The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 2 People under the straw mat

In the early morning, when the first ray of sunlight pierced the darkness, the thunder finally went out, no longer roaring or roaring.

The creatures in the wilderness got a chance to breathe, and they came out one after another, swallowed the clouds, foraged for food in the wilderness, and enjoyed the rare tranquility. However, most of the beasts in the wilderness looked depressed, as if they had just been seriously ill. One game.

There was no way, the thunder was really too terrifying, and weaker creatures couldn't bear it. Many people died on the spot with their hearts exploding.

Only the tyrannical ferocious beasts can withstand the attack unharmed. Their bodies are strong enough to withstand the impact.

In Stone Village, people walked out of the stone houses, all looking sleepy. It was obvious that they had not slept well last night, and many people had been sleepless all night.

The tribesmen were talking a lot, all talking about the terrible thunderstorm last night, which seemed like the sky was crying and howling. The terrifying power of the sky made people clearly feel their own insignificance.

"I have lived for so long and have never seen such a big thunderstorm. The thunder shook the mountains and the earth and lasted all night." An old man sighed with emotion. His face was a little pale, and from his eyes You can still see the palpitations.

It was obvious that he had not recovered from yesterday's violent thunderstorm.

"Thanks to the guardianship of the sacrificial spirits, the disaster was isolated. Otherwise, Shi Village would have suffered a bloody disaster." The clan leader Shi Yunfeng said happily, looking at the charred willow tree stump at the head of the village, his heart full of gratitude.

Other tribesmen also gathered together spontaneously to offer sacrifices and worship devoutly.

The willow tree is quiet. On top of the charred wooden pile, a bright green branch sways gently, and the buds are in bud, releasing a soft light, calming the impetuousness in people's hearts, and making people's hearts calm down involuntarily.

At this time, a majestic man came forward to talk to Shi Yunfeng. He was the head and neck of the hunting team, named Shi Linhu, and would also be the next clan leader of Shi Village.

"Chief, we haven't gone hunting in the mountains for a few days. We don't have much food and we can't last long." Shilinhu said the serious problems currently facing Shicun.

If you want to survive in the wilderness, food is indispensable. It is something necessary for a living being to maintain basic vital signs. To put it bluntly, food is the life of the Shicun tribe, and it is related to the life and death of Shicun.

"But, the mountains have been very uneasy recently..." Shi Yunfeng hesitated. There might be treasures in the mountains, and all the ancient relics are rushing there. If the hunting team accidentally encounters those powerful ferocious beasts, they must go there. No reply.

"Patriarch, there are so many mouths that need to be fed. The children are growing up and need nutrition. They cannot go hungry. We have to find a way. Let me lead the team and give it a try."

"Okay, then you must be careful."

"Don't worry, Clan Chief. We are not going deep. We are only searching outside the mountain. If we are careful, we should be fine." Shi Linhu said.

Finally, dozens of young and middle-aged men gathered at the entrance of the village, led by the patriarch Shi Yunfeng, and came to the lightning-struck tree, the sacrifice spirit of Shicun, to worship and pray seriously.

I hope this hunting will go well and the tribe can return safely.

The women and children in the village also came over, worshiped under the willow tree, and prayed devoutly for the safe return of their hunting relatives. After leaving the stone village guarded by the willow tree, there would be a completely different world, full of ferocious beasts and giant birds. .

Every hunt is a game with death, wandering on the edge of the restricted area of ​​life.

Under the eyes of the tribe, Shi Linhu took the strongest man in the village, carried a giant bow on his back, and set off with a broad sword, walked into the mountains and rivers of Daze, and disappeared into the vast wilderness.

"I don't know if this career is a disaster or a blessing." Shi Yunfeng thought of the thunderstorm last night, frowning and worried.

He shook his head. The only thing he could do at this moment was to wait patiently, believing that the spirit sacrifice would bring good luck to the village.

The red sun is setting in the west, and under the rays of the setting sun, Shicun is tinged with a golden afterglow. In the distance, ferocious beasts roar, tigers roar and apes crow, but here it is peaceful and quiet, like a sacred palace.

On the horizon, dozens of tall figures suddenly appeared. It was the hunting team that had returned. Each of them was dragging huge prey, like hills, back with a full load.

The men, women and children who had been waiting for a long time could not help but cheer loudly, and the hesitation and uneasiness in their hearts disappeared instantly without a trace.

"Abba and the others are back."

"Oh my god, so many prey, it's really a rare harvest."

“Now, the village won’t have to worry about food for a long time.”

People are excited. For them, hunting means that someone will be injured or even killed. If they can not go, it is equivalent to less danger.


The ferocious beast was dragged into the village, causing the earth to rumble and shake, making a huge roar.

The harvest this time was really extraordinary. Many ferocious beasts that Shi Cun could not deal with in the past were also among the prey, which made many old people look shocked.

For example, the huge dragon-horned elephant, the ferocious blue-eyed lion, the two-winged flying python as thick as a bucket, etc. are all terrifying entities that you have to avoid when you see them on weekdays. But today, they were all dragged back, which is shocking.

However, what surprised the villagers the most was that besides prey, there were other things.

They were two straw mats, one at the bottom and one on top. There was a human figure in the middle. Judging from the situation, it seemed that a person was wrapped inside.

How could there be two straw mats wrapped around a person in the wilderness? It's a bit surprising.

You must know that in this dangerous wilderness, anyone who can run and jump may become a prey for wild beasts. A person who is motionless and covered under a straw mat without knowing whether he is alive or dead is even less likely to survive.

For some reason, Shi Yunfeng suddenly thought of the terrifying thunderstorm last night.

"Lin Hu, this is..." he asked.

The captain of the hunting team, Shi Linhu, stepped forward, looked at the two straw mats, and said solemnly: "Chief, this is what we found when we entered the depths of the mountain.

Perhaps it was because of the thunderstorm last night. There were many ferocious beasts in the mountains that had just died, and their blood was still warm, so we hurriedly took action.

While we were dragging the ferocious beasts within easy reach, we suddenly saw these two straw mats in the distance.

We walked forward and found a man wrapped in a straw mat. He was covered in blood. He seemed to have been seriously injured, but he was still breathing. After discussion, we decided to bring him back. There are ferocious beasts everywhere in the wilderness, so we can't just die without saving him. , making him the food of ferocious beasts. "

Shi Yunfeng nodded. The people in Shicun were very simple and would not do anything to avoid saving someone's life.

At this time, a tribesman next to him added: "Chief, there is something strange.

Since we brought the straw mats, all the ferocious beasts we met on the way back stayed away from us.

Normally, they would be eager to rush up and devour us alive, but today, they ran away when they saw us. "

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