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Zhang Yi took advantage of the cover of the green belt and quickly ran to the door of the Holiday Inn.

Then, at the moment when the guard lit a cigarette, he passed the sentry at the door and successfully came to the outer wall of the hotel building.

Because zombies are afraid of water, they rarely appear on the beach.

Even if there are zombies infected on the beach, they will gradually leave the beach without a source of attraction.

So in theory, the defense behind the hotel is much weaker than the front.

It is suitable for sneaking in from there.

Zhang Yi came to the back of the hotel lightly.

Originally, this was a large water park.

But now it has been surrounded by a cage with high barbed wire.

The water park is full of blood stains, and there are some things like broken limbs.

It's as if it has just been baptized by zombies.

Two Luo Yunguo coast guards were chatting against the cage, and they would laugh from time to time.

Zhang Yi didn't understand Luo���, and he was not interested in the content of their conversation.

He passed by them like the wind.

The two people were so engrossed in their conversation that one of them was stunned for a moment, as if he had noticed something.

But he soon immersed himself in the pleasant chat again.

Zhang Yi saw a paper notebook on an observation platform next to the iron cage.

A long row of information was neatly recorded on it.

The front was a serial number written in Arabic numerals, and there were two groups of Luo Yun characters at the back, and numbers were also marked behind each group of characters.

Zhang Yi took a curious look.

There were many Xia characters mixed in with the Luo Yun characters.

It happened that the two groups of characters recorded here were recorded in Xia characters.

And the general meaning can be guessed from the literal meaning.

The first group of Luo Yun characters was written as"藏", and there were a bunch of ghost-like characters behind it.

The second group of Luo Yun characters was written as"斗", and there were also a few incomprehensible characters behind it. The first line read"藏10-, 斗10-3"

The second line read"藏10-9, 斗10-4"

The third line read"藏10-, 斗10-2.....

As the number of lines increases, the number of"藏10" remains unchanged, but the number behind it is gradually decreasing.

However, the number behind"斗10-" is gradually increasing.

At the end of the note, the observer also wrote a name and drew a circle on it.

And wrote a big question mark on it.

Based on this information, Zhang Yi roughly guessed what this note is used for.

It is a survivor test.

Each time there are 20 people, 10 are designated to hide, and 10 are designated to fight.

Then a large number of zombies are released.

Let the survivors survive according to the specified rules.

After the test time is over, the zombies are removed.

Then the number of survivors who survived in hiding and the number of survivors who survived in the battle are recorded in the notebook.

There is such a set of observation results.

If this set of data is objective enough, it can at least explain two conclusions.

The first conclusion is what Zhang Yi knew a long time ago.

That is, killing zombies can make people gradually stronger.

It is for this reason that the survivors who participate in the battle are stronger and less likely to be killed by zombies.

The most intuitive manifestation is that the number of survivors is increasing.

As for the name written on the notebook, it should be the person who survived the most times and was the strongest in this death test.

The observer has become interested in his strength.

The second conclusion is a phenomenon that Zhang Yi has never noticed, and it is also a very serious problem.

That is, the survival rate of survivors in hiding is getting smaller and smaller.

Logically speaking, zombies have no IQ.

They rely entirely on sound and vision to discover humans and hunt them.

As long as humans hide in the room, draw the curtains, and do not make any sound.

Then this person is invisible and non-existent to the zombies.

Even if the zombies walk to the door of this person's house, they will not knock on the door, because they don't realize that there are survivors behind the door.

But this set of experimental data proved to Zhang Yi that zombies can"remember" the hiding places of survivors.

More and more hiding places are discovered by zombies, so the number of hiding survivors has been greatly reduced.

And the"remembering" of zombies is not individual memory, but group memory.

That is to say, if a zombie finds a hiding place of a human, then all nearby zombies will know that this place has hidden humans.

So they will take the initiative to explore similar places.

This is a terrible discovery.

If this conclusion is true, then it will be difficult for the survivor camps in this world to survive on their own.

The older the camp is, the more human memories it gives to the zombies.

The easier it is to attract the attack of the zombie tide!

It can be seen that the sudden encounter of the zombie tide in Linhai County is definitely not a coincidence.

Survivors there are often killed and turned into zombies.

Then they are eliminated by the National Defense Army.

Those newly transformed zombies share their memories of nearby humans with the zombies around them.

In this way, little by little, the accumulation eventually led to the arrival of the zombie tide.

Zhang Yi took a photo of all the information in this book with his mobile phone and backed it up.

Only then did he sneak into the Holiday Inn from the back door.

Linhai City is now in a state of major power outage.

Although the Holiday Inn has a backup generator, the fuel resources are limited.

Electricity is not enabled during the day, and it will only be used at night.

Therefore, the surveillance in the hotel is now completely useless and useless.

Moreover, the corridors of the hotel can only be illuminated by the light coming through the windows, which is particularly dim.

It is very suitable for Zhang Yi to lurk and fight.

He must find the place where these Luo Yuns hid the gold before dark.

Zhang Yi didn't want to have a direct conflict with these guys before he found the gold.

Although they were definitely not Zhang Yi's opponents.

But these gold-loving guys would rather take the location of the gold into the grave than reveal it to Zhang Yi.

Then his trip would be in vain!

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