Zhang Yi looked outside the RV.

The situation outside was the same. Most people fell to the ground without any warning.

Some fell on the flower bed, some fell on the steps, and some fell the moment the car door was opened.

The car door was open, and the pet dog inside was licking its owner's face with concern, as if trying to wake him up.

The worst was the waiter who was frying French fries. He fell forward with his whole head immersed in the boiling hot oil.

With a sizzling sound, wisps of light smoke came out of his face.

The end of the world has finally come....

Fortunately, not everyone will mutate!

If that were the case, Zhang Yi would be too lonely living alone in the world.

He counted the people who fell and stood near the RV, and roughly estimated the ratio.

Take the number of people in the service area as an example, it is basically 3:7.

The number of people who fell to the ground is 7, and the number of people who are not affected is 3.

If we extrapolate according to this ratio, then out of the 10 billion people in the world, 7 billion people will become bloodthirsty monsters.

And after tonight, the proportion of zombies will be even higher.

Boom! ~

No sound from the outside world can be heard in the RV, but the change in light outside can be felt.

Zhang Yi turned his head.

A large truck on the highway lost control and overturned.

The long container blocked the highway and collided with the tanker behind.

Sparks ignited the fuel and set off a huge fire.

The huge column of fire was clearly visible one kilometer away.

Before the zombies arrived, the highway had become a slaughterhouse.

One after another, cars driving at high speed lost control, collided, rolled and were crushed to pieces.

With the light from the fire, Zhang Yi vaguely saw a group of palm-sized birds in the sky, fluttering their wings in the sky for a while, and then resolutely rushed into the fire....

Will birds fly into fire?

Zhang Yi was a little confused.

People always say moths fly into fire, but never heard of birds flying into fire.

Could it be that...

Those guys are not birds, but moths that have been infected by the zombie virus and mutated?

Palm-sized moths?

I saw those moths rushing into the flames one after another.

Their wings are very flammable. The moment they encounter the open flame, they immediately turn into a wisp of colorful smoke and evaporate and disappear.

The end of the world has come, and everything has become a little unbelievable.

"Ho Ho...Well..."

The familiar growl of zombies that only appeared in movies came out.

Zombies cannot make sounds. The sound is the meaningless friction sound made by the air flowing through the throat.

This sound came from the TV.

The female host on the TV screen slowly climbed up from the ground, and her body twisted into an S shape.

It was not an S shape with a convex front and a curved back, but an S shape when viewed from the front.

The hips and head were twisted in opposite directions, and one hand was held at the waist like a spasm, shaking constantly.

Her eyes were dim, as if covered with a layer of gray film, and saliva mixed with blood flowed from the corners of her mouth.


"Live broadcast, live broadcast now, hey, are you okay?"

The cameraman reminded quietly


The host was attracted by the cameraman's voice and turned his head quickly in the direction of the cameraman.

As soon as their eyes met, the cameraman realized that something was wrong.

But before he could turn around and run away, the female host had already rushed up at a very fast speed. She completely ignored the danger of exposing herself in her professional short skirt.

She spread her legs and jumped in front of the cameraman in a few steps. She jumped hard and threw herself on the latter.

Her legs tightly wrapped around the cameraman's waist, and finally opened her mouth and bit the latter's neck fiercely.

""Ah! Help!"

The cameraman shouted instinctively.

With that, all the zombies in the audience seemed to be activated and began to rush towards the cameraman.

They did not come from the aisle, but directly stepped on the backs of the seats in the audience and rushed down.

It was like a torrent of zombies flowing on the backs of the seats. They were unaware of their broken arms, and their eyes revealed their desire and greed for raw meat.


The other survivors in the venue were frightened by such a scene.

Some smart people ran out through the emergency exit the moment the shock happened.

But some people were so scared that their legs went weak and they stood there screaming desperately.

However, screaming like this would not only prevent them from surviving, but even make them the new target of the zombies!

Sound, these zombies are sensitive to sound!

Zhang Yi nodded.

Suddenly, he remembered something, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

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