After leaving the headquarters of the group company, Zhang Chen went to the logistics company under it as soon as possible.

At this time, all the employees had gone home after work.

There was only one security guard at the door.

After Zhang Yi took the key from him, he dismissed him as well.

Now there was only Zhang Yi in the entire empty logistics storage center.

Soon, he found the special version of the luxury armored RV he ordered.

Zhang Chen's system can bind a non-living device or item he specified and strengthen it.

The stronger the various values of the item itself, the better the strengthening effect.

Because only one item can be bound, Zhang Chen's choice is very cautious. The cost of this RV alone reached 150 million yuan. It not only has a streamlined appearance design, an engine comparable to tank power, but also bulletproof glass and outer armor.

The unique anti-rollover and spare track design allows the RV to adapt to various terrains, and it will not roll over even if it is severely hit.

The design of the interior is even more luxurious, with solid wood floors, pure leather sofas, showers, bedrooms, kitchens, liftable terraces, etc.

When the RV is stationary, it can also expand outwards to become a luxurious villa with defensive walls.

In the end times, nothing can make people feel safer than an RV like this. You can settle down anywhere, and even if you encounter a zombie tide that you can't defeat, you can choose to escape. The design of a maximum speed of 180 kilometers per hour will definitely make it impossible for zombies to catch up.

""Bind the current vehicle!"

Zhang Yi said to the air, as if there was an invisible person in front of him.

Then, a mechanical voice sounded in his ears:

After the initial binding, it will not be changed. Host, do you confirm to bind the current vehicle?

"Confirm binding!"

Ding! The current vehicle has been bound!

【Vehicle Model]: Military-grade luxury RV customized version

【Level]: Level 1 (can be upgraded after 24 hours)

【Internal space: 50 square meters, increasing with vehicle level

【[Outer Armor Level]: Level 1, can resist 500 points of damage, and can slowly restore the resistance value by consuming material points after leaving the battle

【Weapon Level]: Level 0, no weapons equipped yet

【[Equipped accessories]:

1. Solid explosion-proof tires: allow vehicles to drive on complex roads, and reduce the damage of deceleration and wheel puncture by 50%.

2. Alloy obstacle remover: can break through traffic and concrete piers. When the speed exceeds 50 miles, the impact force doubles. Each impact will consume a certain amount of armor value depending on the intensity.

3. Primary emergency medical kit: can quickly heal patients by consuming medicine points, and can treat minor zombie bites and scratches.

Ding! The system detects that the host has bound the vehicle, and the doomsday survival system is officially activated, giving a novice gift package!

Do you want to open the novice gift package immediately?

Yes, open it immediately!

Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill detection eye, which can see the growth potential and special advantages of monsters and survivors!

Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill evil thought perception. When someone near the host has evil thoughts about the host, the host can listen to the voice of the evil thoughter! Ding!

Congratulations to the host for obtaining the void warehouse. The host can recycle energy, food, medicine, materials and other materials, store them in the RV, and can be retrieved at any time!

Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting an initial weapon. Please choose:

1. Melee weapon (a knife, hammer, axe, or dagger is randomly selected), with a bonus of strength +30!

2. Ranged weapon (a bow, slingshot, crossbow, or flying knife is randomly selected), with a bonus of agility +30!

Note: After the apocalypse begins, only cold weapons can be enhanced and upgraded. Please choose a weapon that suits you best!

"I choose 2!"

Zhang Yi said decisively.

If it is a game, close combat is definitely refreshing.

But if it is a real apocalypse, close combat with zombies or other monsters is definitely not a safe choice.

Moreover, who stipulates that with long-range weapons, Zhang Yi can't pick an ordinary melee weapon for self-defense?

Melee weapons such as axes, hammers, and knives are easy to find in the city, but bows and crossbows are not easy to find.

Even the bows and arrows in the shooting club are just entertainment-level, without arrows, and have no lethality to zombies.

So choosing 2 is the wisest.

Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the weapon: Sun-shooting Red Bow!

Sun-shooting Red Bow: can shoot particles with powerful penetrating effect Arrows (damage increases with the improvement of agility), never wear out, unlimited arrows.

Then a vermilion bracelet appeared on Zhang Yi's left wrist.

As his mind moved, a blood-red war bow appeared in his left hand.

Tong bow?

Zhang Yi remembered that Hou Yi's bow in mythology was called Tong bow, and it was also a red bow!

He stretched out his hand and pulled it, and a golden energy arrow immediately appeared at the bowstring.

And as the bowstring was pulled farther and farther, the energy arrow became thicker and thicker, and the light became brighter and brighter!


Zhang Yi let go of his hand suddenly.

An arrow shot out like a meteor, and hit the concrete wall of the warehouse with a bang.

A burnt black hole immediately appeared on it, and green smoke was still coming out.

This power...It seems to be more powerful than a gun!

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