This is the airport, and Zhang Chen doesn't want to make a big deal out of it.

If he gets entangled by the local security guards, it will be a lot of trouble.

If he can use money to make Dong Luyao fully cooperate and tell Nuonuo's whereabouts, so that her boyfriend can shut up, that would be the best result.

"Borrow my girlfriend?"

The man's eyes were fixed, and he said righteously:"Who do you think I am? Can a girlfriend be borrowed? Don't think you are great just because you have money!"

"One price, one million!"

Zhang Yi roughly predicted the man's income from his clothes and his reaction to the 100,000 yuan. His annual income must not exceed 100,000 yuan.

One million yuan is already a sky-high price for him.

"Deal, how about you borrow it for a little longer? Is 20 minutes enough?"

The man's attitude really took a 180-degree turn, and he smiled flatteringly, trying to sell his girlfriend for more money....

Zhang Yi said to Heizi,"First give him 500,000. Also, if you don't like him and want to beat him up, feel free to do so. I'll pay for it! There's no sympathy for such a money-hungry person!"

Heizi chuckled, nodded, and said,"Okay, Mr. Chairman, I won't be polite then. I'll bargain with him and see how much it costs to beat him up. I've disliked him for a long time!"

Heizi put his arm around the man's shoulders and talked about the price as he walked. The two men walked towards the blind spot of the airport's surveillance.

"You are Nuonuo’s college classmate. Tell me where she is, and I will transfer the remaining 500,000 of the one million directly into your account!"

"If you can let me see Nuonuo within an hour and a half, I can give you another 1 million!"

Zhang Yi said straight to the point


Dong Luyao saw that Zhang Yi had no ill will towards her, and that she could get money by answering a few questions. She immediately relaxed her guard and began to explain.

"Nuonuo’s full name is Lin Yunuo. Like me, she is a student of Hua Xia Medical College. She studies very well. A few days ago, she went to the State Health and Epidemic Prevention Center for a visit and study with her tutor!"

"The epidemic prevention center seemed to be in Linhai City, a tourist resort. She could study and go to the beach at the same time. Our classmates were so envious of her!"

If her boyfriend wasn't nearby, she really wanted to take this opportunity to get close to Zhang Yi.

Where can you find such a rich and handsome man?!

"Do you have her contact information? Call her now!"

Zhang Yi didn't have time to listen to Dong Luyao's nonsense, so he interrupted her and said

"Yes, yes, yes, Yunuo and I are in the same dormitory and we have a very good relationship. If you don’t believe me, you can go ask her later...."

Dong Luyao said as she dialed Lin Yunuo's number.

"Hello, Yunuo! How are you doing? Is everything going well? Is Linhai City fun?"

In order to show her close relationship with Lin Yunuo, Dong Luyao started to ask about her well-being as soon as the call was connected.

Zhang Yi glanced at Dong Luyao coldly, snatched the phone from her hand, and said quickly:

"Hello, is that Nono? I'm your brother's comrade-in-arms. Listen to me. No matter where you are or what you are doing, stop what you are doing immediately!"

"Now find the nearest supermarket and buy enough food and water for a week, the more the better, then go back to the room, lock the door, and don't open it no matter who knocks!"

After Zhang Yi finished speaking, he heard the sound of signal interference from the other end of the phone.

A sweet female voice came from time to time:

"I am are many medical corpses...What did you say...I can not hear clearly..."

"Just now mentor...Huh?...What...The body moved....Something seems wrong...Hello, the signal here is bad...."

I don't know how much Lin Yunuo heard about Zhang Yi's words.

After a burst of noise, the call was disconnected, leaving only the beeping sound of a blind tone.

It turned out that from the beginning, the signal on Lin Yunuo's side was very poor.

But in order to show that she had a close relationship with Lin Yunuo, Dong Luyao deliberately asked a lot of questions in succession to cover up this fact.

Zhang Yi glared at Dong Luyao fiercely.

The latter shuddered in fear.

She felt a strong murderous intent in Zhang Yi's eyes.

A biting chill climbed up her back, and she was so scared that she dared not breathe.

Zhang Yi hurriedly dialed Lin Yunuo's number again, and soon a female voice speaking standard Mandarin came from the inside:

"Sorry, the number you dialed is out of service area. Please try again later....soryy,the..."

Dial the number again.

Still out of service area.

Zhang Yi used Dong Luyao's phone to call his own number, but his own phone rang immediately without any delay.

The network communication signal was not interrupted!

Dial Lin Yunuo's number again, and it was out of service area again.

It seems that there may be a problem with Lin Yunuo!

An ominous premonition crept into Zhang Yi's heart.

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