The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 11 Ancient Relics

They looked at Chi Cang blankly, unable to say a word. Such a terrifying wave of ferocious beasts was forcibly bulldozed.

This is beyond the reach of human beings and already belongs to the category of gods. In the hearts of the villagers, Chi Cang is already worshiped as a god.

"Before he lost his memory, was he a thunder god?"

"It must be a god. The patriarch's bone book awakened the power sleeping in his body."

There are different opinions. Everyone is discussing the possible origin of Chicang. Some people are looking towards the land where the thunder sea is raging. People remember clearly that there used to be several large mountains standing there, but now they have disappeared and the huge mountains can no longer be seen. Towering mountain shadows.

The terrifying fluctuations just now disintegrated the clouds, causing the black clouds hovering over the wilderness to disperse. The bright moonlight fell down, and the earth was covered with silver. However, for ordinary people, the visibility was still not high.

What's the scene like over there? Even if you can't see clearly, you can probably imagine that there must be corpses everywhere, rivers of blood, and a hell.

"The tide of beasts fell down and was bulldozed. Doesn't that mean...the ground is full of corpses of ferocious beasts?" Someone said tremblingly.

This sentence reminded the people of Shicun. Everyone looked at each other, their eyes full of joy and excitement. It was a tide of beasts. There were countless terrifying beasts. Their bodies, bones, essence and blood, etc. were harmful to Shicun. They are all huge treasures.

The old patriarch Shi Yunfeng's heart was pounding, and he suddenly thought of a lot. If the blood essence of those fallen ferocious beasts were extracted, it would definitely be able to build a solid foundation for the next generation of Shicun, especially the little ones with extraordinary talents.

You know, even those special children in the big tribes are not as good as little ones at the same age. However, the big tribes have something that Shicun does not have. They will baptize their children with all kinds of precious blood and even the blood of ancient relics. Then, This kind of improvement is unimaginable.

I thought that the barren stone village would delay the little one's talent, but now, this problem will no longer exist.

In the distance, Chi Cang stood up, and the ancient method was revived, making his temperament completely different from before, giving him a fairy spirit.

He did not return to Shicun immediately, because in the void not far ahead, there was a huge bull-shaped ferocious beast, which was red in color. It was more than ten meters high and about thirty meters long. It had four hooves in the air, walking on the flames and bathing. In the firelight, runes flashed all over the body, exuding a powerful and attractive aura.

This is a true relic of the ancient times. It is astonishingly powerful, leering and terrifying. It can easily destroy a large tribe and cause blood to flow for thousands of miles.

It was attracted by the fragrance of the blazing precious blood and followed the beast tide, but it stayed at the very back. It was it that made the terrifying beast roar earlier.

The sudden appearance of a sea of ​​thunder and destruction beasts, killing countless people, really startled the demonic cow. It wanted to retreat, but the temptation of that kind of blood was too great. If it swallowed it, it might be able to achieve a breakthrough. Evolution, truly becoming the master of the wilderness, squeezing to the top of the pyramid.

Therefore, the Demonic Bull crossed the land filled with corpses of ferocious beasts and approached here, hoping to see if there was any chance of getting the precious blood.

As a result, greed brought him to Chi Cang, making it difficult for him to leave.

The people in Shicun were shocked. Such a huge fire-resistant bull was like a monster, and it looked terrifying.

"Is that... the Lihuo Bull Demon that Grandpa Patriarch said?" The little boy's eyes widened and he couldn't help but speak out.

"The Lihuo Bull Demon, God, this is a true ancient relic, with the ability to change the world."

People were shocked. This was the closest they had ever come to an ancient relic. In the past, they would not have dared to get close, and would easily die.

Even if you look at it from a distance, you have to be careful, and the opportunities to see it are limited, and not many people have such an opportunity.

Now, a real ancient relic appeared not far away, giving everyone an unparalleled sense of shock. This was definitely the first time they had seen it in their lives. Many old people stared intently at the demonic cow they had heard about since childhood. They thought it was a legend. When you walk in front of you, your heart will naturally tremble.


The Lihuo Bull Demon's hooves trembled slightly, a little frightened. The eyes of the humanoid creature in front made it fearful and helpless, as if it was facing a real supreme creature.

It has never seen such a powerful human being. Before this, it had always thought that humans were just little bean sprouts and ants.

What it encountered now has completely subverted its understanding of the human race.

"Is it an ancient relic? Very good. I'm in need of a mount for transportation. Come here." Chi Cang whispered, very calmly, but with an irresistible majesty. His mentality was completely different. Not only was he revived, Law, and a strong heart.

When the Bull Demon heard it, a huge wave surged in his heart.

It is very intelligent and can understand Chi Cang's words. However, the Lihuo Bull Demon is used to a bohemian life in the wilderness, so how can he be willing to be a mount for others?

No one wants to be tied up and lose their freedom.

Therefore, it thumped back, trampling the void into a scorched black.

The blazing eyes were slightly colder, which actually gave the Lihuo Bull Demon a chilling feeling down its spine, making it even more frightened.

How could there be such terrifying humans? Just like gods.

"If it were up to me, your treatment would be completely different."

Chi Cang said slowly, now that he has recovered "a little bit" of his strength, it is effortless to suppress this ancient relic.

Seeing that the Lihuo Bull Demon was still hesitating, Chi Cang no longer gave it time.

With a flick of his finger, he threw out an ancient seed covered with thunder patterns. This one was different from the one just now. It was not completely destroyed. After flying out, it quickly absorbed the power of the void, and then released the aura of the avenue.

In the end, it took root and sprouted, and a strange willow tree with flashes of lightning grew. It took root in the void, and its countless swaying willow branches were all made of thunder.

Before the Lihuo Bull Demon had time to react, hundreds of thunder willows rushed out and turned into divine chains of order. They continued to extend like lightning bolts, instantly entangling the Bull Demon and tying them around and around.


The surge of electricity extinguished the fire on the Bull Demon's body. Then, the ancient relic began to tremble and was shocked by lightning chains. Its skin was charred black and there were obvious blood marks. In the end, it even vomited at the mouth. Foaming, he rolled his eyes.


The huge Lihuo Bull Demon fell to the ground, making a deafening noise and smashing a large bull-shaped pit into the ground.

The villagers in the distance were dumbfounded. An unimaginably powerful ancient relic was captured just like this?

Chi Cang stretched out his hand, grabbed the thunder chain, and dragged the Lihuo Bull Demon toward the village. Where he walked, a deep pit was plowed out of the ground.

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