The people on the straw mat stayed and were placed in the house of the clan leader Shi Yunfeng. It was next to the huge blackened willow tree. If anything unexpected happened, they could ask for help from the Willow God in time.

At the beginning, the villagers were very worried about this. Worried about the safety of the old patriarch and the little boy, they often came to the patriarch's home.

Later, the people on the straw mat never woke up, and the God of Willow was not far away, so the tribesmen felt relieved, and Shicun gradually returned to its former peace.

During this period, they used the prey obtained by the last hunting team to give the children in the village a medicinal bath.

Those precious ferocious beast bodies were not available in Shicun in the past, such as Pixiu, two-headed fire rhinoceros, dragon-horned elephant, Kui beast, two-winged flying python, etc.

Although this Pixiu is only a descendant of the Pixiu royal family, and its bloodline is not considered pure, it still has some true blood, which is of astonishing value.

In addition, there are also the true blood preserved in the horns of the two-headed fire rhinoceros, a pair of dragon horns from the dragon-horned elephant, the tendons of the Kui beast's single leg, and the wings of the two-winged flying python, all of which are rare and good things.

The tribesmen picked these blood and bone medicines, sealed them in clay pots, and then boiled them in a large cauldron. They combined them with several ancient prescriptions in the village and added some herbs to achieve the best effect.

The children in the village were very resistant because the situation in the cauldron was terrifying. Although the water had cooled down and no longer boiled, it was still scalding hot enough to boil someone.

But they were unable to resist, and were thrown into the cauldron one after another to temper their bodies and strengthen their bodies.

The little one was even taken care of alone, and he "enjoyed" a black cauldron by himself. The medicine in it was very strong, and it was heavier than the older children. As a result, the little one was really enjoying himself. He was very full after drinking in the black cauldron. When I took it out, I was drunk, staggering, and burping.

Although the children complained incessantly, the effect of this medicinal bath was obvious, and their strength has improved greatly.

Among them, Little One has made the greatest progress. The patriarch Shi Yunfeng also opened a small stove for him and cooked animal milk mixed with various blood and bone medicines for him, which made his physical fitness much stronger, and his speed and strength increased by one. Big cut.

The old people in the village were very satisfied when they saw this. These children are the future of Shicun. The stronger they are, the brighter the future of Shicun will be.

Time passed like water. Under the protection of the willow trees, the village was always calm and peaceful, and nothing major happened.

The children gradually grew up, and each one became more energetic and energetic, making the village full of vigor and vitality. Everything was developing in the expected direction.

However, one thing has always been a hurdle in the heart of the patriarch Shi Yunfeng. Half a year has passed since the last medicinal bath, and the person on the straw mat still hasn't woken up.

At the beginning, Shi Yunfeng was worried that he might have problems if he didn't eat or drink. Later, he discovered that he didn't need this at all.

I don't know whether it was the drop of divine liquid dropped by Liu Shen that had an effect, or whether it was because of his strong recovery power. His condition was getting better day by day.

From being pale without a trace of blood before, to now his face is red and full of blood, and he looks like a normal person.

Moreover, his breathing is no longer weak, but becomes more powerful day by day, with a special rhythm that makes people want to move along with it involuntarily.

After a long time, Shi Yunfeng was surprised to find that his old injuries were somewhat relieved.

And the little one who also lives here has a bright face every day and is full of energy. He follows the older children running around without feeling tired at all.

On this day, the little boy was drinking the animal milk that Shi Yunfeng made for him in the house. His face was red, his eyelashes were very long, and they were prettier than the little girl's. His big eyes were narrowed to a slit, and he looked very happy.

Suddenly, there was a sound of rushing water, which made Xiao Dodian stop what he was doing. Although he was only two years old, he was very keen in vision, hearing and other aspects, and he instantly targeted the unconscious person.

He put down the clay pot and walked over curiously.

The closer the distance, the clearer the sound becomes. In a trance, it seems like a vast river is rushing and flowing.

The little one was a little surprised, because the sound that sounded like a rushing river was caused by the rapid flow of blood in the body of the man in front of him.

He was a little confused. Can the blood in the human body flow so fast and violently? How can the body bear it?


The sudden thunder shook the little boy and he sat down on the ground, his mouth wide open and his big eyes widened.

He was sure that it was the beating of a heartbeat, but it was too loud, like a drum, and it was almost deafening.

"How come this uncle is the same as the ancient relic mentioned by the patriarch? His heart beats like a drum." The little boy murmured to himself.

At this time, Shi Yunfeng rushed in with a very nervous expression. He was relieved when he saw that the little boy just fell to the ground and was not seriously injured.

The heartbeat that sounded like a giant drum was heard by everyone in the village. He immediately guessed that the source might be the person on the straw mat. Thinking of all the extraordinary things that happened to him, Shi Yunfeng felt nervous.


There was another loud noise, as if a giant was beating the drum, hitting the drum skin with all his strength.

"very scary."

Shi Yunfeng looked at the people on the straw mat with lingering fear, feeling a heavy feeling in his chest.

Suddenly, the man lying on his back on the straw mat opened his eyes, very suddenly and without warning.

Shi Yunfeng and Xiao Dodian looked over together, and were stunned when they saw his eyes. These eyes were indescribable, as deep as the stars, as if they contained all the heavens and worlds, the universe, and the black pupils were like gems. There was a kind of The unparalleled attraction makes people sink in deeply.

They were slightly in a daze. They had never seen such a person before and couldn't find words to describe him.

While they were stunned, the person on the straw mat had already sat up, turned around, and faced the two of them.

Such a scene made Shi Yunfeng extremely nervous. Goosebumps appeared on his skin, as if he was sitting opposite a prehistoric beast.

Fortunately, the green wicker could be seen outside the window, which gave him enough confidence.

The person who woke up looked at Shi Yunfeng and the little boy in confusion, as if he had just woken up.

The strangeness in his eyes has long since disappeared, and it only lasted for a moment. Looking at it now, it only feels very clear and pure, like a piece of white paper.

The three people stared at each other, and the atmosphere was a little tense.

Seeing the confusion in the other person's eyes, Shi Yunfeng felt doubtful. He took a deep breath and tentatively asked in a monk's tone: "Fellow Taoist... which ancient country are you from?"

He believed that the other party's background must be far beyond the so-called tribe, at least from the legendary ancient country.

"Which ancient country do I come from?"

After saying that, the person sitting on the straw mat paused, as if searching for the memory in his mind, but all was blank.

"I can't remember, but I remember my name, Chi Cang."

Let me go. It turns out that when signing a contract, you need to add a contract editor Q number. I never knew it. It was a waste of time. It will probably take a while to change the status...

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