""Don't move! Cover your head with your hands!"

Suddenly, three or four people wearing black combat uniforms jumped out from behind the wall.

They were holding pistols with silencers and looked alert.

But when they saw that the people in front of them were Liu Qianqian and Zhang Yi, they were stunned for a moment, and then slowly lowered the muzzle of the gun.

"Assistant Liu, Young Director, it's you?!"

"Yes, it's Assistant Liu and Young Director! You're still alive! That's great!"

Several security guards were excited.

"Okay, it’s Assistant Liu and the others, they’re all one of us, put away your weapons!"

"That’s great, with Shao Dong and Assistant Liu here, we have someone to lead us, otherwise we would be like a group of headless flies!"

"Yes, our team is together again, and we are not afraid of any difficulties this time!"

The security guard who was knocked to the ground also rubbed his shoulders and slowly sat up.

Liu Qianqian's strength was too great. If these security guards had not undergone professional training in anti-strike ability, they would probably have died on the spot.

"Are you all right?...Can you still move your body?"

Liu Qianqian has always appeared as a strong woman in front of the security team, so although her tone is concerned, she still has that style.

"It’s okay, I won’t die. Assistant Liu is worthy of being a black belt in Taekwondo, his skills are really amazing!"

"It's a great honor to have a fight with Assistant Liu in this life!"

The two security guards laughed dryly twice, but the laughter affected the injured part, causing them to grin again in pain.

""Where's Heizi?"

Zhang Yi suddenly asked

"Our food was all gone this morning, and there was only one bottle of water left. Brother Hei took two of his brothers to look for food. They have been gone for more than an hour, so they should be back soon!"


Zhang Yi nodded, indicating that he understood.

Liu Qianqian and Zhang Yi exchanged glances.

Although the two did not speak, they had already figured it out.

Liu Qianqian intended to recruit these security personnel back.

When they arrived in Linhai City, they had to look for Lin Yunuo. There was strength in numbers, and it would be more efficient if everyone acted separately.

If only Liu Qianqian and Zhang Yi were to look for them, it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

But if you want to recruit these people, you must pay a cost.

Nowadays, money is like waste paper, so food and water are the cost of supporting this security team.

Zhang Yi stored more than 20,000 tons of food and half a reservoir of water in the void warehouse of the RV.

Plus the resources of the two service areas.

Not to mention supporting a security team, even if it is to support 180,000 in the short term, it will cost a lot. Thousands of people are no problem.

What's more, this group of people is indeed worth training.

Zhang Yi just took a look with the detection eye. This group of people are all rated A-level combat potential. Among them, Liu Liang, the captain of the second team, is actually rated S-level combat potential.

Moreover, all the data are also very outstanding. He is second only to Liu Qianqian here.

Although he is second only to, in fact the gap is very far.

The potential is very good, but the evolutionary essence obtained is too little, and the improvement in strength is not obvious.

With Zhang Yi's consent, Liu Qianqian took out a box of ham sausage and a box of purified water from the luggage cabinet under the RV.

These things are all products of the service area.

Liu Qianqian was reluctant to take out Wagyu sashimi or something for these people to eat.

When it comes to financial control, she is very stingy.

"Here, these things are distributed by the young master to everyone. Let's eat some first to replenish our energy!"

Liu Qianqian opened the box and said with a smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Shao, and thank you, Assistant Liu!"

"Thank you, Shao Dong!"

"Thank you, you're welcome!"

Although the security team members had been hungry for most of the day, they were very orderly.

They automatically stood in a row, and each person took two sausages and a bottle of purified water.

Someone hurried back to the repair shop and called out the remaining people.

The security team was composed of six people, including the team leader.

Except for the two people taken away by Heizi, the remaining nine people were all here.

Everyone sat in place and ate and drank for a while.

Soon their physical strength was restored, and everyone's face was rejuvenated.

"How come Heizi hasn't come back for so long? Does anyone know where he went to find food?"

Zhang Yi looked at the time on his phone.

It's been more than an hour, plus the time for dinner, it's almost two hours.

"Brother Hei drove away, probably to go back to Sishui Town to look for food. I heard him say that there was a restaurant with its roller shutter door open, so there should be food inside!"

"Drove away?"

Zhang Yi couldn't help but frowned when he heard this.

It's only about 20 minutes' drive from here to Sishui Town.

With Heizi's skills and a pistol with a silencer, the three of them can easily escape even if they encounter a swarm of more than a dozen zombies.

How could it take so long?

P.S. Brothers, please give some free flowers and evaluation tickets, or leave a message in the comment area, just say anything, as long as you don't scold me, add it to the essence!

Important things are said three times, please give flowers and evaluation! Please give flowers and evaluation! Please give flowers and evaluation! Give some motivation! Readers, dads

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