? ? ?!!!

Zhang Yi was surprised.

It was true that he was very confident in his own strength, but he was not so arrogant as to think he was the best in the world. Unexpectedly, the system gave him an SSS combat potential rating!

Zhang Yi is a natural combat genius?!

That's it!

Zhang Yi nodded.

No wonder he had only been in the army for 4 years, and everything went smoothly. It wasn't long before he was selected into the special operations team.

Not long after, he became the captain of the ace team.

I thought it was because of my father's connections and the power of money.

Now it seems that it was actually due to my own strength!

Thinking back to the enemies I encountered before, they didn't seem to be so weak.

Although he completed each mission very easily, Zhang Yi did not have the slightest sense of accomplishment.

He always thought that the other party was letting him go, or that the leader deliberately assigned him a simple task.

Looking back now, he couldn't help but sigh that he had really wronged them at the beginning.

"call...call...Don't chase me away...Let me do anything...Woohoo..."

Zhang Yi was reviewing his glorious achievements.

Liu Qianqian was mumbling in her sleep.

She kicked her hands and feet, as if trying to break free from the ropes. She cried as if she had suffered a great injustice.

Although she closed her eyes, she couldn't help but shed tears, which fell on the plastic sheet and formed a small puddle.

"Please, Brother Yi...Don't chase me away...OK...OK..."

In her dream, Liu Qianqian called Zhang Yi"Brother Yi" instead of"Chairman".

It is said that dreams are projections of a person's subconscious mind. Did she call him that because she subconsciously always regarded Zhang Yi as her own relative instead of the chairman?

Perhaps it is precisely because she regards Zhang Yi as her own relative that Liu Qianqian spares no effort in doing things and does not care about gains and losses.

No matter what happens, the first thing she considers is Zhang Yi's interests.

It seems that Zhang Yi's statement to Liu Qianqian during the day that he wanted her to go home seemed to be a big blow to her.

Unexpectedly, an insignificant matter in Zhang Yi's eyes turned out to be so important to Liu Qianqian. She was even reviewing this scene in her dream.

""Hush! Don't worry, I won't chase you away! You'll stay with me from now on!"

Zhang Yi suddenly felt soft-hearted.

He reached out and gently stroked Liu Qianqian's smooth cheek and patted her hair.

Then he untied the rope tied to her.

Since the mutation has already occurred, those who have not mutated yet are naturally the survivors selected by nature.

They are no longer a threat to Zhang Yi. As soon as Zhang Yi untied the rope on Liu Qianqian, the latter immediately curled up into a ball like a wronged kitten.

Just like a baby in the mother's womb, she was still sobbing softly.

Her weak shoulders trembled with her sobs.


Zhang Yi couldn't help but sigh heavily when he saw Liu Qianqian's pitiful appearance.

The scene in front of him reminded him of his experience in the army.

Zhang Yi once saved a high school girl in the war.

The girl's parents were killed by stray bullets in the war.

Every night when the girl was sleeping, she was like this, and only when Zhang Yi hugged her from behind would she feel relieved.

In the morning, she would forget the nightmare at night and smile as brightly as a child.

At night, she fell into the nightmare again, and it went on and on.

Zhang Yi lay down behind Liu Qianqian quietly, one arm passed under her neck, and the other hand He put his arm around her shoulders.

After all, Zhang Yi is also a human being, not just a killing machine.

To his teammates, brothers, and relatives and confidants, Zhang Yi is definitely a reliable elder brother and a gentleman who keeps his promises.

But to everyone else, especially those who dare to have bad intentions towards Zhang Yi or the people around him.

Zhang Yi is the devil lurking in the night, a villain who will do anything to achieve his goals, and a cold-blooded executioner!

Sure enough, the moment Zhang Yi hugged Liu Qianqian.

The latter stopped sobbing immediately.

After a while, the stiff body gradually relaxed.

There was even a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

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