There must be something wrong!

"Have you all finished eating? If you have finished eating, we will go to pick up Heizi now!"

Zhang Yi saw that everyone had finished eating, so he hurriedly said

"After eating Shaodong, we can set off at any time!"

"Brother Hei is our big brother, we must bring him back!"

"As expected of the young director, he is a man of justice!"

Several team members immediately stood up, looking eager to try.

""Wait, Young Master, I think your decision is a bit too hasty!"

The voice came from a dark-skinned bald man in the corner.

It was Liu Liang, the leader of Security Team 2.

After he said this, he spit out the half-chewed sausage in his mouth and muttered softly:

"Is this food for human consumption? It's so disgusting!"

As soon as he spoke, several security guards who had just stood up and walked forward also stopped.

They looked at Zhang Yi, then at Liu Liang, looking at a loss.

Liu Liang did not wait for Zhang Yi to answer, but sat there and continued:

"I say, Mr. Chairman, what is going on now? It's the end of the world. There are these resurrected monsters everywhere. What do you call them?...Oh, yes, zombies!"

"It's so funny, the things in the movie can actually appear in real life, and there are so many of them! If you get bitten, you will die!"

"In this situation, you asked us to pick up Heizi? Because Heizi is close to you, his life is life, and our brothers' lives are not life, right? Do you think that just because we call you Young Master, you are really the high and mighty Young Master?"

"The company is all gone, why are you still pretending to be so high and mighty? Oh, you want us to work hard for a box of sausages and a box of water? It's not that easy."

Liu Liang was very impolite, with a tone full of gunpowder.

""Liu Liang, watch your attitude and words when you speak!"

Liu Qianqian scolded sternly from the side, releasing a natural pressure.

The security team around the chairman has always been directly managed by Liu Qianqian, so many people in the security team are very familiar with Liu Qianqian, and at the same time a little afraid of her.

Liu Liang was also stunned for a moment out of reflex, but soon, he adjusted his mood and said with a sneer:

"Oh, Assistant Liu has such great authority, but I don't know what position you are in to manage us now? If we don't obey, what can you do to us?"

"We worked for your money before, but what are we working for now? What can you give us?"

Liu Qianqian said in a low voice with a stern face:

"Liu Liang, when you all signed the agreement, you all swore an oath of loyalty to your employer. Is your sense of honor and your oath so worthless?"

Liu Liang smiled and said disapprovingly:

"Yes, we swore an oath of allegiance, but that is all in the past. From now on, we will only be loyal to ourselves!"

Liu Qianqian knew that Liu Liang was deliberately making trouble, so she bypassed him and turned to the other security team members and said:

"If everyone is willing to continue to fulfill their oath, I can promise to provide everyone with sufficient food and water!"

Liu Liang clapped his hands and stood up, saying to the people around him:

"First of all, I would like to thank Assistant Liu. Since we already know that there is enough food and water in the RV, why are we wasting time? Isn't it good to provide ourselves with enough food and clothing?"

"After we take over the RV, we can eat whatever we want and drink whatever we want. Why should we live our lives depending on other people's wishes? Brothers, don't you agree?"

The security personnel around looked at each other, and no one dared to argue.

Once they agreed to Liu Liang's words, it would be equivalent to openly betraying, which is a taboo in the professional ethics of the security industry.

But now is the end of the world. Are the moral standards and constraints of the original peaceful world still effective?

These team members were a little hesitant. On one side is morality, and on the other side is temptation. They were also very entangled in their hearts.

At this time, a member of the group said loudly to Liu Liang:

"Liu Liang, isn't it a bit unfair for you to do this? We all saw how the old chairman treated us. Now that the young chairman needs our help, how can we just sit back and watch?"

"What's more, we are going to rescue Heige, he is your comrade, do you even ignore your comrade?" As soon as he said this, he immediately won the approval of another group of team members.

"That's right, even if you don't want to help, you can just wipe your mouth after eating the sausage and take a rest aside. Is it necessary to add insult to injury?"

"Of course! Do you want to seize the car? We are a security team, not a robbery team. We have not received professional training in robbery!"

"Heige has been very good to us, you can't just ignore him, that would be too disloyal!"

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