The road was very clean just now, as clean as a city in peacetime.

It means that someone has been maintaining and cleaning it.

But since entering here, the ground has obviously become much dirtier.

There are also a lot of broken clothes, messy garbage, and even blood stains on the roadside.

In the distance, a young lady in a bikini is slowly wandering on the beach.

Although it is too far to see her face, her walking pace is definitely not a normal way of walking.

"us...It seems to be far away..."

Liu Qianqian said embarrassedly

"Well, I see, but it doesn't matter. Compared with those humans who are bent on catching us, the zombies here are more pleasing to the eye!"

Zhang Yi said half-jokingly.

Ever since the moment he broke through the level, his RV and Heizi's Hummer must have become the main targets of the Linhai City military.

The RV is too conspicuous. No matter where it is parked, it can be recognized.

And the city is full of surveillance.

It is easy for people to find it.

The place where Liu Qianqian navigated to, by accident, became the safest location.

The RV drove on the road for a while, and then stopped in the villa area by the sea.

The population density here is the smallest, so when the zombies break out, the base number of zombies that can be infected here is also the smallest.

It is more convenient to clean up.

"Let's do it here!"

Zhang Yi parked the RV at the fountain square at the entrance of the villa community.

The Hummer turned 60 degrees and formed a triangle with the RV and stopped.

""Young Master, shall we stay here tonight?"

Heizi got out of the car.

Xia Xue followed him.

After she performed the scene of the truck overturning, she hurried back to the roadside and got on Heizi's Hummer. She followed him all the way until now.

As for the mission of breaking through the level, Xia Xue's contribution is not small.

"Well, let's rest here tonight, clean up the zombies door to door, and then collect some food!"

Zhang Yi instructed.

Suddenly, he remembered something and added:"You can't use a gun, you must use a knife!"

Zhang Yi took out a first aid kit from the RV and handed it to Xia Xue.

"You should follow them too. If there are any wounded people, apply the medicine here on them!"


Xia Xue was stunned.

When her brother took her to escape before, they always tried to avoid the zombies.

They used bottles, cans and other objects to make noises to attract the zombies' attention, and then took the opportunity to escape.

Now Zhang Yi actually said that he wanted to kill the zombies, and she suddenly became nervous.

"is there a problem?"


Xia Xue shook her head quickly.

She knew that if she couldn't join the battle, she would be useless in this team.

A person who could only consume food but didn't contribute to the team was unwelcome in peacetime or in the end times.

In peacetime, it was dismissal, but in the end times, there was only death left.

Xia Xue hurriedly picked up the medical bag and took out a fire axe from the trunk of the Hummer.

With a heroic expression on her face, she walked towards Villa No. 1.

"Wait a minute!"

Zhang Yi found Xia Xue's expression a little funny.

He looked at Xia Xue with his intermediate detection eye, and a set of data immediately appeared:

【Name: Xia Xue

【Charm: 93

【Strength]: 38 (72+6), Evolution Essence randomly increases attribute points, Strength +6

【Agility]: 42 (75+6), Evolution Essence randomly increases attribute points, Agility +6

【Knowledge: 77, good at driving, Chinese cooking, pastry, first aid, nursing

【[Constitution]: 30

【[Combat Potential Rating]: Grade A

Note: The combat value of an ordinary person is 50, and the combat potential rating is C.

Can you cook? This is very good!

Zhang Yi's RV is just short of a cook!

Liu Qianqian is good in every way, but her cooking is too bad.

And Xia Xue can also do first aid and nursing?

I think she said that she used to be a nurse. It seems that asking her to hold the first aid kit is a blessing in disguise.

When Zhang Yi looked at other combat data, he couldn't help but frowned.

Strength 38, Agility 42, Constitution 30?

It seems that this girl has never participated in a battle.

All three combat attributes are 50 points lower than that of an ordinary person.

In fact, this can be seen from the way she holds the axe.

Basically, you have to use both hands to barely swing it.

Fighting zombies at this level is basically the same as committing suicide.

Fortunately, her growth potential is Grade A.

This is the lowest standard for Zhang Yi to gather team members.

If the growth potential is lower than Grade A, it will be difficult to cultivate it no matter how you cultivate it.

It's just a waste of evolution essence

"Come here!"

Zhang Yi waved at Xia Xue.

"Well , what else is planned?"

Zhang Yi looked at his remaining evolution essence, which was 168 points.

A-level combat potential increases 4 points of attributes for every point of evolution essence consumed....It's a bit of a loss!

Zhang Yi is a little reluctant, but he has to give her the ability to fight zombies head-on as a starting point.

It depends on her luck in the future.

Consume 8 points of evolution essence to strengthen Xia Xue's strength attribute!

Ding! Xia Xue's strength attribute increases by 32 points, and the current attribute is 70 points!

Consume 2 points of evolution essence to strengthen the attack power of Xia Xue's fire axe!

Ding! Strengthening is completed, the sharpness of the fire axe is increased by 50%!

The current remaining evolution essence is 158 points


Xia Xue held the fire axe in both hands, waiting for Zhang Yi to speak.

Suddenly, the axe in her hand became lighter. She could easily pick it up with one hand.

This surprised her.

"It's nothing. From today on, you can live in my RV!"

Zhang Yi said.

As for the secret of the evolution essence, he didn't intend to tell it directly.

Just let everyone slowly feel the strength.


Xia Xue nodded shyly.

It seemed that what she was thinking was wrong again.

These women, they look pure on the outside, but why are they so dirty on the inside?

They just knew each other for a day, and they want that already?

Tsk tsk tsk!

Zhang Yi shook his head and walked away.

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