The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 4 Willow God and Thunder

A group of clan members, led by clan leader Shi Yunfeng, moved the body of the ferocious beast obtained from this hunt to a stone platform.

This is a large altar made of huge stones. It is very open and close to the stone village to worship the spirits, giving people a solemn feeling.

At this moment, it was filled with ferocious beasts, and blood was stained on it, flowing down from the huge body and along the patterns carved on the altar.

The cold scales, long animal hair, and thick and sharp horns shone with cold light, making people feel chilly.

This hunting was really lucky. In the past, it was impossible for Shicun to capture such a terrifying beast.

After preparing everything, Shi Yunfeng led his tribe to gather in front of the altar. No matter men, women, old or young, they all came, closed their eyes, and prayed devoutly.

The scene was very serious, there was no noise and you could hear a pin drop.

The sacrificial spirit is the spirit that is offered and sacrificed in Shicun. Only with sincerity can it frighten the ferocious beasts and protect this place.

Finally, after the sacrifice was completed, everyone let out a sigh of relief. The young and middle-aged men in the tribe began to move the ferocious beasts off the altar one after another, and they would cut and bleed them.

Soon, the altar was swept away, leaving nothing but wet blood stains on the lines.

The hunting team leader Shi Linhu and Shi Feijiao lifted up the straw mat and placed it on a clean surface on the altar. They then retreated behind the clan leader and silently stared ahead.

Shi Yunfeng took a deep breath, feeling a little uneasy in his heart. For so many years, the villagers have been offering sacrifices to willow trees, every time they hunt, and they have never fallen behind.

But the willow tree never responded. It always stood quietly at the head of the village and never enjoyed the sacrifice.

I still remember that a few decades ago, the sacrifice to the spirit in Shicun was not a willow tree, but a strange stone. Every time a sacrifice was made, most of the blood essence of the beast on the altar would be absorbed.

Later, the willow tree came and the strange stone left. The prey obtained by the hunting team never lost their essence and blood, and all returned to Shicun.

"Clan Chief, will the Sacrifice Spirit really respond? Since I can remember, I have never seen it use sacrifices, and I have never seen it communicate with us." Shi Feijiao said doubtfully.

Hearing this, Shi Yunfeng sighed in his heart, can he respond? He doesn't know either? More than just a flying stone dragon? He had never seen a willow tree taking root in Shicun with his own eyes.

But Shi Yunfeng knew that the willow tree had a spirit. It had been guarding the village for decades. During the years it had taken root here, the village had always been peaceful and had never been disturbed by ferocious beasts.

In the wilderness, although there are sacrificial spirits that exist to protect various tribes and villages, in the face of the powerful ancient relics, even the sacrificial spirits may fall. News often comes out that a certain village was massacred by the ancient relics and the sacrificial spirits died tragically. , which is shocking.

Shicun, on the other hand, is like a fairyland, peaceful and quiet, with no ferocious beasts daring to attack. This is all due to the willow trees.

"Willow God, the people on the straw mat should leave or stay. Please make a major decision for Shicun. We will always sacrifice and support you, the great one." Shi Yunfeng said loudly towards the charred willow tree, very piously.

At the same time, he saluted the willow tree to show respect. All the tribesmen followed him and prayed in low voices, hoping that the Willow God would point out the way forward and the direction for Shicun.

The scene seemed to be frozen. The large altar, the animal blood that had not yet dried up, the blood-stained straw mat, and an extraordinary heroic man... The bloody and broken battle clothes were so ancient that they could not be studied, as if they were telling the story of eternity. desolate.

The breeze was blowing, and a group of people, men, women, old and young, all prayed sincerely in front of the charred willow tree, hoping that it would respond.

However, the willow tree is as silent and silent as ever. The only green branch has long lost its magic and moves with the wind, unremarkable.

Just when everyone thought that the sacrificial spirit would not respond to the people's prayers, the green willow branch suddenly glowed, shining brightly and releasing a soft halo.

The willow branches stretched in the air, slowly approaching the straw mats laid out on the altar, and came to the people who were still sleeping.

On the tip of the willow, the budding bud was filled with green clouds. A drop of crystal clear divine liquid dripped from the green clouds, slipped into the chest of the sleeping man, and disappeared.

When the villagers witnessed this scene, they felt confused in their minds. The sacrificial spirit actually responded. The movements of the fresh willow tree were obviously controlled by the willow tree.


Before everyone could react, the person on the straw mat moved. After the drop of divine liquid sank into his chest, a bright light came out.

A ball of light shines and slowly rises, exuding a kind of majesty, high above, as if it can command the heavens and make the infinite creatures in the universe kowtow and be subdued.

No one can see this light clearly. Facing it, people can't help but want to worship.

At the same time, a stream of green clouds lingered on the human body on the straw mat, blooming with vitality, as if it was repairing something.

The willow branch moved again, and the buds at the tip were inserted into the ball of light.


Thunder broke out on the ground, and the deafening roar sounded, making people seem to have returned to last night, and the extremely violent thunder and lightning seemed to be reappearing.

Then, the wicker began to tremble, and slender lightning bolts climbed up from the light ball along the wicker, winding and circling, like little real dragons.

A terrifying arc of electricity burst out and penetrated the void. Where had the villagers seen such a terrifying scene? He quickly retreated far enough away, not daring to get closer.

The wicker seemed to be enjoying such terrifying thunder and lightning. Although it was trembling, it became more sacred.

Soon after, it was completely enveloped by lightning, and the charred tree began to flash with arcs of electricity, making crackling sounds, and there was a slight smell of burning in the air.

When Shi Yunfeng saw this scene, his heart trembled. He knew that Liu Shen had fought against thousands of thunder and lightning in the sea of ​​thunder, and it turned into a blackened tree stump.

Now it is entangled by thunder again, but it has no fear. Instead, it seems to be resistant, bathed in thunder and lightning, recovering and reviving.

After a short time, the light began to sink slowly, and finally disappeared into the chest of the person on the straw mat, no longer appearing.

Those lightning bolts that looked like real dragons also dissipated, leaving only a bright willow stick that was dazzling, like it was made of divine gold.

Everyone present felt that Liu Shen must have benefited greatly from that light group, which could be seen from the changes in the willow branches.

When everything returned to calm, the luster on the willow branches also disappeared, and they looked no different from ordinary willow branches.

Everyone looked at each other and all looked at the old patriarch.

"Clan leader..."

Shi Yunfeng looked at the wicker swaying in the wind and the man lying on the straw mat, breathing steadily, and made a decision in his heart.

"Let him stay, Shicun will become his resting place, this is what Liu Shen wants to tell us."

Regarding the name of the protagonist, we will follow the original work and publish it in Chapter 5. Also, I want to clarify here that the Thunder Emperor is not the Thunder Spirit Clan. First of all, the original work 1902 makes it very clear that the Thunder Spirit Clan and the Thunder Emperor are followers. Secondly, the Thunder Emperor assumes human form after death. Any living being dies. After that, it will return to its most essential form. You should all understand this, right?

As for the race of the Thunder Emperor, I haven't determined yet... Personally, I prefer that he was born in the thunder pond and was a natural humanoid creature.

If anyone knows where the original book talks about it, please leave a message here.

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