Zhang Yi has driven many types of cars, especially sports cars.

Before he joined the army, he drove a different car every day of the week.

He really enjoys the feeling of being far ahead of others in a sports car. This is the first time he has driven a heavyweight RV like this.

Due to the tonnage issue, although its horsepower is stronger than that of ordinary sports cars, its starting speed is definitely not comparable to that of sports cars.

It is only about the same starting speed as an ordinary family car.

The RV is like a behemoth on the road, looking down on the small cars that are surrendering to it around it.

Many drivers have never seen such a cool RV, and they all rolled down their windows and looked up. Suddenly, a red sports car with dazzling high beams overtook from the side.

There was a man and a woman sitting inside. The man was thin and looked like he had indulged himself too much.

The girl next to him was quite pretty, and her beautiful eyes glanced at Zhang Yi's RV from time to time.

"Honey, look at this RV, it’s so cool, I like it so much, would you like to buy one too?"

"This way we can rest wherever we go in the future, how convenient it is!"

The girl begged in a coquettish voice.

""Tsk, what's so cool about this broken car? Is it as cool as my Koenigsegg?"

The second-generation rich man looked jealous and said disdainfully:"This kind of car has no appearance and no speed. Whoever buys it is a fool! Just wait and see how I deal with it!"

After the second-generation rich man finished speaking, he stepped on the accelerator.

The sports car quickly cut into the gap between Zhang Yi and the car in front like an arrow from a string.

Anyone who has driven a car knows that cars driving on the road normally need to keep a safe distance in front and behind.

In this way, when there is an accident in front and the car brakes suddenly, the car behind can also make a prediction in advance to prevent a rear-end collision.

Zhang Yi's RV is large in size and mass, so at the same speed, the braking distance will definitely be longer.

Therefore, he keeps a safe distance from the car in front, which also allows the sports car to easily cut in.

Seeing the sports car cutting in, Zhang Yi had to step on the brakes to slow down the car.

"You see, this kind of car is so bulky and not suitable for driving on the road at all. If you want to rest in the wild, it would be more comfortable to stay in a hotel directly!"

"It's totally useless, just watch me scare him!"

The rich second generation looked at the beautiful woman next to him and said proudly, suddenly stepped on the brakes, and then stepped on the accelerator, and the car immediately jumped forward.

""Fuck, idiot?"

Zhang Yi's face suddenly darkened.

The red car in front was clearly provoking him!

A sports car and my RV want to play racing?

What's wrong with his brain!

Now it was completely dark, and all the cars were turning on their lights.

Zhang Yi's headlights were xenon lamps for off-road driving, bright white, and more powerful than ordinary xenon lamps.

Especially the high beam, which was almost as bright as a searchlight.

If it was turned on all the time, it would definitely blind the car in front of him like a blind person, unable to see anything.

Zhang Yi pressed the high and low beam lights and flashed the car in front as a warning.

"Damn, this guy actually dared to shake me!"

The rich second generation's eyes were stimulated by the strong light, and tears flowed out because of the stress reaction.

"I'm going to teach you a lesson!"

"Wouldn't this be dangerous?..."

The girl said with some concern

"If it's not dangerous, what's dangerous?! Do you think he dares to hit me?"

"I was driving normally in the lane. If he had rear-ended me, it would have been fully his fault. He would not only have to pay for my car repairs, but also his own!"

""See if he has the guts to hit me!"

After saying that, the rich second generation stepped on the brakes hard, and the tires rubbed out two dark deceleration marks on the ground, and a sharp brake sound was heard.

He has done this more than once.

Every time it works.

Because his car is expensive, for ordinary people, he would have to pay a huge loss if he rear-ended another.

Once again, he used this method to force a large truck to overturn.

Then he drove away.

In the eyes of this rich second generation, the RV behind must be more cumbersome, and it is possible that it will crash into the speed bump next to it in order to avoid him.

So after he stepped on the brakes, he did not rush to speed up, but looked at the RV behind him in the rearview mirror with gloating, ready to see the RV behind him make a fool of himself.

However, this time he made a mistake.

Because the RV behind him not only did not slow down, but suddenly stepped on the accelerator.

Then, the rich second generation suddenly felt that he was flying, and the surrounding scenery was spinning 360 degrees outside the window.

At the moment he landed, he saw a red Dongfeng heavy truck coming from the opposite direction....

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