Zhang Yi walked quickly in the corridor.

From the first floor to the second floor, and then quickly to the third floor.

This floor seemed to be a barracks, with many coast guards and Luo Yunguo's people resting, chatting, and making noises here.

Going up one floor, the atmosphere suddenly changed.

The whole corridor was dead silent, with only a few guards walking back and forth.

There was a piece of paper on the door of each room with a number written on it.

Each room was different, there were 22, 35, 25, 28...

Basically, they are between 20 and 40, and I don't know what it means.

Zhang Yi was about to continue walking up along the safety passage, when suddenly, he sensed someone coming down from the building.

It was a patrol soldier.

There were four people in a row, with scattered steps.

They walked down slowly.

Climbing stairs every day is a strenuous job.

These soldiers were so tired that they didn't even have the interest to talk.

They just patrolled numbly, hoping to change shifts as soon as possible.

At the moment when they were about to turn around, Zhang Yi jumped under the platform, gently supported his hand, and his whole body was pressed against the wall.

This posture seemed extremely inconsistent with the laws of physics and biology.

One hand actually supported the whole body from the side with only the force of the fingers?!

If Zhang Yi's current physical condition had not far exceeded the upper limit of humans, he would not believe that he could make such a move.

After the patrol soldier walked past, he jumped lightly and came to the fifth floor.

There was no movement throughout the whole process.

As soon as he arrived at the fifth floor, Zhang Yi smelled the fragrance of women's cosmetics and skin care products.

Some doors on this floor were open, and some were closed.

Women were standing in front of the open doors.

They were only wearing underwear, with a thin layer of translucent gauze shawl on the outside, leaning against the door.

Strange noises came from the closed doors.

After a while, the innermost door opened.

A man from Luo Yunguo came out with a satisfied look on his face. The buttons of his military uniform were not fastened yet, and he walked towards the safe passage with his clothes open and a smile.

After a while, a pretty girl, who looked to be just 18 years old, came.

She held the wall with her hands, bent her waist, and staggered to the door.

It seemed that she couldn't even stand straight, with a face full of pain. It turned out that this floor was a place for Luo Yun people to vent.

This group of perverts actually captured women from Xiaguo and locked them up here for their enjoyment.

Zhang Yi's face darkened.

The survivors only saw that there was nothing to say about attacking each other, and it was a matter of winners and losers.

There were also some crazy survivors who didn't even let go of little girls.

There were scumbags everywhere.

But when these scumbags were revealed to be Luo Yun people, Zhang Yi suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

It was as uncomfortable as if he had eaten a fly.

When the gold is found, these Luo Yun people must pay a more tragic price.


Zhang Yi took an inadvertent glance.

Suddenly he found that the military rank of this Luo Yun officer was very high. He might be a leader here.

Maybe by following him, he could find the gold.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi took out the gold jewelry given to him by the man in sunglasses from his pocket. He picked out an extremely thin gold necklace and threw it at the entrance of the safe passage.

Then he dodged and hid behind the door.

Zhang Yi listened to the footsteps of Officer Luo Yun getting closer and closer.

Just when he came to the door of the safe passage, he suddenly stopped.

Sure enough!

The Luo Yun people are extremely sensitive to gold.

Even in such dim light, he could still find this incredibly thin gold necklace.

"Nanda? Kelewa Nandadu?

Officer Luo Yun muttered a few words, as if complaining about some careless person who lost the gold without knowing it.

He picked up the gold necklace with a smile and put it in his trouser pocket.

He just walked into the safe passage and suddenly stopped again.

The soldier's intuition told him that there seemed to be someone in this passage!

So he turned around and looked left and right....No one!

He took a few steps forward, then suddenly stopped....Still no one!

The entire safety passage was terribly quiet, and even the sound of landing could be heard clearly.

If there were really other people nearby, this person would have to breathe.

In such a quiet environment, breathing sounds are easily detected.

Officer Luo Yun held his breath and listened for a while.

There were no other sounds, and there was indeed no one nearby.

Was he too tired just now? Was it an illusion?

He shook his head and walked upstairs.

In fact, his intuition was not wrong, Zhang Yi had been hiding behind him.

It was just that Officer Luo Yun's speed was too slow in Zhang Yi's eyes.

The latter could have made a timely response based on the former's movement, just not far away, stuck in the other party's blind spot.

So no matter how Officer Luo Yun turned his head, he would never see Zhang Yi.

Moreover, Zhang Yi's physical fitness had long surpassed that of normal people. His breathing was extremely light, and ordinary people could not detect his existence at all.

In this way, Zhang Yi followed Officer Luo Yun like a ghost, layer by layer, and walked to the presidential suite on the top floor.

At this point, Zhang Yi had no way to continue following.

Because the guards on this floor were extremely strict, and the guards stood at a certain angle to each other, there were almost no blind spots or dead angles.

But for Zhang Yi, he didn't need to continue following Officer Luo Yun.

Because he already knew that there was a high possibility that he wanted something in the presidential suite.

So Zhang Yi took advantage of the slight sound of Officer Luo Yun opening the door of the presidential suite to cover up, and he also gently opened the exhaust vent.

Then he got in with a flash.

Zhang Yi crawled quietly and quickly in the exhaust vent.

Soon he came to the top of the presidential suite.

Looking down from the air outlet in the living room.

There was a group of Luo Yun girls living here, about 18 years old, and the oldest was no more than 25 years old.

It was the age of youth and glory.

They stepped barefoot on the soft carpet, and several girls were playing, chasing and playing.

The TV was playing classic movies of Luo Yun country. The coffee table was full of snacks, drinks, and even nuts collected from the survivors.

Some snacks were opened and only eaten a few bites, and then scattered there.

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