"What? Such a thing could happen?"

Shi Yunfeng's heart was beating very fast. Naturally, those ferocious beasts that were afraid of were not the hunting team, because in the past, when the hunting team went out to hunt, bad news often came. Either a clan member was injured, or a clan member died unexpectedly, and died in a fierce attack. Under the beast's mouth.

From this point of view, the thing that scared the beast was most likely the person wrapped in these two straw mats.

The quick-responsive people in the village also realized something, and their eyes on the straw mat changed, showing curiosity and awe.

In comparison, the hill of ferocious beasts was nothing. People all looked at the straw mats without saying a word, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little solemn.

At this time, a cute white porcelain doll jumped over, its big eyes rolling around, looking very naive.

He came to the straw mat, squatted down, stretched out his chubby little hands, and grabbed the straw mat covering it, as if he was about to lift it off.

Shi Yunfeng was shocked, and the people in the village also widened their eyes. They learned that the person wrapped in the straw mat could make even the ferocious beasts in the wilderness afraid to punish them. After turning around and leaving, they were very cautious and did not dare to touch them at will. He was afraid of causing some catastrophic disaster and causing the village to be robbed.

As a result, now, the little one who was fearless ran forward to uncover the straw mat, which frightened everyone in Shicun.

"Little one, come back quickly."

Shi Yunfeng was anxious and shouted loudly. His face turned pale. It was obvious that he was worried.

The old people, uncles and aunts in the village also spoke, wanting the little one to stop what they were doing and move back.

However, it was too late. Although the little one was only one and a half years old, he was very strong. With a fierce lift of his little hand, the straw mat covering it flew up.

In the horrified eyes of everyone, the blood-stained straw mat, as if engraved with the years, flew to the side and landed on the ground with a thud.

The man wrapped in the straw mat also revealed his full face at the same moment.

People couldn't say anything to blame the little one, and all their eyes were focused on the person lying on the straw mat.

In an instant, all the villagers were stunned, looking at the man in a daze.

What kind of person is this?

Although his face is a little pale, it is very heroic. His two thick black eyebrows are like two black dragons covering the sky and the sun. They are majestic and majestic, as if they are about to break through the sky and go away.

The high bridge of his nose seemed to be a spine supporting the sky, giving people the feeling of standing upright on the sky. His lips were slightly closed and motionless. He obviously didn't say anything, but it seemed as if a majestic voice was ringing in his ears.

His two eyes were closed and not opened, but they seemed to contain two suns, burning people's eyeballs. Many villagers who looked there only felt their eyes stinging and sore. The next second, huge tears rolled down. And when it falls, it can't be stopped.

Before it was over, the world suddenly became blurry. Vaguely, the onlookers saw the figures of all the spirits. They were so vast and overwhelming that there were too many. It seemed that all the creatures in the world were moving towards the straw mat. The people above are worshiping and weeping.

The grand sacrificial sound sounded, as if it was transmitted from countless years ago across endless time and space. Countless ancient ancestors knelt down, kowtowed, prayed, and offered sacrifices there. The scene was extremely terrifying.

However, the next moment, all these visions disappeared without a trace, as if they were just hallucinations that never really appeared.

Everyone was confused and felt like a bolt from the blue. All ethnic groups were burying one person. What kind of treatment was this? What amazing identity does the person on the straw mat have?

Only Shi Yunfeng in the village had walked out of the wilderness and had seen the world. However, even the villagers who had never seen the world could tell that the person lying there was definitely unusual.

He seemed to be a born emperor, respected by all beings, and had a terrifying aura. He could scare away thousands of armies just by lying there and doing nothing.

The tribesmen looked at each other, a little at a loss, especially the people in the hunting team, who were even more shocked.

When they picked up the straw mat in the wilderness, they thought that the people inside had passed away. After all, the straw mat was covered with mottled blood stains and covered their heads. Only the dead would be like this.

The dead man was very old, so they did not lift up the straw mat to take a look. Later, Shi Lin Hu's ears were sharp, and he heard the faint breathing under the straw mat, and then they were sure that the person inside was still alive.

Afterwards, they hurried back to Stone Village without having time to check what the people inside looked like.

Now that I saw it, it was so shocking. How could I be carrying a seriously injured person here? It's basically bringing back an emperor among men.

"Chief, how do the princes from the super large tribes you mentioned before compare with him?" Shi Feijiao said, his voice trembling.

He was also a strong-blooded man and would not be easily frightened by anything, but he still felt a little frightened in front of the aura exuded by that person.

Shi Yunfeng replied solemnly: "Like fireflies compared to the bright moon, like sand compared to the stars."

His evaluation was so high that it shocked people. It should be noted that for the people of Shicun, those super tribes were legendary myths, and the princes in the ruling class were synonymous with mystery and power. Now, they are The patriarch said it was fireflies and sand, which is simply unimaginable.

"Lin Hu, you really brought back an amazing person." The old man in the village sighed, wondering what the people in the straw mat would bring to the village.

Judging from his appearance, it seemed that he had fought a bloody battle with a terrifying opponent. His suit was in disarray and stained with blood.

The little boy squatted there, harmless to humans and animals, with big eyes blinking, looking at the person in front of him, not afraid at all, but a little sad on his little face.

"Grandpa Patriarch, why is this uncle's clothes torn and full of blood? Was he injured by a ferocious beast in the wilderness?"

When everyone heard this, they didn't know what to say. Judging from the current situation, this man could run rampant in the wild while lying still. How could any wild beast hurt him?

Shi Yunfeng walked over tremblingly, came to the person, held the little one's hand, and then felt relieved.

"This uncle was injured by the enemy. He needs to recuperate now. Don't disturb him." As he said that, he pulled the little boy away, for fear that he would wake the man up.

The little boy turned his head three times with each step, his little face full of confusion. He looked up at Shi Yunfeng and said, "Grandpa Patriarch, I always feel that this uncle is a bit kind."

Shi Yunfeng looked suspicious. It was the first time they met and he didn't even say a word. How could he feel friendly? It must be that the little one was too naive and felt pity for the man when he saw that he was covered in blood.

"Patriarch, what should we do? There is no room for such people in our small mountain village. I'm worried that problems will arise over time."

"But you can't just ignore it. This goes against the ancestral precepts of our Stone Clan."

The people in the village were all talking about it, but no one said that they should just abandon it into the wilderness. They were all kind and honest people and could not do such a thing.

Shi Yunfeng was a little undecided and looked at the lightning tree at the head of the village.

"Why don't you pray to the Lord Sacrificial Spirit and let it decide."

PS: Please invest and recommend! After changing the status, it has been stable for two updates.

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