Printed in small print on it: No. 7, Wildlife Quarantine Station, No.: YDF0720015

"This is..."

"This is what I found on the ear of the zombie hound just now. Fortunately, it was not burned by the explosion!"


Liu Qianqian said thoughtfully,"Many laboratories or animal protection organizations will put such labels on the ears or ankles of their experimental subjects. Could it be that this monster escaped from the animal quarantine station?"

"It's very likely that I found this!"

Zhang Yi took out a black military dagger like a magic trick, with a serial number engraved on it.

"This dagger..."

When Liu Qianqian saw the dagger, she couldn't help but gasp and said,"This is a tungsten alloy sword that can only be used by captains, and the number on it is...It’s Heizi’s!"

"Sure enough, it seems that my prediction is correct. Heizi has also fought with this guy! And left a long wound on its abdomen!"

Zhang Yi held the steel knife and said silently:"And there is a great possibility that Heizi has no power. Although he cannot defeat such a monster with his combat power, it is still possible for Heizi to find a way to escape unscathed with his wit!"

"You mean...Kuroko is likely still alive!"

"That's right!"

Zhang Yi paused and said,"If we look for Heizi aimlessly, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack. There are too many places where people can hide around. It will take days and nights to find him!"

"Now we can split into two groups. One group will go to the restaurant that Heizi passed by in Sishui Town to look for clues about Heizi!"

"Another team rushed to the Wildlife Quarantine Station. Since the hound ran out from here, there must be something wrong here! The possibility that Heizi is active nearby cannot be ruled out!"

Liu Qianqian nodded.

Zhang Yi's analysis made sense.

Based on the clues currently available, they can only search in these two places.

"but...What if Kuroko is not in these two places?..."

Liu Qianqian said with some concern

"If Heizi is not in these two places, it means that Heizi is not dead! As long as he is not dead, he will definitely come back to this base, and we can just send someone to stay here!"

Zhang Yi looked at the direction of Linhai City in the south, and said lightly:"We must rush to Linhai City today, we can't delay any longer!"

The situation in Linhai City is unknown.

If Lin Yunuo can survive until Zhang Yi goes to rescue her, according to the worst plan, she is trapped in a safe house by zombies.

Without food, if there is water, people with better physical fitness should be able to hold on for more than ten days.

But if there is no water, three days is the limit.

"Okay, I see, Brother Yi, it just so happens that our RV armor also needs to be restored. After rescuing Heizi, we can be on the road again in full condition!"

Liu Qianqian understood Zhang Yi's inner conflict very well.

If he didn't know that Heizi was missing and in danger, then the matter would be over.

But now that Zhang Yi knows, he can't give up Heizi so easily, who once risked his life to save the old chairman.

But if saving Heizi takes too long and causes Lin Yunuo's death, Zhang Yi will also blame himself.

So Liu Qianqian proposed a solution that has the best of both worlds.

Save Heizi, and if he can't save him, go to Linhai City to find Lin Yunuo immediately.

Because of the bumpy wear and tear of the RV along the way, the two people basically didn't rest, so they are still in a state of 400-500 points.

It's better to take this opportunity to find Heizi, and restore the armor value of the RV.

At that time, everyone can travel together without resting.

This is indeed a way to have the best of both worlds.

Zhang Yi looked at Liu Qianqian gratefully. This woman is smart, careful, and considerate. It is really rare.

"That's it....He Zhigang!"

Zhang Yi shouted


The tall He Zhigang immediately stood at attention and assumed a military posture.

"You take three people and drive two Hummers to Sishui Town to find Heizi at the restaurant he mentioned. The search range is 200 meters! If there are any clues, we will contact you via satellite phone!"

"Got it! We will complete the mission!"

He Zhigang and his team of three got on the Hummer parked behind the repair shop and drove away.

"Li Yong, you two hold on here. If Heizi comes back, report to me immediately!"

Li Yong is the member with a compatibility of 89 who defected from Group 2 to Zhang Yi.

"Got it, I promise to complete the task!"

Zhang Yi patted Li Yong's shoulder approvingly, then left a box of canned luncheon meat and a box of purified water, and then returned to the RV with Liu Qianqian.

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