Shao Dong, this woman!

Hei Zi is also one of the members responsible for finding Nuonuo. He found the clue of Dong Luyao, so he can confirm the identity of the girl in front of him better than anyone else.

"Well, invite her over!"

Zhang Yi nodded and said

"She is not alone. The man next to her seems to be her boyfriend. Do you need me to find someone to send him away?"

Heizi is very cautious and considers the details very carefully.

"No, just bring them all here. It won't take me long!"

Zhang Yi took out a slightly yellowed photo from his arms.

It showed a girl wearing a red scarf, with big eyes, a ponytail, and a particularly bright smile.

In the upper left corner of the photo, there was a little gray-brown dried blood stain.

"Damn, stop pulling me, just spread out, hurry up, do you hear me?"

"If you trample me again, I will fight back! What kind of people are you?"

"Don't think I'm afraid of you just because you're in large numbers. If you have the guts, just wait here and let me call someone!"

Heizi tried to persuade the two of them kindly at first, asking them to go see Zhang Yi.

But for some reason, Dong Luyao's boyfriend refused to go.

Heizi had no choice but to bring two people to carry Dong Luyao and her boyfriend from both sides, and carried them over like chickens.

Dong Luyao had been frightened by this situation for a long time, and thought she was kidnapped, so she didn't dare to say a word.

But her boyfriend was fierce, glaring, swearing and cursing all the way.

As if he was so powerful.

Heizi didn't dare to take action without Zhang Yi's order. He remained silent all the way, but his face was so gloomy that water was about to come out of it.

He deliberately hugged his collar and revealed the pistol on his waist. Logically, most people would stop talking when they saw that the other party had a gun and there were more people than themselves. But this man was a fool. Not only was he not afraid of the gun, but he became even more arrogant.

"What's wrong with having a gun? You're so awesome for having a gun?!"

"If you have the guts, shoot me in the temple. If you don’t dare to shoot, you are my grandson!"

"Come on, shoot! You are showing off and trying to scare me with a gun. I was raised by fear!"


Zhang Yi frowned and slapped the man in the face.

The man was stunned.

"Can you listen to me quietly now?"

Zhang Yi asked calmly.

Zhang Yi had been tempered by war, and what he couldn't stand the most was this kind of whining man.

There is a saying that a barking dog doesn't bite, and a biting dog doesn't bark.

In fact, this saying is also applicable to people.

People who really dare to fight and kill rarely talk a lot of nonsense.

When he doesn't like you and decides to kill you, he has already made a move without notifying you in advance.

You don't even know how you died.

On the contrary, this kind of people who are noisy in their mouths basically give in once they start. This man is so arrogant and domineering because he is sure that the black guys dare not shoot because this is an airport.

"you...You dare to hit me?"

The man covered his face, and a red handprint was clearly visible on the left side of his face, his eyes were full of fear.

He didn't expect Zhang Yi to actually dare to attack, and in public!

This slap made Heizi and other members of the security team secretly cheer.

This slap was so crisp, worthy of being the young director, he did things so straightforwardly. He did it whenever he wanted, without any hesitation!

At the same time, they were secretly a little worried, afraid that the man would use this as a threat and harm Zhang Yi.

After all, this is a society ruled by law. The lawyer can help Zhang Yi get away with it, but trouble will definitely come.

"You all saw it, you all testified for me, it was this guy who hit me first, I’m going to sue you!"

"I will put you in jail! I will make you pay the price you deserve!" the man shouted in a very corrupt tone.



The man was stunned.

What did Zhang Yi just say? It seemed that he wanted to give him 100,000 yuan?

100,000 yuan for a slap, this deal is worth it! The man's glasses lit up.

It was just such a small detail that Zhang Yi caught it at once.

This is a guy who is greedy for money.

Things that can be solved with money are not problems.

What's more, the end of the world is coming soon.

His billions of assets will soon be gone.

Money is no different from waste paper.

Zhang Yi paused and said slowly:

"I'll give you 100,000 as compensation for mental damage. In addition, I need to borrow your girlfriend for a while. I'll return it to you in 20 minutes at most. You name the price!" ps: Please give me flowers, comments and monthly tickets. The author wants to update more!

2000 flowers plus one update, 500 comments plus one update, five rewards plus one update, just throw them all over!

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