Can you see compatibility?

Compatibility refers to the degree of compatibility between one person and another. To put it simply, it means whether they are of the same type and can work together as a team.

The higher the compatibility, the easier it is for a person to trust the host.

Zhang Yi looked back at Liu Qianqian. In addition to the previous regular data, there was an additional compatibility option.

【Name: Liu Qianqian

【Charm: 96

【Strength: 168

【Agility: 171

【Knowledge: 92, good at Taekwondo, swimming, management, negotiation

【[Constitution]: 156

【Compatibility]: 99 (floating range -100 to 100, the higher the value, the better the compatibility, and vice versa)

【[Combat Potential Rating]: S-level

99? This value is almost full!

But it is true that Zhang Yi himself also feels that he and Liu Qianqian get along very well.

Then, he looked at the tall man next to him, and soon, another set of data appeared:

【Name: He Zhigang

【Charm: 43

【Strength]: 78;

【Agility]: 72;

【Knowledge: 50, good at free fighting, reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance, shooting, hostage rescue and protection

【[Constitution]: 79

【Compatibility]: 82 (floating range -100 to 100, the higher the value, the better the compatibility, and vice versa)

【[Battle Potential Rating]: Grade A

Zhang Yi then looked at several other people.

The three people in the first group all have a compatibility of more than 75 points with him.

The person who came over from the second group has the highest compatibility, with 89 points.

Indeed, it takes more courage and compatibility to dare to leave the original group and be with Zhang Yi.

And the guy who wanted to take a neutral attitude at first but was beaten by Liu Liang had the lowest compatibility, only 70 points.

According to the system's prompts, as long as the person has a compatibility of more than 50 points with you, he will not betray you. Those with a compatibility of more than 30 points can become friends who are just nodding acquaintances. For those with a compatibility between 0-30, as long as you don't take the initiative to attack, the other party generally won't take the initiative to cause trouble unless there is a conflict of interest.

People with a compatibility value below 0 have a high probability of taking the initiative to find fault with you. They may even have evil thoughts about you, and as the compatibility decreases, this evil thought will become stronger and stronger.

This may be what the saying goes,"eye connection".

Some people make you feel comfortable or even like them when you look at them at a glance, while some people make you more and more annoyed the more you look at them. This is probably the truth.

"Okay, we can continue!"

Zhang Yi took the wet towel handed to him by Liu Qianqian, wiped his face, and then continued to ask:"Where were we just talking about?"


Deathly silence.

What are we talking about?

The giant mutant zombie dog, a guy that is not afraid of bullets, was easily dealt with by Zhang Yi alone.

Not to mention the super weapon in his hand that is comparable to RPG, even his skills and speed are beyond the reach of everyone present.

The gap in strength is really too big.

They had the same idea as Liu Liang before.

Did the young director come back from the army?

What kind of soldier can such a rich second generation be?

Even if he joined the army, he would just rely on his connections to live a life of luxury and muddle.

Who knew that Zhang Yi actually had real skills.

And his strength is so strong that it makes people feel cold in their backs.

If the giant mutant hound had not appeared just now, Liu Liang would have fought Zhang Yi with a gun.

There is no doubt that he would have been completely defeated.

And the way he died might not be much better than being eaten by a zombie hound.

Thinking of the power of the bow and arrow in Zhang Yi's hand, everyone shuddered again.

The one-and-a-half-meter-tall hound was It can blow the head off. If it is shot at a person, wouldn't it turn into minced meat on the spot?!

Just based on this point, everyone is afraid and admired.

Soldiers are sometimes very simple. As long as you are strong enough, people will naturally stick to you.

Even if we put aside the fact that Zhang Yi is too strong, no one can negotiate with Zhang Yi.

Liu Liang and his three loyal followers are all dead, leaving only a neutral person with a swollen face.

What else is there to talk about?!

Could it be that this neutral person is crazy and plans to fight Zhang Yi alone after experiencing what just happened?

It would be more satisfying to find a zombie to bite himself to death.

Liu Qianqian looked at the situation in front of her and deeply suspected that Zhang Yi did it on purpose.

How could it be such a coincidence that all the dead were people who followed Liu Liang, and there was not even a single injured person on his side.

This is as outrageous as winning the first prize in the lottery.

"Hmm? No one replied? If no one objects, then let's go find Heizi as planned!"

Zhang Yi said calmly.

He had just killed a monster that everyone thought was absolutely invincible.

Now Zhang Yi's status in everyone's mind has risen sharply, and he has become the object of everyone's admiration.

So as soon as he said this, he immediately received unanimous support from everyone.

"Qianqian, use the navigation map to check where this wildlife quarantine station is!"

Zhang Yi spread out his hand, and there was another bloody blue cloth strip in his palm.

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