""Fuck, Lao Cao, why didn't you say it earlier!" Cao Yan jumped up and said,"I have been talking nonsense here for so long!"

Cao Yan hurriedly walked out without looking back, and even left the office door.

Looking at Cao Yan's back, Cao Zhengda sighed....

In a residential building in Lishui Community, Linhai City.

A woman was putting on her clothes scattered on the ground one by one.

After putting them on, she sat in front of the dressing table and began to touch up her makeup again.

A man was lazily lying on the bed, smoking leisurely.

The woman's name was Jiang Ying, and she was a well-known model.

The man's name was Lin Shaojun, and he was a playboy who was as famous as Zhang Yi back then.

It's just that Zhang Yi has been reborn now, but Lin Shaojun hasn't changed much in the past four years.

It's just that the women around him have changed more than a dozen times.

Jiang Ying said as she skillfully tied her hair:

"Master Lin, I have done what I promised you. You asked me to accompany your friend named Cao, and I did, but he promised to send troops.���When are we going to do something about my boyfriend Xu Hao?"

"I heard that the suspension bridge in the south of the city has been raised. Can the army still get out?! Are you men pulling...Ruthless! No credibility at all!"

Lin Shaojun blew out smoke rings and said impatiently:

"They are the military, they have helicopters! If they want to pick someone up, the helicopter will fly over directly and fly back after picking them up!"

"What era is this? Do you think we still need to send a troop to fight all the way to rescue people? Will you replenish the guns and ammunition that have been consumed?"

"I know very well what kind of person Mr. Cao is. He may not be able to do what he promised me, but he will definitely do what he promised you!"

Jiang Ying chuckled and twisted her waist and said:

"Oh, I didn't expect that I actually have this kind of charm? Can I make Master Cao obey me?"

Lin Shaojun waved his hand and hurriedly explained:

"Don't get me wrong, Master Cao is just trying to save face. He will definitely do what he promised to a woman. It has nothing to do with who the woman is. Don't be so self-indulgent!"

Jiang Ying snorted softly and said nothing more.

Lin Shaojun lingered in bed for a while, then took a shower, put on his clothes, and said:

"I really hope that Xu Hao will never come back. I am really a little obsessed with you!"

He stretched out his hand to pinch Jiang Ying's chin, but the latter skillfully blocked it with his hand and said:

"We both know what you are obsessed with, so there is no need to act!"

Jiang Ying said, pushing Lin Shaojun out of the door.

Half an hour after the latter left, there was a sound of a key opening the door.

Jiang Ying hurried to the door to see.

She saw Xu Hao standing at the door with wounds all over his body and face, and his clothes were torn in several places.

"Xu Hao! You are finally back!

Jiang Ying was surprised and delighted to see Xu Hao.

She did not expect that Cao Yan would actually do what he promised.

"Well, I promised you that I would come back alive!"

Xu Hao smiled slightly.

Seeing Jiang Ying's pretty figure, he felt that the wound on his body was not so painful anymore.

"Come in quickly, you must have been starving these days, I'll get you something to eat!"

Jiang Ying hurriedly reached out and helped Xu Hao into the house.

Then she went to the kitchen to boil some water and prepared to make a bag of instant noodles.

Instant noodles are usually considered junk food, and are eaten by people who can't cook or are too lazy to cook.

But now it's different.

Almost all factories have stopped production, and agricultural products are stranded in the epidemic area, and no one dares to transport them.

More than two million people in Linhai City have fortunately escaped the outbreak of the zombie virus.

At the same time, unfortunately, the food in the city is not enough to sustain the food supply for so many people.

Almost every day you can see people starving to death, being taken away by people from the epidemic prevention center.

Instant noodles are time-saving, taste good, and are easy to bloat in the stomach, giving people the illusion of being full. It has suddenly become the most sought-after food for middle- and upper-class families in Linhai City.

After a while, the noodles were ready.

Jiang Ying thoughtfully brought the noodles to the bedside.

"Eat it while it’s hot, it won’t taste good if it gets cold!"

"Let’s eat together!"

"I...I just ate, I'm not hungry!"

Jiang Ying smiled.

In fact, there was only this bag of instant noodles left in the kitchen.

The rest of the food was more than a pound of potatoes.

Jiang Ying usually ordered takeout and rarely bought vegetables, so there was not much food stored at home.

If Lin Shaojun and Cao Yan hadn't helped her for two days, I'm afraid she would be so hungry that she wouldn't even have the strength to stand up.

""Mm, delicious!"

Xu Hao ate the noodles in big mouthfuls. He hadn't had a single bite of rice since he escaped from the 7th Institute.

He wasn't there during the bread snatching incident. He had been hungry for almost two days and was already starving.

Jiang Ying looked at Xu Hao wolfing down his food and couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.

She felt that everything she had done was worth it.

"Eat slowly, don't be in a hurry. I'll go out for a while in the evening....My bestie! She's sick, I have to go see her!"

"I won't be back at night, you can rest here at night, I will bring breakfast back tomorrow!"

Jiang Ying touched Xu Hao's hair, eyes full of love.

"Well, I am really too tired. I will take a rest for a while. I will accompany you well tomorrow!"

Xu Hao smiled innocently and started eating again.

Jiang Ying looked at her phone and saw that it was almost time to meet Cao Yan.

So she gave Xu Hao a few more instructions and then kissed him hard on the face.

Then she left reluctantly........

Linhai City, infected area, Seaview Villa Community.

After an afternoon of hard work.

Not only were the zombies in the entire community killed, but even the zombies in the surrounding streets were cleaned up.

Heizi and his men simply started a hunting competition.

In the end, Liu Qianqian killed 94 zombies, ranking first.

Heizi ranked second, killing 89 zombies.

Xia Xue ranked second to last, killing 45 zombies.

The last one was Liu Xiaobai, who killed 35 zombies.

This guy kills zombies effortlessly, but his attention is too distracted.

It's just like the story of the kitten fishing, chasing butterflies for a while, and enjoying flowers for a while.

Killing zombies is just something he does by the way.

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