Soon, it was Zhang Yi's turn.

Xia Yu was in charge of carrying out large boxes of bread in the truck.

Xia Xue was squatting on the edge of the truck, unpacking the boxes of bread and distributing them to the survivors one by one.

The boxes of bread were placed open on the edge of the truck, and it was easy for people to take them all away at once.

Zhang Yi frowned when he saw this scene. When he took the bread, he whispered,"I suggest you put the boxes of bread back. Those who accept your charity may not all be good people!"

After that, he turned around and left.

Xia Xue was stunned when she heard this.

What do you mean that those who accept my charity may not all be good people?

Give them food yourself.

Shouldn't they be grateful to me?

Even if they are not good people, can they become enemies because of sharing bread?

What a strange person!

Although Xia Xue didn't quite agree with Zhang Yi's words, she still subconsciously stepped back the box.

Just when Xia Xue was stunned, a pair of dark hands suddenly rushed over.

The man had originally intended to reach for the box of bread.

But because of Xia Xue's small move, he missed it.

Then, he reached out again, quickly reached into the box, and took out two loaves of bread.

Before Xia Xue could react, he squeezed into the crowd and disappeared.

"Thank you, please give me some bread!"

It was the next person's turn. He was a thin man wearing glasses, who looked gentle and refined.

""Okay, your bread!"

Xia Xue took out a loaf of bread and handed it over.

The man with glasses put the bread in his backpack and stretched out his hand again.

"Thank you, please give me the bread!"

Xia Xue was stunned for a moment and said,"One person can only receive one loaf of bread, sir, you have already received it!"

"Little girl, are you bullying an honest person? I clearly saw the person in front of me take two pieces of bread and leave. Why can I only take one piece of bread when I come here?"

The man with glasses changed his gentle and polite attitude just now and suddenly shouted sharply, like a shrew scolding in the street.

"We have just said that each person can only receive one copy, so please follow the rules, okay?"

Xia Xue said

"I am following the rules. Do you think that I will only give you one piece of bread if I ask you politely? Or will you only give me two pieces if the man reaches out to grab it like that man just now?"

"And how many of the people queuing here have eaten bread once and are queuing again? Why can they get it twice, but I can’t? Are you bullying honest people?"

The man with glasses became more and more excited, and slammed his palm heavily on the truck compartment, making a bang.

Xia Xue was choked by the anger of this man with glasses, and didn't know how to refute for a while.

It was obviously her and her brother who were kind enough to share bread with everyone.

How come in the end she became unreasonable and bullied honest people?

It was obviously this man with glasses who was bullying her!

Xia Yu saw her sister being bullied, and hurried over and said:

"Sir, each person can only take one piece of bread. That's the requirement. If you don't follow the rules, please hand over the bread. We don't want to share food with you like this!"

When the man with glasses heard that Xia Yu wanted to take the bread back, he quickly covered his backpack with both hands and said unyieldingly:

"The bread is mine after it was given to me. Why should I give it to you? Are you trying to rob me?"

It was obviously the man with glasses who was unreasonable, but in the end, Xia Yu and Xia Xue became the robbers.

Xia Yu knew that if he continued to argue with this man, the matter would never end, so he suddenly had an idea and decided to mobilize the power of the masses.

Nearly half of the survivors here had eaten their own bread.

As the saying goes, it is the shortest to eat other people's food. Xia Yu felt that it was time for him to respond to the call!

Thinking of this, he picked up the megaphone and said loudly to the survivors below:

"Each person can only take one piece of bread, this is what we agreed before! Now this man is unreasonable and insists on grabbing two pieces of bread, what do you think we should do?"

After saying this, Xia Yu felt that his whole aura had changed.

With so many people in the audience supporting him, even if he used saliva, he could spit at this unreasonable man with glasses.

But after a long time, the scene that Xia Yu expected did not appear.

The survivors below looked at each other for a while, and no one was willing to speak for Xia Yu.

After a while, a sentence came from somewhere:"How can we be full with one piece of bread each? You have so much bread, even if you give us one more, it doesn't matter!"

This sentence caused a huge uproar and immediately gained the approval of other survivors.

"Yes, we have been hungry for several days, and you only give us a piece of bread. Aren’t you too stingy?"

"That's right, as the saying goes, good things should be done to the end. What's the difference between doing something halfway and not doing it at all?"

"It's too naive to think you are a savior just by giving a piece of bread!"

"Speaking of which, a brother and a sister were driving a truck full of bread. This combination is a bit strange. Could it be that you stole the truck?"

"He gave us the stolen goods and expected us to be grateful? This is a very sophisticated calculation!"

"Since they stole it, why should we reason with them? The stolen money should be confiscated. We are the public, the government!"

"Yes, we can take it ourselves. Why should we depend on his face to take the bread?"

The survivors said a lot, and the crowd immediately became chaotic.

Then pairs of hands stretched out from the retreat like hungry zombies.

Some���After grabbing a piece of bread, some people simply took away the whole box of bread. Some people took the opportunity to touch Xia Xue's calf.

Xia Xue screamed in fear, dodged quickly, and hurried back to the truck.

Although Xia Yu tried his best to stop them, these survivors were already red-eyed in order to grab more bread for themselves.

Whoever dares to stop them is an enemy!

Soon, five or six survivors rushed into the truck and plundered it wantonly.

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