
With a loud bang, the sports car that had just landed on the other side of the road was smashed into a pile of scrap metal by the oncoming heavy truck.

The people inside were probably doomed.

Zhang Yi drove the RV calmly and glanced at the armor value on the dashboard:


The lost armor value will be automatically replenished after 2 minutes.

He knocked a sports car away, but only lost two points of armor value!

Wow, the armor effect is still very good!

As long as the armor value is not depleted to zero, the exterior of the RV will not be damaged in any way.

Now the paint on the exterior of the RV is not even scratched at all.

""I'm fully responsible, go ahead and sue me!"

Zhang Yi said lightly.

However, the rich second generation will probably never hear this sentence again.

Along the way, except for the little episode just now, everything went smoothly.

Because the end of the world has not really arrived, the city traffic is still in order, and it is not the evening rush hour.

So Zhang Yi quickly drove onto the highway, and then drove into the service area about 20 minutes before the zombie virus outbreak. The

Tianyang Service Area is only about 30 kilometers away from the highway exit, which is very close, so there are not many vehicles parked here.

There were sparse pedestrians in the service area, and the KFC restaurant was still open.

Zhang Yi parked the RV in a relatively secluded location behind the flower bed, then walked to the KFC restaurant, bought a family bucket, and a double set meal, and packed them up and took them back to the RV.

This may be the last KFC he can eat.

Zhang Yi took out a piece of steaming original chicken, tore off a large piece of meat with his hands and put it in his mouth.

The aroma of fried chicken instantly filled the RV.

"How are you? Are you okay?"

Zhang Yi sat on the sofa and asked Liu Qianqian who was lying flat on the bed.

"I...I feel a little sleepy and can't open my eyes...cough cough...cough cough..."

As she spoke, Liu Qianqian actually coughed a few times.

"Is there any water? I want some water...."

Zhang Yi brought half a cup of water, walked to the bedside, and carefully fed Liu Qianqian to drink.

Probably choking, Liu Qianqian spit out all the water in her mouth, and then began to cough violently.

"You take a rest first. If you are fine in ten minutes, you can have dinner with me!"

Zhang Yi wiped the water marks on Liu Qianqian's mouth and fair neck with his hands, then returned to the sofa and turned on the TV.

It was almost nine o'clock in the evening, which should have been the time for TV series and variety shows.

But the TV station unexpectedly interrupted the news:

"A vicious and fatal disease is sweeping the world. Currently, patients in countries around the world have been suffering from severe coughing, suffocation, and even vomiting blood. The illness period is very short, and they will die from lack of oxygen within a dozen minutes of the onset of the disease!"

"The Federal Health Organization has announced that it will intervene in the investigation and has found a virus that has been discovered for the first time in humans in the patient's body. The route of its transmission is still unknown. Citizens are advised to stay away from crowded places and stay at home as much as possible!"

"A strange thing happened in Nanshan Cemetery today. All fifty corpses in the morgue suddenly twitched, and some even fell to the ground. Some religious leaders claimed that this was a sign of the end of the world, and this statement led to some members of the sect committing suicide...."

Zhang Yi randomly switched to several channels, all of which were such news.

Some TV stations even invited medical experts to interview programs, and there were still audiences watching.

Even the movie channel was playing the movie"World War Z"!

It was playing the part where the protagonist was running in panic on the road with his wife and daughter.

Behind him, a bitten man was twisting his body in pain on the ground.

Accompanied by the sound of children counting, when it counted to 12, the man on the ground suddenly stood up, screaming and joining the scene of chasing the living.

Zhang Yi subconsciously looked at the time, and it was exactly 9 o'clock in the evening!

The countdown was over.

The whole world seemed to fall into silence in an instant.

The TV screen suddenly turned into snowflakes.

The pedestrians outside the RV all stood there in a daze, and even the waiter in the restaurant kept smiling and froze there.

Time stood still for two seconds.

Suddenly, the lights in the RV flickered.

The TV restored the picture again.

A strange scene happened.

The host who was broadcasting live suddenly fell forward, landing on his face in the most painful position.

There was a dull thud.

Not only the host, but also the director fell to the ground as if his soul had been pulled out.

Plop, plop, bang!

The sound of falling continued one after another, and the cameraman watched the scene in front of him helplessly.

He turned the camera to the audience, but found that most of the people in the audience were also dead, slumped in their chairs.

A five or six-year-old girl found that her parents had no response, and she burst into tears helplessly.

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