The RV bumped along the bumpy road for more than 40 minutes.

There were probably many trucks passing by here, which had many large holes on the road.

Although the RV had a very good shock absorption effect, the continuous bumps made Liu Qianqian's face look ugly.

If the car continued to drive for a while, the driver would get carsick.

"Stop here and take a break! Go out and get some fresh air!"

Zhang Yi saw that the RV had already left the town. Now besides the farmland, there were only two auto repair shops with a big"Support" sign on the roadside.

Even if there were zombies nearby, they would not be large enough. So he said

""Okay, Brother Yi!"

Liu Qianqian parked the car in the middle of the road, opened the door and walked out.

Now is the end of the world, there are almost no other survivors' cars on the road, so there is no need to park the car on the side of the road.

""Ah, the air outside is so fresh!"

Liu Qianqian stretched her body and took a deep breath.

The fresh scent of crops in the wheat field hit her face.

It is midsummer now, and it should be the season for weeding and pest control.

But there are no busy farmers here.

If the crops are left to grow naturally, who knows how much food can be harvested in the fall?

Even if there is still production, no one will come to harvest the food.

From now on, all agricultural production activities have stopped.

Every time the world's stored food is consumed, it will be a little less.

Food will replace gold and become the real hard currency.

From this point of view, Zhang Yi has once again undoubtedly become a billionaire in the end times.

"Brother Yi, what do you think of Linhai City now? There are zombies all along the way, not even a trace of the army...."

Liu Qianqian paused, her meaning was very clear.

If Linhai City really had a military garrison and it was a safe area, why were there zombies all along the way?

Now it was only about a hundred kilometers away from Linhai, and there was not even a trace of a firefight between the army and zombies.

Could it be that there were still troops there?!

Although Linhai City was not a super first-tier city, its population was also at the level of tens of millions. With such a large population base, if even the surrounding farmland was abandoned, how would they survive?!

Liu Qianqian was not the only one who had such doubts.

In fact, Zhang Yi was the same.

It's just that he had no other choice.

Lin Yunuo was in Linhai City, so no matter whether Linhai City was safe now or had already fallen, Zhang Yi had to go there.

I must see the person alive or the body dead!

Huh? Someone?!

Zhang Yi originally wanted to chat with Liu Qianqian and comfort her.

But since he had consumed 160 points of evolution essence, his perception ability had obviously improved a lot, and he could capture extremely subtle sounds.


Zhang Yi quickly made a gesture to keep quiet, then pulled Liu Qianqian and rushed to the wall.

Two seconds later.

Liu Qianqian held her breath and listened carefully, and then she heard the rustling footsteps of two people.

The steps of these two people were very light, and it was obvious that they were professionally trained.

It was definitely not the extremely casual walking style of ordinary survivors.

Zhang Yi and Liu Qianqian looked at each other and nodded.

At the moment when the two people behind the wall just appeared, Liu Qianqian suddenly kicked the first one more than two meters away.

As soon as the right leg landed, the left leg turned and kicked again.


The second person was kicked directly to the ground, and the whole person turned sideways in mid-air.

Liu Qianqian's strength was strengthened again. She was not aware of it, but she almost kicked two people to death with these two unintentional kicks.

"Hmm? What did the second person just say?"

Zhang Yi came out from behind the wall.

"It seems to be talking about Liu? Liu what?"

"Liu what?"

Liu Qianqian was also confused.

But when she looked at the two people she kicked down, her face turned red.

She stammered,"Brother Yi...It's our own...They should be the Chairman's personal security team 2!"

It turned out that the two security guards were originally on patrol, but when they saw the armored RV in the middle of the road, they knew that Liu Qianqian and Zhang Yi were nearby.

As a result, they recognized Liu Qianqian when they met, but the latter did not recognize them and kicked them down. The person he just mentioned was not Liu, but Liu....

"Security Team 2? What are they doing here?"

Zhang Yi asked with a little surprise.

Security Team 2 and Security Team 1, where Heizi was, were both transferred by Zhang Yi to the airport to pick up Dong Luyao on the day of the apocalypse.

After the incident, Zhang Yi clearly asked them to go home, so how could they suddenly appear here?! ps: This book is expected to be available this weekend (Saturday or Sunday), and will be updated as soon as it is available. Everyone is welcome to support it.

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