Outside the RV was a killing field.

Countless zombies chased the living with bared fangs and claws, tearing them apart, dismembering them, and eating them.

The survivors were fleeing madly, struggling to survive.

Wails, screams, and the cold and terrifying roars of the zombies filled the air.

But the RV was warm.

Liu Qianqian's hand tightly grasped Zhang Yi's big hand, like a drowning person grasping the last life-saving driftwood.

Suddenly, Liu Qianqian turned around and slowly opened her beautiful eyes.

The two looked into each other's eyes.......

The shock absorption performance of the RV is very good, especially when it is parked.

The four corners will automatically extend the legs to support the ground.

In this way, no matter if people are dancing, dancing or doing anything else in the RV, the body of the RV will not shake, and from the outside, it is impossible to see that there are people inside!

So in the eyes of the zombies, the parked RV is no different from a big rock.

It has no attraction.

They chased the living people and ran away around the RV....

The lights in the RV have a human body sensing system.

It can intelligently sense Zhang Yi's activity status and adjust the brightness of the lights according to his heart rate.

At first, the lights were bright and dazzling. After a while, they gradually dimmed and went out. The music became smaller and smaller, and finally stopped playing.

Probably because of yesterday's driving, coupled with the bumpy road and fatigue, Liu Qianqian's physical energy consumption was very large.

The next day, when Liu Qianqian opened her beautiful eyes and stretched with satisfaction, it was already bright outside.

The sun shone on him through the window of the RV, warm and cozy.

"It's time to eat! Lazy boy!"

Zhang Yi sat at the dining table, tapping the cup with a spoon and said

"You got up later than me, and you even need me to make breakfast for you!"

Liu Qianqian stuck out her tongue in embarrassment.

She hurriedly climbed down from the bed, and as soon as her legs touched the ground, she realized that her lost strength had not yet recovered.

Her legs went weak and she almost fell.

Fortunately, she reached out to hold on to the wall of the RV, and then she slowly walked over.

Liu Qianqian smiled apologetically, her eyes full of love.

"Chairman, I will pay attention next time.~"

"Don't call me chairman anymore. I'm no longer chairman. Just call me Zhang Yi or Brother Yi."

Zhang Yi looked out the window and said absentmindedly.

""Okay, Brother Yi!"

Liu Qianqian's face flushed.

She liked to call Zhang Yi that, and she was willing to do anything as long as she could stay by Zhang Yi's side.

Liu Qianqian took a bite of the sunny-side-up egg, feeling very happy.

This was the breakfast Zhang Yi made for her personally!

Although it was also a sunny-side-up egg, this breakfast tasted better than any Michelin chef's!

It was so delicious~

Liu Qianqian wolfed down her breakfast.

She was still secretly glancing at Zhang Chen's handsome face.

Suddenly, her expression froze.

Because she followed Zhang Yi's gaze and saw the scene in the service area outside the window.

Today It was the first day of the apocalypse.

Yesterday was a peaceful and prosperous time.

But today everything has changed.

The entire service area is empty, without a single person.

It seems that there was a brutal massacre here last night.

The ground was covered with blood.

Four or five cars crashed into each other in the parking lot. The car in the middle was even flattened, with a tire scattered on the ground.

The blood flowing under the car gathered into streams, and finally gathered at the edge of the blocked sewer.

At the water inlet of the sewer, there was a puppy's head blocking it, and its body had been eaten away.

"this...What on earth happened?"

Liu Qianqian was frightened.

Any normal person would have such an expression when seeing such a scene.

Zhang Yi had anticipated this a long time ago. He raised his hand and played the recording of last night's TV program.

Then he briefly explained the current situation to Liu Qianqian.

The latter was so surprised at what happened that she sat there for a long time before accepting the fact that the end of the world had come.

I didn't expect that something like a zombie outbreak that existed in movies would actually appear in the real world!

Everything came so suddenly, without any signs.

PS: All the girls who are described in detail in the book and have more interactions with the protagonist are virgins, and they are all recommended. It's just a matter of time. It can't be that all of them are beauties, and they can be taken at the first sight. Stallions have no souls.

All those whose appearance is not described are ugly, and all the supporting girls who are abandoned by the protagonist are green tea. Please use this idea to fill in the blanks. Thank you

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