone Clan, it's over.

His last reliance also fell into the hands of the blood python.

And at this moment, a voice did come out.

"Patriarch Blackstone, you have lived up to my expectations.

However, I want you to remember that I will help you avenge today's revenge.

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