"There are 6 hours, 03 minutes and 28 seconds left until the zombie virus outbreak...."

"27 seconds..."

"26 seconds..."

Zhang Yi looked at the decreasing numbers in front of him and couldn't help but frowned slightly.

Since he returned to his hometown from the army a week ago to handle his father's funeral, and naturally succeeded his father as the new chairman of the Universal Group.

A set of mysterious words and a terrifying countdown appeared in front of Zhang Yi's eyes.

After many verifications, he found that only he could see this set of words.

And no matter where Zhang Yi's eyes turned, these words followed him like a shadow.

Even if he closed his eyes, he could vaguely see the countdown numbers that kept decreasing in the dark.

If he hadn't received rigorous military training and had fought on the battlefield with corpses everywhere.

I'm afraid these supernatural phenomena have tortured him to a nervous breakdown.

It's better to believe it than not to believe it.

Zhang Yi started preparing early.

"Chairman, according to your request, all branches in various places have been arranged, and the materials have arrived and are all stored in warehouses 1-7 of the group's logistics company!"

"Because some materials are in short supply, the factory temporarily transferred them from other customers, so the cost is more than doubled...."

The sexy and beautiful girl standing in front of Zhang Yi is called Liu Qianqian.

She has an angelic, pure and lovely face, especially when she smiles, she is simply charming.

Liu Qianqian's skin is very white and very tender. If you look closely, your skin is almost perfect without a single flaw.

Although she is in her early twenties, she looks like she is only sixteen or seventeen years old.

What's even more rare is her curvy figure and slender, straight thighs. She can easily control any outfit.

Liu Qianqian not only has a master's degree in business administration from a top international university, she is also a national dancer, a fifth-degree black belt in Taekwondo, and a part-time print model in college....

Fortunately, she has so many skills and an outstanding resume, otherwise she would not have been able to stand out among thousands of candidates and become the personal assistant of the young chairman of the Universal Consortium.

Zhang Yi waved his hand and interrupted Liu Qianqian's words.

"The money issue doesn't matter. You did a great job on this one. What about the other one? It's been a week, and there's still no news?"

"Because we only have her nickname, it is difficult to find her real information even if we use the judicial system database...."

Liu Qianqian hesitated for a moment and finally decided to tell the truth.

"Didn't I provide you with the photo?"

Zhang Yi's voice was a little low.

There were only 6 hours left before the end of the world began. The degree of infection and the degree of zombie mutation by then were unpredictable. It would be even more difficult to find the girl named"Nono".

"That photo was taken eight years ago. For a girl who was ten years old eight years ago, she would have changed a lot in these eight years. Even old friends who haven’t seen her for a long time may not recognize her, so image matching cannot find her...."

"You mean, you have no solution at all?"

Zhang Yi raised his eyes and slowly swept them over Liu Qianqian.

He was so imposing without even getting angry!

Liu Qianqian quickly lowered her head, her heart beating like a drum.

What was going on?

Even when facing many international bigwigs, she had never been so nervous.

And Zhang Yi had just returned to the group for a week, but the aura he exuded was even more intimidating than that of the old chairman!

"Buzz! ~Buzz! ~"

At this moment, Liu Qianqian's phone vibrated.

She looked at Zhang Yi inquiringly, and after getting the latter's approval, she decisively answered the call.

"I'm Liu Qianqian, just tell me what's going on!"

Although Liu Qianqian is like a docile and cautious kitten in front of Zhang Yi, she is a well-known tough guy in the workplace and business.

So as soon as she opens her mouth, her aura is released.

The voice on the other end of the phone is very noisy, and the content of the conversation is unclear, but there is a hint of excitement in the other party's tone.

"Okay, I understand. You must get through to Dong Luyao!"

Liu Qianqian hung up the phone, and once again returned to her obedient and well-behaved appearance, reporting to Zhang Yi in a soft voice:

"Chairman, there is new news. We have found Nuonuo’s college classmate. She is currently on a plane and cannot be reached by phone, but she will land at Nancheng Airport on time at 7 o'clock tonight!"

"I have sent a security team to pick her up at the airport. I believe she will have the information we want!"

Liu Qianqian smiled slightly, and her face regained confidence.

"Seven o'clock in the evening?..."

Zhang Yi looked at his watch: the current time is 3:00 p.m.

The zombie virus will break out in six hours, which is 9:00 p.m.

After the plane lands at 7:00 p.m., there are still two hours.

If he is lucky, Nuonuo is indeed in this city, then Zhang Yi still has a chance to find her before the virus breaks out.

"Send two more security teams to be on standby with live ammunition. Gather at the logistics company in two hours and go to the airport with me later!"

"Okay, Chairman!"

Liu Qianqian saw Zhang Yi's frown relax, she smiled and turned to leave.

"Wait a minute!"

Zhang Yi suddenly remembered something and called out to Liu Qianqian.

"Hmm? Chairman, do you have anything else to say?"

"Today is Father's Day. Let employees leave work early and stop all company social activities, team building and other social activities in the evening! Let employees spend time with their families!"

""Okay, Chairman! I'll have the administration department issue a notice right away!"

Liu Qianqian nodded, turned around and walked out.

Her high heels stepped on the floor, making a rhythmic tapping sound.

Zhang Yi did not intend to make the outbreak of the zombie virus public.

Even if he did, no one would believe it, and it would also bring him unnecessary trouble.

Allowing the company's employees to spend more time with their families before the end of the world is the last benefit for them.

With the death of his father, he is now the only one left in the family.

He put the family photo on the desk into his backpack and quickly left the office building of Universal Group.

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