Linhai City National Defense Army Headquarters.

General Cao Zhengda is furious:

"Trash, a bunch of trash! A company of soldiers can't stop the few hundred survivors in the quarantine area?! They are just a bunch of good-for-nothings!"

Military Secretary Zhao Tingna said kindly:

"General, please calm down. It must be that the soldiers at the front are desperately resisting the attack of the zombie tide in order to protect Linhai City from being harmed. This is why these survivors took advantage of the chaos to break through the checkpoint!"

"Moreover, they also sacrificed their lives heroically and successfully blocked the tide of corpses outside the suspension bridge!"

Cao Zhengda waved his hand and said:

"You don't have to speak well of them. Their merits are merits and their faults are faults. I know what is right and wrong!"

He paused, then continued to ask:"Where did those bandits who broke through the checkpoint go? I heard that the interception failed and only one of their accomplices was caught?"

Zhao Tingna turned on the tablet, projected the map of Linhai City on the desktop, and said:

"The person we caught claimed to be from the 7th Institute, but we don’t know what institution it is. He also claimed that he was not with the others! We are currently stepping up the interrogation!"

"As for the bandits who escaped, I think the general doesn't need to worry because they were 'lucky' enough to rush into the infected area!"

"I have ordered the troops defending the infected area to guard it strictly. I believe that in a few days, they will be left to fend for themselves there!"

Cao Zhengda nodded with satisfaction and said,"Since those guys are seeking their own death, there is nothing we can do. After all, we have to make the safety and health of the majority of citizens in Linhai City our top priority!"

"As for the accomplice from the 7th Institute, I don't think there is anything to interrogate. As long as he is not a latently infected person, just release him directly!"

Zhao Tingna nodded and said,"I understand, General, I'll do it now!"

Zhao Tingna turned and walked towards the door.

She happened to meet Cao Zhengda's only son Cao Yan, who walked in with a smile.

When he saw Zhao Tingna's graceful figure, he couldn't help but whistled.

His attitude was extremely frivolous.

Zhao Tingna was already used to this Cao Yan, and she walked past with a cold face as if she hadn't seen him at all.

"Dad, when are you going to introduce Zhao Tingna to me? You don't want to keep her for yourself, do you?"

When Cao Yan was born, his mother died of complications during childbirth.

Cao Zhengda missed his late wife, so he doted on Cao Yan.

As a result, Cao Yan has developed a fearless and dandy character.

"What nonsense are you talking about? This is the military headquarters. You are not allowed to whistle here. Do you understand?"

Cao Zhengda said with a gloomy face.

"Oh, I know, I know! When you were several levels above me, it was okay for me to whistle?"

"Now they are all dead. You are the one who has the final say in Linhai City. Why are you still making so many troubles? You are so hypocritical!

Cao Yan sat opposite Cao Zhengda with an impatient look on his face. He put his legs on the latter's desk as if he were at home.

"How can you talk to your father like that? You need to be disciplined!"

Cao Zhengda said it, but he didn't take any action.

He used to be just a small regiment commander of the Linhai Military District.

But after the apocalypse, the superior troops were wiped out.

And he was the only one with the highest military rank in the entire Linhai Military District.

So he became the highest commander of the entire Linhai Military District.

The highest commander of the military district in the apocalypse is equivalent to a warlord.

He holds the military power.

The chief minister and others have to be courteous to Cao Zhengda when they see him.

It can be said that Cao Zhengda is the real leader of the entire Linhai City.

And Cao Yan, as Cao Zhengda's only son, naturally became the prince, a person above everyone else.

"By the way, Dad, I have something serious to tell you!"

Cao Yan said, shaking his legs, not looking serious at all.

"Serious business? You still have serious business? Are you causing trouble again and need me to sort it out?"

"Alas, I have told you so many times, you are my son, my identity is very sensitive now, you must be low-key..."

Cao Zhengda really had no idea what to do with his son.

Last time, he drove drunk and killed someone.

The family of the deceased insisted that Cao Yan be sentenced to prison.

In the end, it was the military personnel sent by Cao Zhengda who negotiated and the matter was suppressed.

Who knows what will happen this time?

Anyway, every time Cao Yan talked to him seriously, it was definitely not a good thing.

"Okay, I know, I know. It's like a fly buzzing in my ear every day, buzzing! Buzzing, isn't it annoying?"

"This matter is not a big deal, you can solve it with just one word!"

Cao Yan frowned and said

"I can solve it with just one sentence? Tell me, what's the matter? If it happens again like last time, I won't take care of it!"

"No, this time I ask you to release a man named Xu Hao. This man is of no use to you anyway, so just let him go!"

"Xu Hao? Who is this?"

Cao Zhengda thought about it, but had no idea.

"Can you please stop pretending? Let go of the man you caught on the cross-river bridge this morning!"

Cao Yan looked impatient and muttered in a low voice,"It's just a matter of letting go of a man, why are you talking so much nonsense ?..."

"Him...What is your relationship with him? Why are you suddenly so interested in him? And how did you know he was arrested?

Cao Zhengda asked three questions in one breath.

"Okay, I'll tell you the truth, I was also entrusted by someone!"

Cao Yan twisted his neck a little embarrassedly and said:

"I have already promised them that you can release the person. It's just a matter of a word for you!"

""Okay, Lao Cao, stop using that little feather as a token of authority, and quickly release the person. I, Cao Yan, will keep my word. If I can't do this little thing, how can I survive in the future?!"

Cao Zhengda looked at Cao Yan.

Although the two of them didn't say anything,

Cao Zhengda had seen the answer from Cao Yan's eyes.

It must be another woman asking him to find a solution.

He agreed to it in a rush.

This kind of thing happened more than once.

"You are late..."

Cao Zhengda reached out and pushed Cao Yan's feet off the desk.

"Xu Hao, I have released him!"

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