Liu Qianqian saw that there were not too many zombies outside, and Zhang Yi and Heizi were still clearing the area.

So she took Liu Xiaobai out and taught him to read and count in the square.

Liu Xiaobai has a strong learning ability and can remember almost everything he sees. With one teaching and the other learning, Liu Xiaobai already knew more than a dozen words in just over ten minutes.

He can also calculate addition and subtraction within ten, a child prodigy!

Zhang Yi was not interested in taking care of children or teaching, and he knew nothing about it.

But he looked at the time, and the 48-hour cooling time for the RV upgrade had ended, so he could upgrade directly.

Ding! It was detected that the RV had met the upgrade conditions. Do you need to upgrade?


Ding! Consuming 2 tons of steel, the RV was upgraded to level 2!

【Vehicle Model]: Military-grade luxury RV customized version

【Level]: Level 3 (can be upgraded after 96 hours)

【Internal space: 200 square meters

【Internal Facilities: Two new guest rooms, a combat simulation warehouse, and a biological laboratory. Combat simulation warehouse: You can conduct holographic imaging simulation battles with zombies you have encountered before to improve your enemy experience. You can gain combat attribute points for the first simulated kill.

Biological laboratory: Use the blood samples of mutant creatures collected to produce biological agents with different functions.

【[Outer Armor Level]: Level 3, can resist 1200 points of damage, and can slowly restore the resistance value by consuming material points after leaving the battle

【[Weapon Level]: Current level 2!

【Weapon: Enhanced flamethrower: consumes energy points, sprays out flames at a temperature of 1,000 degrees, with a spray range of 20 meters, a duration of 7 (5+2) seconds, can be fired continuously for 15 (10+5) times, and a cooling time of 9 (10-1) minutes

【New weapons]: Giant Deer Horn: After starting the collision, the speed of the car instantly increases to 150 miles per hour, the mass increases by 50 tons, lasts for 20 seconds, and everything is knocked away!

Note: Starting the collision does not consume armor value when a collision occurs, and the cooldown time is 3 hours.

It has become stronger again!

Zhang Yi is very satisfied with the effect of the new upgrade of the RV.

As the upgrade is completed, the appearance of the RV has also changed.

The obstacle removal device has become a shovel shape, with a sharp blade protruding in the middle.

It looks majestic.

Ding! The RV has been upgraded to level 3.

The materials required to upgrade the RV to level 4 are:

Material points: satisfied.

Energy points: satisfied.

Gold consumption: ten kilograms.

Upgrade time cooldown: 95 hours, 59 minutes and 52 seconds.

The next upgrade will have to wait until 4 days later.

However, this upgrade has updated many new features, and Zhang Yi is going to try them one by one.

This time, he has entered the RV, and the space inside is so spacious that it is beyond Zhang Yi's imagination.

Two hundred square meters is simply the area of a small villa.

The aisle is also much more spacious.

The lifting rack seems to have become higher.

Looking at the golden and dazzling chandelier in the living room.

The entire interior of the RV can be raised to about five meters.

With the height raised, people feel much more relaxed.

There is nothing to visit in the room.

There are just two more bedrooms.

The bathroom has become much larger. It not only has a bathtub, but also a shower, a sink, and a shallow paddling pool.

The toilet is separated from the bathroom.

The toilet is now as big as the previous bedroom.

It is a bit exaggerated.

Not far behind the cab is the laboratory.

Zhang Yi pushed the door and walked in.

The structure inside the laboratory is very simple, just a clean and tidy small room.

There is an electronic screen in front of him, which records the mutant creatures killed by Zhang Yi and their blood samples.

There are two samples on it now.

The first is the spider blood obtained from the giant mutant spider killed by Zhang Yi in the 7th place.

The second is the giant zombie hound killed by Zhang Yi behind the repair shop, and its DNA structure is also automatically stored here.

Tip: Do you want to consume 500 medical points to develop new drugs?

The current medical points are 1,658,964,235.

Looking at such a long string of numbers, Zhang Yi was too lazy to count them.

In fact, doesn't this number mean: sufficient resources, can be developed at will?

The system is so rigid, it's really troublesome.

Zhang Yi clicked on the first option, Spider Blood, and then clicked on Research and Development.


The production bar on the touch screen was soon full.

Then the dialog box appeared again:

[Rapid Growth Potion] has been produced!

Rapid Growth Potion: Increases the growth rate of any organism in its infancy or growth stage by several times, and the effects are cumulative with multiple uses! Note: This potion can only make organisms grow to maturity at most, and it will have no effect if used again.


Zhang Yi nodded.

This is exactly what he wanted.

Imagine that you planted a watermelon seed in the field today.

After using the rapid growth potion, you can eat watermelon in a few days. How cool is that?

Catch up with online shopping.

And with it, you don’t have to worry about food problems in the future.

Grow as you plant, eat whenever you want.

Not only crops, but also livestock, mature quickly and be slaughtered immediately!

Even the problem of meat quality is solved.

Next, Zhang Yi clicked on the second option: Giant Zombie Hound.

Choose research and development!


After another familiar voice, a dialog box appeared on the screen again:

Primary strengthening mixture has been developed and produced!

【[Primary Enhancement Mixture]: It can randomly enhance the attributes of the human body in small amounts. Each person can use it up to three times!

Increase attributes?

Zhang Yi smiled slightly.

This is a good thing, a free attribute.

It is equivalent to taking the evolution essence directly.

Moreover, enhancing human attributes has nothing to do with the combat potential rating.

In other words, no matter who uses this potion, the increase is the same.

This is very cost-effective for people like Xia Xue, Li Yong, and He Zhigang, who have a combat potential rating of only A.

Let me try the effect first!

Zhang Yi clicked to make 3 copies of the primary enhancement mixture.


Three capsules popped out from the potion outlet below the electronic screen.

This setting is somewhat similar to a vending machine.

Zhang Yi picked up a capsule and took a look. It was just an ordinary capsule, and it was white, without much packaging.

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