""Let's go, let's take these two people back. We have so much more food, it's a great harvest! Brother Long will definitely reward us well!"

Barley said excitedly, and then rode his motorcycle back to the roadside in the distance.

A white pickup truck drove over.

The front of the pickup truck was severely damaged, and the left headlight was broken.

There were also dark brown dried blood stains on the seat. It seems that the owner of this car did not have a good experience before his death.

The two people hurriedly lifted the two people onto the pickup truck.

When lifting the girl, the two men did not stop.

After everything was ready, the pickup truck slowly drove down from the highway exit more than ten kilometers away, and soon arrived at the only high school in the town: Sishui Town No. 1 High School.

When the doomsday came, the whole school was in evening self-study.

In order to prevent students from escaping from the school in the dark to surf the Internet, the security guard deliberately opened the front of the teaching building. The back door was locked.

No matter how many students were survivors in the building, they could not escape from the teaching building.

They could only watch as they were dismembered and eaten by zombies.

The entrance to the teaching building was splattered with blood so that you couldn't see what was going on inside.

But every night, through the lighted windows, you could see countless figures wandering slowly.

Some figures would even twitch suddenly, which was extremely weird and terrifying.

Gangzi and Damai were two poor students who often skipped classes.

When the end of the world came, they were playing games in an Internet cafe with the local gangster leader"Brother Long". Fortunately, there were few people in the Internet cafe during this time period, so they barely escaped.

Now, the entire Sishui No. 1 High School has been completely occupied by gangsters headed by Brother Long.

"Brother Long, we are back, what a great harvest!"

Gangzi and Damai parked the car in front of the gymnasium and walked in excitedly.

"There are so many supplies, and there is a man who is dying, and a woman who is unconscious!"

Da Mai also rushed to say, fearing that all the credit would be taken by Gangzi alone.

"Well, that's right, I knew I was right about you two, tie these two people to the wall, remember to call me if the man is dead!"

Brother Long was naked from the waist up, revealing a dragon head tattoo that took up most of his body, holding an axe for chopping wood in his hand.

The axe was rusty and stained with blood.

But Brother Long didn't care, now this axe didn't need to chop wood anymore, as long as it could kill people.

"Okay, Brother Long...but..."

Gangzi looked at the unconscious woman reluctantly.

Although she was eight or nine years older than him, her figure was much fuller than that of a high school girl, and she was more mature and sexy.

It would be a pity to kill her like this.

"If you have to fart, just fart. Why hesitate like a woman? This is the end of the world. It’s the world of men. Do you understand?"

Brother Long spit on the waxed floor of the gymnasium.

"Um, can this woman let us have sex? We haven't touched a woman before!"

"Yes, Brother Long, if it doesn't work, you go first, and we can both go later!"

Gangzi and Damai's greedy eyes wandered over the girl's body.

"Brother, it’s the end of the world now. Women are the most useless things. What else are they good for except wasting food?"

"Do we have to pay for one more person's food just to make you happy? And we have to be on guard against this woman stabbing us in the back?"

"You two should use your brains and be smart. If you want to achieve great things, don't be obsessed with women. Once we become strong, we will be able to find any kind of woman."

"At that time, as long as we give her a look, she will lie down obediently, understand?"

Brother Long persuaded them with all his heart. Although the two nodded, their expressions showed that they were already thinking about something else.

He rolled his eyes and thought that he wanted this woman to become a zombie anyway. It would not make any difference if it happened earlier or later. He might as well do her a favor, so he said:

"Brother, this won’t happen again. This time, I’ll let you two have a good time, but after that, you must finish her off. I’ll only give you 30 minutes!"

"Ok, thank you Brother Long!"

"Don't worry, Brother Long, I'll be there in 5 minutes!"

Gangzi and Damai thanked the girl profusely and dragged her into the locker room.

"You two, go to the highway and continue blocking the road. Don’t let go of any fat sheep passing by!"

"Hello, Brother Long!"

"Got it, Brother Long!"

The other two yellow-haired guys nodded and drove away in the pickup truck.

Brother Long, holding the axe, slowly walked to the driver who was tied to the wall, squatted down and took a closer look.

Then he suddenly chopped the axe into the driver's wound.

"" Cough, puff!"

The driver spat out several mouthfuls of blood, then tilted his head and died.

Brother Long held the axe and counted silently in his heart....




When he counted to 60, the driver suddenly opened his eyes. With a ferocious expression, he stretched out his hands to Brother Long, and made a series of familiar and creepy"ho ho" sounds.

A living person will turn into a zombie within 60 seconds after death.

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