The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 10 The revival of ancient methods

The mountains and fields shook violently, not only because Chi Cang was practicing in the blood-moving realm, but also because of the endless ferocious beasts trampling the earth.

The cultivation method he had just used was like a key, opening the door to all wonders and leveraging the vast divine energy contained in his blood. Even though there was only a trace of it, it was still astonishing.

This is a treasure left behind by him before he lost his memory. It is naturally filled with mysterious runes. It is much more mysterious than what is recorded in the bone book. It is not on the same level at all.

At this moment, the blazing blood is astonishing, exhausting the mysteries of heaven and earth, automatically evolving the principles of heaven and earth, the divine light is endless, the precious light is shining, the breath of life is astonishing, like a vast ocean, and the fragrant aroma of the supreme blood medicine floats out. .

For the ferocious beasts in the wilderness, this smell is like a bright beacon, guiding them here.

The people of Shicun were very worried. Some people had come to the charred willow tree to pray silently, hoping that the sacrificial spirit would keep Chicang safe.


The terrifying beast's roar echoed through the wilderness, as if a wild cow was roaring up to the sky in the forest.

A sound wave visible to the naked eye struck from a distance. Suddenly, rocks collapsed, mountains collapsed, and the ground was torn apart.

When had the villagers seen such a horrific scene? Everyone turned pale with fear, even the strongest Stone Forest Tiger in the village turned pale.

"Chi Cang!"

People were worried because Chi Cang was sitting cross-legged in the open space with no obstructions around him. His whole body was shining with blood-colored light and motionless, as if he was immersed in the practice of moving blood, unable to extricate himself, and did not realize the coming crisis at all.

At this critical moment, many people closed their eyes and did not dare to look.

There are also people who believe that Chi Cang will be fine, such as Xiao Doan, who still opens his big eyes and looks ahead unblinkingly.


The turned-up rock unexpectedly stopped a few feet away from where Chi Cang was sitting cross-legged, and was blocked. People saw that there was a layer of faint blood there, which turned into a barrier, protecting Chi Cang who was sitting cross-legged. .

The next moment, in the stone village, a bright willow stick spread across the sky, releasing a soft light, making the entire stone village hazy, like a fairyland, and the oncoming wave immediately disappeared.

Before everyone in Shicun could breathe a sigh of relief, endless black shadows rushed from the distance. The beast tide arrived, and the number of ferocious beasts was countless.

They don't slow down at all, they are all crazy because of the fragrance of precious blood.

This is a torrent of flesh and blood, and people believe that even a majestic peak will collapse and be destroyed.

At this time, Chi Cang, who was sitting cross-legged in the blood-colored light, opened his eyes. The runes were beating and the fairy light was shining, as if a vast and mysterious world was hidden.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Shi Yunfeng, Xiao Bu Dian, and the villagers in Shi Village all felt that Chi Cang was different. He had an ethereal temperament. He sat there cross-legged, extremely ethereal, like an immortal.

At the beginning, Chi Cang, who was asleep and lying on the straw mat, gave people the feeling of a born emperor. Later, Chi Cang woke up and lost all his memories. Although he was very powerful and different from ordinary people, he was easy to get along with. From before The unattainable became approachable.

Now, he has changed from an approachable person to an ethereal and immortal person. This change makes people feel dazed and makes people daydream.

Where does the mysterious Chi Cang come from? What kind of glorious past does it have?

At this time, Chi Cang opened his palms and stared directly into his palms. There, a ball of blazing thunder appeared, and countless trembling thunder threads danced wildly, scorching the pieces of the void black.

It was so terrifying, the lightning was so blazing and bright, it was enough to illuminate the sky in all directions and destroy the boundless earth.

The people of the Shicun tribe looking here couldn't even look straight at them, and couldn't help but close their eyes or turn their heads.

Shi Yunfeng was shocked, how could Chi Cang be able to control thunder and lightning? Could it be that he recalled the past and that this was a treasure he once mastered?


The thunder is exploding, tearing apart the space, releasing terrifying power, but they always remain in the palm of Blazing Cang's hand, never spilling out, as if he is the supreme master and the supreme king of the Thunder Road.


The terrifying power of destruction compressed and collapsed in the thunder mass, and finally turned into a seed covered with thunder patterns.

"The method of Tao Seed... It turns out that the thunder pool is my Tao Seed."

He whispered to himself softly. After opening the treasure in the blood, Chi Cang had a lot more things in his mind. It was a different kind of cultivation inheritance recorded in the bone book. To be more precise, the two were not the same system at all.

Because the practice methods they describe are completely different, the practice system in Chi Cang's mind needs to find a "seed" of its own. In the years to come, the two will grow and evolve together until they finally merge. Reach the strongest.

And Chi Cang already had a unique seed of his own, which was the glowing thing in his chest, a simple thunder pool.

Moreover, Chi Cang was surprised to find that he had already possessed what practitioners call "Tao Xing". After this revival of the Tao seed method, those former "Tao Xing" also recovered a little bit.

At this moment, Chi Cang felt as if the endless mountains and rivers were all within his eyes. His field of vision suddenly expanded by an unknown amount, from a frog at the bottom of a well to an eagle soaring in the sky.

His state of mind also changed as a result, becoming high and far away, with a great span. This was a qualitative leap, from an ordinary person's mentality to a powerful man above others.

Chi Cang didn't feel any discomfort, as if he was born this way.

He knew that he must have been a supremely powerful man before he lost his memory.

At this moment, the thunder pattern seed in Chi Cang's palm is a manifestation of his union with the thunder pool. The ancient method has revived, and he can already control the thunder method at will.

The lightning turned into seeds, and the dazzling light disappeared. Everyone in Shicun immediately looked over with concern. As a result, they saw a scene that will be unforgettable in their lifetime.

Chi Cang threw the thunder pattern seeds on his palm and submerged them into the void, muttering to himself.

"Thunder means killing and destruction."

The next moment, the void exploded, and the thunder pattern seed exploded, directly turning into a vast sea of ​​thunder. Countless thunder arrows formed in the sea of ​​thunder, and then broke through the air.

The entire dark night was illuminated, thunder spread across the ground, and at the same time, the faces of endless ferocious beasts were illuminated, full of fear.

"Puff puff……"

The arrows were like rain, airtight, facing the tide of beasts, the speed was so fast, like streams of light.

Whether it was the rough-skinned double-horned rhinoceros or the thunder-winged flying python that knew some ways of thunder, they were all pierced through and nailed to the ground.

Every inch of the void was crowded, and there was no room to hide. The ferocious beasts that roamed the wilderness fell down like wheat. The rocks collapsed and were scorched black. Several towering peaks were cut into flat ground. They were everywhere. Screams resounded through the night sky.

When the sea of ​​thunder faded and dissipated into the void, everything became calm, and there was no more roaring sound of ferocious beasts, as if the beast tide that had just happened was just an illusion.

But the people in Shicun knew that it was not an illusion, because they smelled the pungent smell of blood, drifting from afar along with a gust of wind.

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