Brother Long looked at the driver who was tied to the wall and couldn't move, and his eyes were filled with excitement.

The next moment, he swung the axe and smashed it hard on the driver's head.

With a"puff", a bloody hole was smashed in the driver's head, and his eyeballs popped out, and he was completely motionless.


Brother Long felt a force drilling into his body, and his strength seemed to have increased a lot more than before.

"ah...Finally, I feel the change again!"

Brother Long nodded with satisfaction.

In the process of fighting zombies, he found that his strength and reaction speed were gradually getting stronger.

At first, he was not sure whether this strengthening was his illusion. Later, after many experiments, he finally found that if he killed zombies, there was only a small probability of gaining strength.

But if he killed the survivors who had just turned into zombies, especially the survivors who had killed zombies, he would have a greater chance of gaining strength!

There was a long row of more than a dozen corpses tied to the wall of the gymnasium.

He���The clothes and ages of the survivors are different.

They are all survivors captured by Brother Long and his brothers through seduction, deception, and even violence.

Then here, Brother Long killed them one by one and turned them into zombies.

Finally, he personally took action to eliminate the zombies, thereby improving his strength.

Brother Long never told anyone this secret.

In the eyes of these brothers, Brother Long is a ruthless man who kills decisively, making them admire and fear him.

In fact, this is just a way for Brother Long to become stronger.

Brother Long licked his dry lips, and a sinister smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

There are still many survivors scrambling to hide in order to survive a few more days.

What a stupid behavior!

Only by fighting continuously can you become stronger.

Brother Long is very glad that he chose to fight instead of running away when facing zombies.

Otherwise, he would not have discovered the secret of becoming stronger so early.

The sooner you discover this secret, the stronger you will be!

"Humph, sooner or later this world will crawl at my feet, and I will definitely become the strongest!"

When Brother Long thought about becoming stronger, his heart surged. He swung a punch and smashed the plastic chair next to the basketball court.

This punch scared him.

Although the seat is made of plastic, it is not ordinary plastic.

The material of the chair that can withstand hundreds of pounds of pressure is still very strong.

He didn't expect that he would smash it to pieces with one punch. Not to mention, the fist that should have been scratched was actually intact?!

Seeing this scene, Brother Long was even more excited...


On the highway.

The armored RV was driving slowly.

It had just passed the entrance of a highway and knocked away more than a hundred zombies that were blocking there.

Because there was a layer of force field on the outside of the RV as armor to protect the RV.

So the zombies did not hit the RV directly, but were bounced away by the force of the force field and then crushed under the car.

So except for some blood stains on the chassis of the car, the whole car was as clean as new, not like the bloodstained chariot that rushed and killed in the apocalypse. Along the way, except for the occasional blocked scrapped cars, everything went smoothly.

Liu Qianqian drove the car for two consecutive days, and helped to finish off the zombies during the break.

Although her physical strength is stronger than a man, she is still a little overwhelmed by such continuous work.

So after driving for more than an hour in the morning, she asked Zhang Yi to take over.

Now Zhang Yi is driving, and Liu Qianqian is sitting in the co-pilot seat.

In order to prevent her feet from swelling due to long-term sitting, she even put her legs in front of the windshield, swinging her bare feet.

I have to say, her legs are really straight, straight and long.

Even if she is a leg model, there is no problem

"I said, just leave your feet outside for a while to let the smell go. If you leave them outside for too long, the air in the car will be bad!"

Zhang Yi said half-jokingly while driving.

"What are you talking about! What do you mean by smell? My feet don't stink!"

Although Liu Qianqian said this, she subconsciously took one foot back and put it to her nose to smell it.

"It doesn’t smell bad at all, it smells really good!"

Liu Qianqian said with a proud look on her face.

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