Facing these team members who opposed him, Liu Liang laughed in anger. He sneered a few times and said:

""Okay, if you want to be my slaves, go ahead and do it. If you want to live happily with me, stand on my side! Don't stand in the wrong position, or you'll be covered in blood!"

Liu Liang pulled out the dagger in his hand, threw it in the air with his right hand, rotated it 720 degrees, and then it fell steadily into his hand again.

He is the leader of Group 2 and a knife expert with strong strength.

Even if the three people in Group 1 join forces, they may not be able to get away with it. As soon as Liu Liang finished his threatening words, two members of Group 2 stood behind him.

A man of insight is a hero. Now there is no need to bear legal responsibility for killing people, so of course, survival comes first.

As for morality,...People are dead, does morality still matter?

The three remaining members of Group 1 stood firmly beside Zhang Yi.

For Heige, they would not defect to Liu Liang's side.

Now there were three members of Group 2 left. They looked at Liu Qianqian, then at Liu Liang, somewhat undecided.

One of the members hesitated for a while, then said to Liu Liang with a flattering smile:

"Liang Ge...I don't think we need to be so awkward. Let's talk about it slowly...."

""Tan Nima!"

Liu Liang punched the neutral player who was begging for mercy and knocked him to the ground, his mouth full of blood.

Then, he shouted loudly:

"Listen to me, join me or die. There is no neutrality! I'm using my fists now, but I won't be so kind later!"

The beaten team member covered his swollen half face and stood on Liu Liang's side in dismay.

The remaining two members of Group 2 stood on Zhang Yi's side and Liu Liang's side respectively.

Now Zhang Yi, Liu Qianqian and the four security team members behind him, a total of six people.

The four team members beside Liu Liang, a total of five people.

The atmosphere on both sides was tense, and it seemed that a big war would break out at any time.

In Liu Liang's view, Liu Qianqian only knew some fancy moves, and no matter how good Taekwondo was, it was still different from killing people in actual combat. He could see at a glance what level the remaining few people were, and he could basically handle them easily by himself.

There was only one Zhang Yi left.

There were three people behind him, and the chances of winning three against one were still very high.

Liu Liang believed that his side had the advantage.

Needless to say, Zhang Yi, he never took Liu Liang seriously from beginning to end.

If a person with strength defected, it was called rebellion, and if a person without strength defected, it was called seeking death.

Obviously, Liu Liang belonged to the category of seeking death.

Zhang Yi, who had been silent all the time, suddenly spoke at this time.

"Liu Liang, I remember that you took good care of my father when I was in the army, so I will give you a chance!"

"Take your people away now, I promise I won't touch you. When we meet in the future, we can still nod and say hello like friends!"

If Liu Liang didn't know him, then he would just kill him without any nonsense.

But after all, he knew him, and considering winning people's hearts, even if he had to kill him, he had to show that he was benevolent. Only in this way could he occupy the moral high ground.

Sure enough, Liu Liang didn't think he would lose at all, and refused mercilessly:

""Haha, give me a chance? Are you kidding me?"

Liu Liang laughed exaggeratedly as if he had heard a very funny joke.

Several players around him had already chosen their teams and could not change, so they could only laugh awkwardly on the side.

"Zhang Yi, do you think that after serving in the army for a few years, you can compete with us security guards who have received professional training and have experienced fighting with live ammunition?"

"Give me another chance. Let me tell you, Zhang Yi, even though you have one more person, it’s useless. You don’t even ask who taught those people behind you the fighting skills!"

"If you fight me, you may not even know how you died! If you know what's good for you, leave the RV and Liu Qianqian behind, and I might be able to spare your life!"

Liu Liang looked at Liu Qianqian's pretty face and perfect figure, and his eyes lit up.

Zhang Yi is so lucky, he was born into a rich family with a silver spoon in his mouth.

Now it's the end of the world, not only does he have a comfortable RV, but he also has beautiful girls to serve him.

Whatever he can get, I, Liu Liang, can get as well.

Now it's the end of the world, only having guns and strength is the kingly way!

"What if I don't do what you say?"

Zhang Yi asked calmly, with a hint of mockery in his eyes.

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