Heizi and the others were also excited.

Especially when they just came out of the hail of bullets.

Although it was only a few seconds, it activated the blood and heroism of the warriors in their blood.

They shouted and passed through the city gate without a gate.

Xu Hao's car followed at the back, and his pants were wet with fear.

""Call the control panel, call the control panel, someone is breaking through, someone is breaking through, raise the drawbridge immediately!"

The captain almost shouted while holding the intercom.

He did not expect that the first combat guard mission he had accepted since he joined the army would be broken through by a group of civilians.

This not only made him lose face, but he might also be charged with violating military discipline.

"Team...Captain, this is bad!"

The soldier ran over in a panic, his face pale with fear.

"What happened? Is there anything more serious than someone breaking into the checkpoint?!"

The captain scolded

"this...Really...Look up at the sky!"

"Hmm? Look at the sky?"

The captain looked in the direction of the soldier's finger.

He saw that the sky, which was azure blue just now, was covered with dark clouds.

What was even more strange was that under the dark clouds, there were countless small black dots hovering in the sky.

They were crows!

Thousands of crows, screaming strangely, flew towards Linhai City.

"this...This is..."

The captain was also confused.

This was the first time he had encountered such strange weather and abnormal behavior of animals.


Suddenly, a violent explosion was heard.

It came from the checkpoint in Linhai County.

The huge smoke cloud caused by the explosion rushed straight into the sky.

"What's going on? Are the survivors rioting? Is the checkpoint lost?"

The captain's face suddenly turned ugly.

There were a lot of explosives buried underground at the checkpoint, and the non-isolated area was full of mines.

Only when the checkpoint was completely lost would the explosives and minefields be activated.

What happened that forced the front to adopt such a mutually destructive fighting style?

Then, more and more cars rushed out of the isolation area and rushed towards the city wall frantically.

"Oh no, the survivors are rioting! Hurry up, get the helicopter for support, and everyone should indiscriminately shoot everyone outside the city wall!"

After the captain gave the order, he ran to the other side of the city wall, dispatched an armored vehicle, and placed it across the city gate. Just as everything was ready, the survivors were seen rushing towards the city wall like crazy, braving the hail of bullets.

While rushing, they were still shouting something.

The captain had no time to pay attention to what they were saying. He had only one task.

Never let any survivor pass through the city wall.

It was easy to shoot these survivors holding axes, machetes and other cold weapons with bullets.

After several strafings, a large number of survivors fell down.

The rest of the survivors were so scared that they turned around and ran.

But after running a few steps, they suddenly stopped again.

It seemed that they were worried about the enemy behind them.

The worst thing was that the survivors who were shot dead soon stood up again and turned into zombies.

The scene was in chaos.

Outside the cordon, the survivors fought hard with the zombies, and it seemed that they were Total destruction is imminent.

At this moment, the helicopter that was flying low and strafing suddenly began to smoke and fell from mid-air while spinning.

The moment the helicopter hit the ground, the fuel tank was ignited by the sparks from the friction of the propeller and exploded again with a bang.

How did the helicopter fall?

The captain was a little confused. How could the survivors desperately try to pull the helicopter to their backs when they were busy with their own affairs?

Moreover, although the helicopter was flying low, it was still five or six meters above the ground.

This is not a height that humans can reach by jumping. Just when the captain was puzzled.

A huge creature slowly walked out of the flames of the helicopter explosion.

It was a tiger! A giant tiger!

This guy was as big as a car and weighed more than two tons!

A mouth full of sharp teeth, and his fur was stained with flames.

It was like a demon walking out of hell.

"funeral...Zombie tiger?"

The captain was stunned.

Not to mention a zombie tiger, even if it was alive, it would be difficult to deal with such a large tiger.

"Ho Ho..."



Behind the tiger, a dense crowd of zombies rushed out screaming.

The scale was definitely more than 10,000 people.

What frightened the captain even more was that in the zombie team, there was a giant zombie bear as big as a tank.

There were also mutant zombies of a different format that he had never seen before....

"It's a zombie tide..."

The captain instinctively wanted to retreat.

But the suspension bridge behind him had already been raised high.

It would be too late to wait for it to come down before escaping.

Moreover, the control room could not lower the suspension bridge at the risk of letting zombies enter Linhai City.

"We are dead...."

The captain sat down on the ground dejectedly.

He didn't even notice the burning eggshell bullets from the heavy machine gun next to him falling on his legs.

Humans versus zombies, this is a battle that is impossible to win....

The soldiers were firing frantically.

However, the accuracy of the bullets hitting the head was not so ideal.

Many zombies were still able to move at a certain speed even after being shot.

Especially the giant zombie tiger, which moved very quickly.

The heavy machine gun could not keep up with its speed.

The bullets always landed one or two meters behind it.


The zombie tiger leaped onto the city wall.

It roared excitedly, and its fishy breath instantly spread.

""Ah, I'll fight you!"

A soldier holding a submachine gun shouted and fired.

However, the bullet shot into the tiger's head and disappeared instantly, without even a splash of blood.

The zombie tiger slapped it fiercely.

The soldier was folded up from top to bottom, and his entire spine was broken.


There was another loud noise.

The armored vehicle blocking the door was knocked three or four meters away by the giant bear.

The entire defense was completely collapsed!

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