Twenty minutes ago.

After Zhang Yi and his companions broke through the blockade of the checkpoint, they stepped on the accelerator and rushed forward.

However, this cross-river bridge was too long. When the car had just passed the checkpoint for more than 200 meters, the bridge suddenly shook and then began to rise slowly.

Zhang Yi knew that the suspension bridge was going to be pulled up.

This design is used to facilitate the passage of deep-draft cargo ships or cruise ships.

Now it has another wonderful use, which is to prevent external intruders.

""Go, we will definitely make it!"

Zhang Yi's foot never left the accelerator.

The Hummer behind him also accelerated and moved forward side by side with the RV.

In fact, the acceleration of the Hummer is faster than that of the RV. If Heizi wanted to, he could quickly overtake Zhang Yi and pass the broken bridge in advance.

But he didn't. He chose to live and die with Zhang Yi.

Xu Hao, who was following at the back, was anxious.

He really didn't want to live and die with Zhang Yi and others.

What's the matter? They only met twice in total. They really don't have such a deep friendship!

The first time they forced him to find a spider and he was almost eaten. The second time they forced him to come over to block the bullet, and he was scared to pee his pants.

Xu Hao wanted to speed up. After all, he was a Mercedes-Benz, and his speed was slightly faster than other cars. Go faster.

But what made him despair was that two Hummers, plus an RV, had blocked the road.

Even if he wanted to overtake, he couldn't! He could only worry secretly in the back!

The bridge deck was rising higher and higher, and the RV was climbing like a roller coaster, and the road behind the broken bridge was basically invisible.

Who cares!

Zhang Yi asked Liu Qianqian and Liu Xiaobai to fasten their seat belts, and then rushed forward!

The RV drew a perfect arc in the air, and then landed steadily on the opposite side of the broken bridge, and then sped down.

The two Hummers also landed at the same time.

Only the Mercedes-Benz was a car body away. When it landed, its rear wheels were suspended in the air for a while, and then it bounced up suddenly and passed.

"Yes! It's coming!"

Zhang Yi showed the joy of victory on his face.

"Brother Yi, be careful ahead!"

Liu Qianqian reminded from the side.

On the other side of the bridge, although there was no city wall gate, there were four or five police cars lined up, and there were several anti-collision buckets filled with water in front.

"If there are any vehicles illegally breaking through the checkpoint ahead, please stop immediately, disarm, put your hands on your head and walk out of the vehicle!"

"Otherwise we will take coercive measures!"

The police in Linhai City have all been recruited by the army.

Now they are all wearing military uniforms, helmets on their heads, and holding loudspeakers to warn

"I see!"

Zhang Yi glanced at the RV's armor value, which was still more than 300 points.

He could hit it again!

Surrendering would be like letting others slaughter you, which was not Zhang Yi's character at all.

Moreover, he came���The city is looking for someone.

Can someone who is locked up in the police station run out to look for someone?

Moreover, almost all cities have fallen, why is Linhai City safe and sound?

Did they know something in advance and did a good job of virus prevention and control!

If this is the case, then there must be a medical experimental institution like the 7th Institute here.

Zhang Yi, Heizi, who has explosive combat power, must be caught for medical experiments.

Liu Xiaobai's future is even more unpredictable.

So don't think about it, just keep going!

"Qianqian, I need you to navigate to a less crowded place in Linhai City, and we will rush over directly!"

Zhang Yi had no intention of slowing down, his eyes were fixed on the road, looking for the best impact point

"Hold on...I'm looking for...Found it. There are fewer people on the beach on the west side of Linhai City, and I didn’t see any patrol teams. I have sent the route directly to them!"

"Okay, hold on tight!"

The convoy's formation changed again to a long line of RVs in front and Hummers in the back.

The heavy machine guns and helicopter strafing had failed to stop the RVs.

The defense forces in front, who only had pistols, were simply vulnerable in front of the RVs.

""Scatter, quickly scatter!"

The leading policeman waved his hand, and all the police moved aside.

The police car blocking the middle of the road was smashed to pieces by the huge force of the RV.

It was like a crumpled paper ball, rolling on the ground for several rounds, and then flipped into the flower bed on the side of the road. After breaking through this layer of defense, there was nothing to worry about.

Zhang Yi drove west along Binhai Road....

Watching the RV and the Hummer drive away, Xu Hao slowly got out of the Mercedes-Benz, and obediently laid on the ground with his hands on his head.

The police were frightened by Zhang Yi's ferocious and unusual way of breaking through the checkpoint.

They didn't even dare to send a car to chase him.

However, when they turned around, they found that there was still a fish that had escaped.

The most bizarre thing was that this person took the initiative to surrender on the ground?!

What kind of routine is this?!

"I surrender, I am not in the same group with them, I am from the 7th Institute, and I demand to see Director Jiang from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention!"

"What does the CDC have to do with us? You broke into the checkpoint privately, damaged public property, and obstructed the police from handling the case. Come back to the police station with us first!"

Several policemen rushed up, handcuffed Xu Hao tightly, and then pushed him into the police car.

After a while, the troops of the National Protection Army came over, reoccupied the bridgehead, and began to build fortresses and city walls....

Zhang Yi, who had already escaped, drove for a while and found that the road ahead was gone, blocked by tall containers.

But according to the navigation, this road should exist.

No matter what, keep crashing!

Zhang Yi drove the car in front of him, and the Hummer followed faithfully behind.

But after driving for a few more minutes, Zhang Yi suddenly felt something was wrong.

Because when he just crashed the container, there were clearly military guards next to it.

But not only did they not shoot at him, but they also did not chase him.

Zhang Yi looked in the rearview mirror.

These people were actually directing the crane to readjust the crashed container back and turned it into a wall again!


Zhang Yi was breaking through the level before, so they tried their best to stop him.

It was to prevent someone from entering the safe zone with the virus.

Now that they suddenly stopped stopping, it can only mean one thing, that is, they drove from the safe zone to the epidemic area!

Sure enough, it was not just Zhang Yi.

Liu Qianqian soon found something wrong.

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