Just now, Zhang Yi only pulled the bowstring halfway, not all the way.

The power of the bow and arrow varies with the amplitude of the bowstring.

In other words, if Zhang Yi pulls the bowstring to the maximum, the damage will increase exponentially!

In the future, as Zhang Yi's agility improves, it may not be a problem to use the Tong bow to blow up a stone wall!

It is indeed a magical weapon!

Zhang Yi put the Tong bow back into the bracelet on his left hand with satisfaction.

This design is very delicate and unique, does not take up space, and is very convenient to use!

After the personal arming is completed, the next step is to deal with the goods in the seven warehouses. As soon as Zhang Yi learned that the doomsday was coming, he asked Liu Qianqian to order supplies for seven warehouses in the name of the group.

The area of a single logistics warehouse is 2,700 square meters and can accommodate 10,000 cargo pallets.

The weight of the goods on each cargo pallet is about one ton.

A logistics warehouse can store about 10,000 tons of supplies.

There are three warehouses for fresh meat, vegetables, fruits and common food alone, and two warehouses for various alloys and steel.

Half of the warehouse was filled with medicines, and half of the warehouse was filled with daily necessities.

The last warehouse was filled with seeds for crops and farming machinery.

In the parking lot of the logistics company, there were also fifty heavy trucks carrying oil tankers, each of which was loaded with 250,000 liters of gasoline.

These things were enough for Zhang Yi to consume in several lifetimes. It took him more than two hours to store all these supplies in the void warehouse.

The volume of the void warehouse is infinite, and the items placed in it will remain in a state of time stillness.

That is to say, if you put fresh meat in, no matter how long it is stored, when you take it out, it will remain as fresh as when it was just put in. Moreover, the metal materials and energy in the void warehouse can be replenished by themselves to the loss of the RV.

These resources can ensure that Zhang Yi can continue to live an"ordinary" life with no worries about food and clothing in the end times.

Zhang Yi drove the RV to the reservoir and absorbed enough water resources.

There is a water purification circulation system in the RV, which can turn even seawater into drinkable fresh water.

So there is no need to stock up on purified water. Tap water, river water, rainwater, and even seawater can all be used.

Everything is ready.

Liu Qianqian arrived with two security teams.

"Chairman, everything has been arranged at the company. Shall we go to the airport now?"

Liu Qianqian stood at the gate of the logistics company and called Zhang Yi.

"Come on, get in my car.!"


Liu Qianqian obediently got into Zhang Yi's luxury RV.

As soon as she came in, she was shocked by the luxurious decoration style inside.

Magnificent interior, modern kitchen, and gym? And a super large LCD screen!

How can this be an RV?

It's simply a mobile mansion!

When Liu Qianqian saw a double bed with two pillows in the car, she couldn't help but be slightly startled.

It is normal to have a bed in an RV.

But the situation in front of us can't help but make people imagine!

Handsome chairman, beautiful personal female assistant, luxury RV!

Plus, it's almost dark.

There will probably be a romantic red wine dinner in a while, and then the car will drive to the suburbs.

The two of them faced the night...

Such an environment made Liu Qianqian think about it randomly.

Zhang Yi was a famous playboy before he joined the army.

He had been involved in scandals with countless celebrities, models, and internet celebrities.

Who knows if his personality would be restrained after joining the army?

But I heard that he hardly saw women when he was in the army....

Could it be that Zhang Yi wanted to do something with her?

The more Liu Qianqian thought about it, the faster her heart beat, and her face turned red.

"Hey, what are you doing standing there like an idiot? Take off your shoes!"

Zhang Yi sat on the sofa, with his right arm on the backrest, as if waiting for Liu Qianqian to lean into his arms.


Liu Qianqian was a little confused.

But under Zhang Yi's aura, she took off her high heels obediently and walked slowly to Zhang Yi's side.

Her pretty face turned red and she curled up in his arms.

"Chairman, we are not ready yet...."

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Zhang Yi looked at Liu Qianqian, whose face was as red as an apple, and was also a little confused.

"Not You...Did you ask me to take off my shoes?..."

Liu Qianqian's voice was as small as a mosquito, almost inaudible

"I asked you to change your shoes and drive, but how can you drive in high heels? Are you planning to let me drive you?"


Liu Qianqian realized that she had misunderstood, and quickly bowed to Zhang Yi to apologize, then ran to the driving position like a frightened deer and started the RV.

Zhang Yi looked at Liu Qianqian's reaction and just found it funny. He couldn't help but sigh: Boys must protect themselves when they are alone outside!

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