So this is the strength after genetic modification.

Zhang Yi re-examined himself:

【Name: Zhang Yi

【Strength: Primary stage evolver

【Charm]: 82 (97-15). Due to the host's long experience of war, he has a strong temper and his charm is reduced by 15 points.

【Strength (new)]: 50;

【Agility (new)]: 50;

【Constitution (new)】: 50;

【Talent Awakening: Weapon Master

【[Battle Potential Rating]: SSS

Note: For the primary stage evolvers, the initial value of the combat attribute is 50 points. This attribute is the attribute value after genetic enhancement.

Weapon Master: After the Hou Yi Tong Bow has selected all four options, it can be upgraded and the weapon skill can be awakened!

The attribute value after genetic enhancement is only 50 points, but it has such amazing damage?

What will it be like if it is upgraded again with evolution essence?

Zhang Yi saw that the weapon master skill needs at least 100 points of evolution essence to light up the weapon skill.

And he has 79 points of evolution essence left.

So he decided to upgrade the physical attribute first.

Ding! Do you need to consume 10 points of evolution essence to improve one of the three attributes of strength, agility, and physical fitness (increase 10 points of attribute)?

Now the consumption of improving attributes has increased from 1 point to 10 points?

Zhang Yi curled his lips.

Strong strength requires more price.

In other words, from this stage in front of you, to upgrade to the next stage.

The required evolution essence is 10 times that of the previous one?!

But looking at my current strong strength, these costs are completely worth it.


Ding! You have consumed 70 points of evolution essence and increased your agility by 70 points!

The current agility attribute is 120 points!

Zhang Yi knows that his main attribute is actually agility. Agility has the fastest bonus to the damage and shooting speed of Hou Yi Tong Bow.

The most important thing is that the only martial arts in the world that cannot be broken is speed.

Zhang Yi doesn't know if his transformed physique can block bullets.

But if he improves his agility, at least he can greatly increase his chances of dodging bullets.

If the threat of hot weapons is removed, Zhang Yi can almost say that he has no rivals in the currently known apocalypse.

"few...Shao Dong...When did you become so strong?"

Heizi was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth.

The other team members also had a look of astonishment.

They knew that Zhang Yi was stronger than them.

But he couldn't be so strong!

Just now, three or four team members couldn't hold down one of the giant zombie's hands. Instead, it casually waved and threw two of them away.

There was no reaction at all when bullets hit its body.

Its head was as hard as a helmet.

How come it was like paper when it met Zhang Yi.

So vulnerable?

"As long as you work hard, you will be as strong as me!"

Zhang Yi did not miss the opportunity to recommend it. It is true that as long as you kill zombies desperately, your strength will definitely become stronger.

But Zhang Yi relied on the RV to crush and burn at least two thousand zombies along the way.

In addition to the outstanding contributions of Pocket Face and Brother Long, he has grown to the current level.

If they rely on cold weapons to kill, their strength will definitely increase, but it will not be as fast as Zhang Yi.


But Heizi and others believed it without a doubt.

"Go ahead, each of you set a goal for yourself, how many zombies to kill every day, don't sleep if you haven't killed them all!"

Zhang Yi ordered without any hesitation.

But this is indeed the only way for Heizi to become stronger.

"I understand. We will definitely work hard to become stronger!"

Heizi patted his chest and promised:"I will set a goal first. Today I want to kill...100 zombies!"

"I want to kill 100 too!"

"Me too, I won’t sleep until I kill someone!" The team members were eager to try.

As a warrior with blood, who doesn’t want to become stronger?

"that...I want to kill 150 zombies!"

Xia Xue said with courage.


Heizi glanced at her and thought: Isn't this just ruining the party?

"That...I'll kill 150 too!"

Since Xia Xue, a girl, said she wanted to kill 150, Heizi couldn't fall behind.

How could a grown man, a captain, kill less than a little girl?

Li Yong and He Zhigang looked at each other and were about to bid.

But when they saw Heizi's gloomy face, they held back their words.

Forget it, no more bidding, just kill secretly.

Just kill more yourself.

"That...I'll just have to kill 300, that's for Xiaobai and I!"

Liu Qianqian pulled Liu Xiaobai to join in.

"Assistant Liu...Why are you joining in the fun?..."

Heizi was completely helpless.

Liu Qianqian said that she and Liu Xiaobai were to kill 300 zombies.

But Liu Xiaobai was only a five or six-year-old girl, what could she do? It would be a blessing if she wasn't eaten by zombies!

Didn't Liu Qianqian's task of killing 300 zombies fall on her alone?

A woman killing 300 zombies?

Heizi felt that he had really lost face today.

"I don't care, let's see who can kill the most today!"

After Heizi finished speaking, he left with He Zhigang and others in a huff.

They were used to fighting in unity and cooperation.

Moreover, this way they could fight against small-scale zombies in groups and improve the efficiency of eliminating zombies.

Xia Xue automatically joined the group of Liu Qianqian and Liu Xiaobai, and the three girls worked as a team.

Zhang Yi was very pleased to see that these people were so motivated.

The foundation of survival in the end times is strength.

Having a strong team is more important than anything else.

So he didn't stop them.

He just stood on the terrace on the top of the RV and expanded his perception to the maximum.

Carefully perceive the zombies in every place.

If a giant zombie appears, he will eliminate the monster in advance.

Escort the two teams.

After all, with their strength, it is still too difficult to fight against the giant zombies....

In order to improve efficiency, Zhang Yi simply cleared all the giant zombies in the nearest two blocks in advance.

Then he lay on the lounge chair on the terrace, wearing sunglasses and sunbathing.

There was also a cup of iced coffee at hand.

As the sounds of battle came from time to time,...

Alas, this afternoon is really pleasant!

To be honest, this is the first time Zhang Yi has felt a sense of peace in an environment surrounded by zombies.

This is much more comfortable than being in the quarantine area and being on guard against those survivors with ulterior motives!......

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