The open carriage was filled with boxes of fully packaged bread.

Inside stood two young people, a man and a woman.

The man was called Xia Yu and the woman was called Xia Xue. They were a pair of siblings.

""Brother, have you really thought it through? Do you really want to share the bread with these people?"

Xia Xue asked with a worried look on her face.

She looked at the survivors gathered outside the truck, each of them showing greed and desire in their eyes. What made her feel most uncomfortable was that someone was actually looking her up and down.

That look seemed to want to eat her up, making her feel uncomfortable all over.

"I've thought about it, Xiaoxue, think about it, we can't eat a whole truckload of bread, and these breads are about to expire, won't they be wasted then?"

"Why don't we do some good deeds and share the bread with those in need? I can't do anything that harms others and benefits myself!"

""I think that although the whole world is in chaos now, people still have to have the most basic moral values! If we help them now, they will be able to help us when we are in trouble in the future. More friends means more ways!"

Xia Yu patted Xia Xue on the shoulder and said with certainty.

When he entered the quarantine area, he saw many survivors on the roadside who were so hungry that they could only dig wild vegetables to eat.

There were even some survivors with children, who looked at their children crying with hunger, with a look of helplessness and sadness on their faces.

Xia Yu is kind-hearted and can't stand such scenes, so he made this bold decision.

"That...At least we should save the bread for our quarantine period. Even if it is a good deed, we can't let our own stomachs run dry!"

Xia Xue frowned and said.

She felt that her brother's starting point for doing this must be good.

But she always felt that something was wrong.

She couldn't tell what the problem was.

In short, every time she saw the group of survivors outside the truck, she felt a little suffocated.

It was not because of lack of oxygen, but psychological suffocation.

""Okay, okay, I'll listen to you. We'll keep two boxes of bread and give the rest to them. That should be fine, right?"

Xia Yu caressed his sister's hair lovingly.

Since their parents turned into zombies, they were the only ones left in the world to depend on each other.

Now his sister Xia Xue was Xia Yu's most precious treasure.

After the brother and sister finished discussing, Xia Yu picked up the megaphone and said to the survivors below:

"Everyone can get a piece of bread. Please line up on the left. Those who have received the bread please stand on the right. Thank you for your cooperation!"

"There are plenty of breads on the bus, don't rush, everyone will have a share, I will just distribute them in the order you line up!"

When the survivors heard that there was indeed food to be had, they were all excited.

Many of them had been fleeing since the end of the world.

Who could keep food and water with them all the time?

So when the end of the world came, the threat they faced was not only zombies, but also hunger!

Many survivors who were alone and powerless did not have the ability to kill zombies.

They dared not rob other survivors. They had been relying on river water to fill their stomachs these days, and had not eaten a single bite of food. They were almost starving.

"Line up, come one by one. If you don't line up according to the rules, I won't give you anything!"

Xia Yu looked at the chaotic scene below and emphasized the order again.

In order to get the food, the survivors in the front row lined up obediently, although they were reluctant.

The order was in good order!

Some survivors got the food and said thank you to Xia Yu.

When the female survivors got the bread, they kept winking at Xia Yu.

They hoped to get close to this big backer with food.

Some people were even moved to tears when they ate the bread.

The survivors who got the bread began to praise Xia Yu one after another.

"This brother and sister are such good people. Good people will definitely be rewarded!"

"They are truly our lifesavers. If it weren’t for them, we would have starved to death if we had been hungry for a few more days!"

"I didn't expect there are such good people in this world. It's so touching....Woo woo woo..."

Seeing these survivors being grateful to him, Xia Yu felt very relieved.

Who says that the end of the world must be full of intrigues?

Who says that the end of the world must be a fight to the death?

How ridiculous!

The relationship between people is like a mirror. If you smile at it, it will definitely smile back at you.

If you curse at it, you will definitely be cursed in response!

Xia Yu decided that he must be the former.

Become a leader who helps mankind regain trust!

Zhang Yi, Heizi and others also stood in the team, and slowly moved forward with the team.

Zhang Yi discovered that a group of survivors who occupied the only star-rated hotel in Linhai County did not send anyone to collect bread.

Instead, several people sat on the terrace on the second floor, watching every move here with cold eyes.

"Brother Yi, have you seen those people? It feels so strange! Do they think there is too much food? Why don't they send anyone to get the food? This is too ostentatious!"

Liu Qianqian also saw this group of people, so she whispered to Zhang Yi.

"They are not complaining about having too much food, but are observing the number of people in other survivor teams and the ratio of men to women!"

"The reason why this group of people dared to stand there blatantly showed that they were the strongest in the whole town! They could rob other people, but no one dared to rob them!"

"If what I guessed is correct, once they figure out the strength of other survivor teams, they will come and rob us!"

"What they are after is definitely not a loaf of bread per person, but the entire truck loaded with bread!"

Zhang Yi said in a low voice

"That...Should we remind the brother and sister to be careful?"

Liu Qianqian asked worriedly.

"There's no point in reminding them. This brother and sister are too naive and have exposed all their strength. The whole town is so small and there are troops guarding the entrances and exits. Even if they figure it out and prepare to escape now, where can they escape to?"

"not to mention...snort..."

Zhang Yi sneered and shook his head, saying:"Do you think someone who can do such a stupid thing as giving out food to everyone for free will believe what you say?"

"Only reality can wake up these people who live in fairy tales!"

There is a second half to this sentence that Zhang Yi did not say.

That is, people who are awakened by reality often face death when they wake up!

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