
There seemed to be light flickering out of Chi Cang's deep black pupils.

Even if the clan leader doesn't ask, he will ask the clan leader about the cultivation method in the near future.

The reason why he didn't mention it in the previous month was because Chi Cang felt that he hadn't really integrated into Shi Cun yet. It would have been a bit abrupt if he proposed at that time that he wanted to see the cultivation methods possessed by Shi Cun.

You must know that for a small village living in the wilderness, the method of cultivation is extremely precious. It is something they rely on for survival and cannot be easily shown to others.

Now, the old patriarch took the initiative to ask about cultivation, which showed that he no longer regarded Chi Cang as an outsider.

"Chi Cang doesn't remember the cultivation, but I have a desire for cultivation. Maybe stepping into the path of cultivation can really restore my memory.

It's just that... I have no way out and I don't know how to start. "He said it very tactfully, he needed a way to practice.

When the old patriarch Shi Yunfeng heard this, he instantly understood what Chi Cang meant. He asked everyone to wait before he got up and returned to the house.

After a while, he held a pile of bone books in his hands and walked staggeringly.

Chi Cang quickly stood up and walked over, wanting to take the bone book.

"It doesn't matter, I'm not old enough to even hold a pile of bone books." Shi Yunfeng asked him to sit down, and he carried the bone books to the bonfire and placed them at Chi Cang's feet.

There were not too many bone books, but not too few either. They were piled in a pile, as high as the knees.

All the clan elders looked at the pile of bone books with great solemnity. They knew that the old clan leader Shi Yunfeng had gone away with some clan members and had visited many clan clans and brought back some bone books at the cost of blood and life. This is the inheritance of the cultivation method that Shicun now possesses, which can be called a priceless treasure.

Taking them all out at this time is enough to show Shi Cun's recognition of Chi Cang.

"I know that these things are very precious to our village, but they are insignificant to you in the past, but this is all Shicun has. I hope it can help you." Shi Yunfeng sighed.

Chi Cang thanked him repeatedly. This pile of bone books was really important to him. It was equivalent to a key to the avenue of cultivation.

Under the light of the fire, Chi Cang picked up a bone book and studied it like that. He had memories related to Shi Cun, which included words, symbols and other information.

The symbols engraved on the bones of strange beasts are also profound ancient characters, recording a method of cultivation.

It tells how an ordinary person condenses his own blood and runes to transform into Shen Xi, then tempers the creation of heaven and earth, nourishes his body, and finally steps into the ranks of practitioners.

The blazing eyes stared at these symbols, and the pupils actually glowed slightly, like the light of wisdom blooming, which made everyone marvel.

He browsed very quickly. Except for the first bone book, which he stayed for a while, he almost glanced at the other bone books and put them aside.

The old clan leader and other clan elders looked at each other, feeling incredible that if they were allowed to study these bone books, they might not be able to understand them even after a few years, but Chi Cang just passed by them like he was swallowing dates.

"Child...you look so fast, can you look carefully?" A clan elder couldn't hold back and asked.

Chi Cang was very calm. Pieces of bone books passed through his sight one after another. His eyes were as deep as the stars. If you look carefully, you can see dense symbols flickering in them, as if they were performing some kind of arrangement.

"Yes, yes."

When the clan elder heard this answer, he was speechless for a moment.

Soon, the pile of bone books reached the bottom. When Chi Cang put down the last bone book, his eyes were already very bright, as if there was a ball of fire burning in them.

"This is this?" Shi Yunfeng was shocked and thought of an ancient legend. Only strong men who have cultivated to an extremely deep level can open the divine treasure in their eyes and gain unpredictable power.

The blazing eyes that reflected the fire in front of him were very similar to the situation described in the legend.

Suddenly, Chi Cang stood up, walked away from the bonfire, left Stone Village, and disappeared into the vast darkness. He didn't sit down until he was far enough away from Stone Village.

Shi Yunfeng realized something and quickly waved his hand to stop the singing and dancing tribesmen. Everyone noticed Chi Cang's move and followed him spontaneously.

"Keep your distance, stay within the scope of Shicun, and give him enough space." The old patriarch maintained order, fearing that everyone would get too close and affect Chi Cang.

The little one stayed with the older children, looking at Chi Cang in the distance with his big eyes, and his red face showed excitement.

He knew how powerful this uncle Chi Cang was. His blood was like a river and his heart beat like a drum. He was definitely stronger than the princes in the big tribe described by the patriarch Shi Yunfeng.

Now, Chi Cang is finally about to take that crucial step, which will surely amaze the world.


The void vibrated and buzzed, the earth trembled, and the nearby gravel was directly shattered into powder. A strong wind blew by, and the bonfires burning in the village shook non-stop, like candlelight in the wind.

The people of the Ishimura tribe were surprised. They did not expect that the movement would be so loud and that it could be affected so far away.

Not long after, Chi Cang, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, changed. His body was glowing, and complex and profound symbols burst out one after another. They were like pouring fairy gold, with an extremely strong metallic texture, lingering around. around him.


The sound of the rushing river is reproduced very realistically, with majestic waves and rainbow-like momentum.

The first state of practice is called "moving blood", which is related to blood.

The heart is a very important organ in the practice of moving blood, because its contraction and expansion provide power for blood, allowing them to flow to all parts of the body.

At this moment, the sound of Chi Cang's heartbeat was extremely loud, like an ancient giant hammering a leather drum with all his strength, and every sound was deafening.

Such a powerful heart accelerated the blood circulation of Chi Cang, making the sound of the rushing river in his body get louder and louder.

When it reached an extreme value, the mysterious symbols surrounding him disappeared into his body, condensed with the blood, and transformed into Shen Xi.

At this point in the process of removing blood, the earth trembled even more violently. It was like the earth was shaking, and the sound of frightened birds and beasts suddenly sounded in the dark night sky.

At the same time, pairs of scarlet eyes looked over here, and low beast roars shook the void.

A ferocious beast felt the strong energy and blood fluctuations, and guided by instinct, it began to approach Shicun at great speed.

"No, the ferocious beasts in the mountains have smelled blood." Shi Yunfeng murmured to himself, a little worried.

"With the ability of this child Chi Cang, even if the real ancient relic comes, I'm afraid it won't be able to do anything to him, right?" said the clan elder next to him.

Shi Yunfeng shook his head, not too optimistic.

"Cultivation requires a peaceful and peaceful environment. The current wave of ferocious beasts is not good for Chi Cang."

I signed the contract and started two updates. I don’t have much to say, so please vote and follow up.

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