"Chi Cang."

Shi Yunfeng uttered these two words gently, feeling that this name was so domineering, and there was an invisible sense of majesty in it.

"Excuse me...where is this place?"

Chi Cang spoke up and asked.

He felt as if he had slept for a million years, experiencing vicissitudes of life and changing years. When he woke up, his mind was blank, with nothing but a solitary name.

At this moment, Shi Yunfeng had noticed something was wrong with him and seemed to have lost his memory. After a moment of hesitation, Shi Yunfeng replied: "This is Shicun, located in the endless wilderness."


Hearing these two words, Chi Cang felt both strange and familiar, and he frowned in thought.

Suddenly, Chi Cang was stunned because a lot of unfamiliar information suddenly appeared in his mind.

The word "Ishimura" was like a key, opening a door sealed in his memory and allowing him to learn a lot.

Little Dot Shi Hao, Liu Shen, Shi Yunfeng, Stone Forest Tiger, Shi Feijiao, Er Meng, Da Zhuang, Skin Monkey, Five-Colored Sparrow, Rhubarb, Green Scaled Eagle...

Each name echoed in my heart, and ordinary but warm scenes emerged, all related to Shicun.

Chi Cang was surprised to find that he had some advanced memories, which appeared out of thin air, as if someone had set them up, and they would come as soon as they were triggered.

For example, the beautiful little milk baby in front of me, who still has animal milk stains on the corner of his mouth, will soon go to dig out the bird's nest with his companions, and finally bring back three green-scaled eagle eggs, one of which will be eaten by Willow God's branch. Brushing by, bloodline atavism occurs.

For example, in the future, Shicun will be plundered and made difficult by Aocun. The people of Shicun will fight back, and the little milkman will show his power and finally completely defeat the opponent.

Judging from the current situation, these memories are things that will only happen in the future, but he didn't foresee them, which is very strange.

Everything happened because of the word "Shi Cun", which seemed to have touched something and made him aware of it in advance.

However, the further back the memory becomes, the more blurry it becomes. Chi Cang is convinced that there is more information behind it that has not yet appeared.

Seeing the man who called himself Chi Cang in a daze in front of him, Shi Yunfeng had some doubts in his heart. Had he heard of Shi Cun? This is a bit suspicious. Shicun is remote and isolated from the outside world. There are very few people here, and Chi Cang has obviously been in a coma.

"Have you ever heard of Shicun, fellow Taoist?" He asked in a kind tone, trying to clarify the matter.

Chi Cang came back to his senses and shook his head. Naturally, he would not tell anyone about the sudden appearance of future memories.

"Chi Cang has never heard of Shi Cun. I just think Shi Cun sounds very friendly."

His eyes were as pure as water, and it was easy to believe that no one would think that such a person who had lost his memory and was like a blank piece of paper could lie.

When Shi Yunfeng heard this, he didn't think much about it.

"When the village hunting team found you half a year ago, you were in the middle of the wilderness. You were seriously injured and were covered with a straw mat. Lin Hu and the others carried you back and rested for half a year.

Although you are awake now, you have lost all your memories. It is not appropriate to leave for the time being. Just stay in Shicun for now. When you regain your memory, you can leave at any time. "

After hearing the words of the old patriarch Shi Yunfeng, Chi Cang felt a little grateful. At this time, he was indeed a little embarrassed. He didn't know where he came from or where he was going. He was alone, with only a name and the memory of Shicun.

Moreover, these memories do not seem to have been experienced by him personally. He is not included in them, but more like they have been instilled.

Along with it, there was an inexplicable emotion that affected Chi Cang, making him feel particularly kind when he saw the old man, the little milk baby in front of him, and the wicker swaying in the wind outside the window.

There was no resistance in his subconscious to staying in Shicun. Is there any better place besides Shicun?

"Thank you very much. That Chi Cang is so troublesome."

Shi Yunfeng waved his hand and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, the people here are easy to get along with, so you don't have to be cautious."

With that said, he asked about Chi Cang's physical condition. After confirming that he was healthy and not feeling sick, he invited him to come out of the house and meet the clan members in the village.

Chi Cang naturally would not refuse.

Following the footsteps of the old patriarch, Chi Cang came to the little milk baby and immediately smelled a strong milky fragrance coming from the little milk baby.

"What does animal milk taste like?" He thought to himself. This child named Shi Hao liked to drink animal milk just as he remembered.

The little boy raised his little face and looked at the uncle next to him curiously. He was still thinking about the scene just now in his mind. His blood was like a river and his heartbeat was like a drum. This uncle was definitely an ordinary person.

The three of them walked out of the stone house, and the bright sunshine hit their faces, making people feel warm all over.

There were many people outside, and they were already surrounded by people. The previous huge roar could be heard throughout the village, so the tribesmen were naturally very concerned about the situation here.

If the old patriarch hadn't allowed them to follow, they would have rushed in long ago.

Seeing Shi Yunfeng smiling, everyone finally felt relieved. They had been living together all year round, and they could know what was going on just by looking at the old patriarch's expression.

Next, Shi Yunfeng introduced the tribesmen in the village to Chi Cang one by one. He greeted them very friendly, but it turned out that the reserved person was not Chi Cang, but a member of the village.

There was obviously a look of awe on their faces. Even though Chi Cang behaved peacefully and seemed easy to get along with, the tribesmen were a little uncomfortable with it.

In fact, the scene six months ago of all the souls kowtowing and the whole world being buried together was too shocking and left an indelible impression on people.

Where have the villagers seen such a scene? It is human nature to be in awe of the unknown.

Chi Cang was keenly aware of the strange atmosphere, and everyone seemed to be afraid of him.

However, he seemed not to notice and still greeted him warmly.

"It seems that something must have happened in the past six months that led to the current situation. Maybe it has something to do with my origin." Chi Cang thought about it and decided to find an opportunity to find out why the villagers were afraid of him.

He stayed like this, temporarily living in Shi Yunfeng's house. There were only two people there, the old patriarch and the little boy. There were no women, so there would be no embarrassment.

As time passed, Chi Cang was gradually accepted by the villagers. Although his face was as majestic as an emperor, he was easy to get along with. He often helped the villagers with their busy schedules and was very hardworking.

The villagers of Shicun all saw this. Gradually, when facing Chi Cang, they no longer had that kind of fear, but regarded him as a member of Shicun.

I'll send the contract tomorrow, this is XJ, it should be a little slower.

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