The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 8 Liu Shen’s Secret

Just as he was deep in thought, Lei Chi disappeared and turned into a ball of light again, rising and falling inside his chest.

Chi Cang tried to look directly at the Lei Pond again, but he couldn't see anything. All he could see was light, which was extremely dazzling.

"This thunder pool... is a bit weird, and it gives me an inexplicable sense of belonging, as if it is one with me." He said to himself.

Chi Cang felt a little regretful that he could not take a few more glances at the thunder pool, because in his opinion, this thunder pool might hide the mystery of his identity.

It's a pity that he can't touch the thunder pool now.

Knowing that it was useless to be anxious, Chi Cang put aside the matter for the time being and turned his attention to the huge blackened willow tree stump.

Willow God, shrouded in light, couldn't see clearly what he looked like, or whether he was a man or a woman. However, there was an inexplicable grace about him that was completely worthy of the title of "god".

The halo behind his head seemed to contain three thousand divine kingdoms, in which countless living beings worshiped and prayed. The power of infinite living beings surged out, making it sacred and inviolable.

However, His face was always covered by the chaos energy, making it blurry.

Chi Cang tried hard to open his eyes, trying to see Liu Shen's true appearance. Among the memories of Shi Cun, the most mysterious thing was Liu Shen's gender and appearance. Chi Cang was also very curious.


In the blazing eyes, symbols flickered and intertwined, and even arcs of electricity burst out.

At night, this scene was very conspicuous, but fortunately he was standing behind the villagers and no one saw him.

Although he had no magic power at this time, his eyes were miraculous. He was the first to awaken the miraculous power. There were many great avenue symbols hidden inside, which burst out one after another at this moment. This caused his pupil power to increase rapidly, and he would The fog of chaos that blocked his vision peeled away layer by layer.

Soon, a natural cheek showed a rough outline, and the position and proportion of the facial features were all perfect. From here alone, it can be seen that Liu Shen's appearance is absolutely magnificent and unrivaled in all directions.

With a few more breaths, Chi Cang would be able to peel off this last layer of mysterious veil and see Liu Shen's true appearance.

He concentrated intently, waiting for the moment the mystery would be revealed.

However, at this critical moment, Liu Shen, who was dressed in white and snowy, suddenly woke up from the process of refining the thunder liquid. Suddenly, the chaotic haze rolled and flooded the place, and even his figure could not be seen clearly.

Seeing this situation, Chi Cang could only smile bitterly, knowing that he had failed.

After this time, Liu Shen would definitely not give him a second chance.

Why should we cover our face with Chaos Qi? He didn't know, maybe only Liu Shen himself knew.

With Liu Shen's interference, Chi Cang could no longer peek into the interior of the charred wooden pile. Looking around, there was chaos.

He moved his gaze downwards and looked at the roots of the willow tree, as if he had already known that there would be something abnormal there. As a result, he really saw a surprising picture.

A large dark cave is located directly below the place where Willow God takes root. The entrance of the cave is densely covered with runes. There is a regular force that fixes the world in all directions and solidifies the void. It is powerful and vast.

On the stone bed inside the cave, there lay a creature that had been dead for an unknown period of time. At this moment, his remains were continuously overflowing with the principles and essence of the Great Dao, as if they were transforming into the Dao.

Little bits of light gathered together and were attracted by the tangled willow roots. They attached to the willow roots and then disappeared. They were absorbed by them and turned into nutrients, nourishing the growth of the charred tree body.

This process is ongoing, and it may have started since Willow God took root at this time. By now, most of the remains of the creature have been missing.

Maybe not long after, Liu Shen will absorb all the nutrients he can.

Chi Cang knew what that creature was. He was a god. There were only a few words about him in Shi Cun's memory.

Decades ago, Liu Shen fought against the terrible punishment from heaven and was chopped down. He took root in Stone Village, and it was not that he did not root out of nowhere.

Under the stone village, a god once died, and his bones were buried there, which could provide the willow god with the nutrients he needed to recover.

In order to recover quickly and survive the calamity of life and death, he chose Shicun.

At this time, the ceremony of worshiping the spirits was over, and the banquet held for Chi Cang was about to begin.

His expression moved slightly, and he withdrew his gaze. The symbols inside gradually faded away, and soon he was no different from a normal person.

Soon after, stone jars were brought out one by one, containing boiled and pulpy animal meat, mixed with the fragrance of spiritual herbs. The strong aroma was so fragrant that it made people's fingers lick their fingers.

This is only a part of their hunting results this month, but it is already so rich, which fully reflects the current situation of Shicun's abundance.

With the addition of Chi Cang, the hunting team can go deeper into the mountains and hunt more and more extraordinary wild beasts.

Their blood essence was extracted by Shi Yunfeng and kept in bottles and jars to build a foundation for the children. The bones could be used to polish weapons and make broadswords, bows and arrows, etc., and the meat could be used as food.

If you can't finish it, marinate it into dried meat and store it for emergencies.

The sky has unforeseen circumstances, and people have misfortunes and fortunes. All the people in Shicun are well aware of this.

The bonfire was very strong and burning. Under the light of the fire, people were drinking and drinking. There was laughter and laughter everywhere. The clan elders sat around and talked to Chi Cang.

"The village hasn't been like this for a long time."

"A banquet can only be held when the food is abundant. In the past, the food reserves in our village were not as abundant as they are now." An old man sighed, looking at the children chasing and playing, he couldn't help but smile.

They have really caught up with the good times. They are undoubtedly lucky to be able to lay a solid foundation at a growing age.

Men who survive in the wilderness cannot survive without a strong and vigorous body.

"Thanks to Chi Cang's help, otherwise, our situation in Shicun would not be what it is now."

"You clan elders are serious. This is what I should do. Without the help of the village, Chi Cang might have been buried in the beast's mouth long ago." Chi Cang waved his hand. Although he helped a lot, it was just Think of it as repaying a favor.

When the clan elders heard this, they sighed, how could any wild beast dare to come and eat you? It's probably too late to run.

After a month of getting along with each other, they had a little understanding of how extraordinary Chi Cang was. Not only himself, but also the things he carried were not simple.

The women in the village had washed the tattered, blood-stained battle clothes that he had taken off countless times, as well as the two blood-stained straw mats, but they couldn't be cleaned. The blood stains seemed to have merged with them.

With those bloodstains there, the straw mat and the broken battle clothes were useless, and he put them in the corner of the storage room, where no one cared about them.

Suddenly, in front of the bonfire, Shi Yunfeng, who was contemplating, spoke up and asked a question that everyone was concerned about.

"Child, do you have any memories of cultivation? I see that your physical body has vast potential, like stars with no end in sight. It is more powerful than the most terrifying cultivator I have ever seen.

No one is born like this, which means you were originally supposed to be an extremely powerful monk.

If you want to restore your memory, you may have to start with cultivation. "

It's been two days since the contract was mailed out, and I don't know how long it will take to arrive...

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