The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 24 Crazy “Plan”

At this point, the two most ferocious supreme beings were beaten up by Chi Cang, and they both paid some "price" for it.

But in the eyes of the two ferocious beasts, as long as they can escape safely, it's all worth it.

However, at this moment, the sky-swallowing bird and Qiongqi who were escaping in a hurry were blocked by a towering figure that suddenly appeared.

Before they could speak, an Optimus Pillar came crashing down, and the ground instantly cracked, forming an unfathomable "one" shaped canyon.

The Sky-Swallowing Bird and Qiongqi hurriedly resisted, but suffered huge losses. There were many bone fractures all over their bodies, and their internal organs exploded.

If the two beasts hadn't been so profound, they would have had to explain themselves here today.

"Monkey, you are looking for death." The sky-swallowing bird coughed up blood, its eyes full of resentment.

Qiongqi's arms were knocked down directly by the knock, and he could no longer use his strength for a short time. It was also furious. If looks could kill, it would have cut Zhu Yan's descendants into pieces.

"Sooner or later you will have to pay the price." It said viciously.

Although they were injured by this blow, it did not mean that they lost their combat effectiveness.

The two beasts were afraid of Chi Cang in the distance and did not want to get entangled with Zhu Yan's descendants, so they used their own special skills to scare away the furry monkeys, and then fled far away at high speed, quickly disappearing at the end of the wilderness.

"What are you doing? You go forward even though you know you can't keep them. Doing this will make them hate you, and you may suffer a big disaster in the future." Although the little red bird is an enemy of Zhu Yan's descendant, he also feels sympathy for him and sees the monkey. He was so upright that he couldn't help but remind him loudly.

The monkey was stunned for a moment and touched his head: "I was tricked by them. I was so angry that I wanted to give them a stick."

When the little red bird heard this, he was a little helpless. This monkey is both strong and upright. It is not easy to become a venerable person.

Then, it looked at Chi Cang again.

This powerful human who is suspected to be an ancient god has not shown any hostility towards it and Zhu Yan's descendants, so the relationship between them does not necessarily have to be hostile.

Furthermore, Chi Cang was able to injure two extremely ferocious beasts with just a raise of his hands and feet. With such strength, even if they wanted to be enemies with him, they would probably be far behind.

"The Sky-Swallowing Bird and Qiongqi are cunning and cruel, and extremely vindictive. I believe you should have been able to keep them just now. Why did you let the tiger go back to the mountain?" The little red bird asked with some confusion, unable to guess what Chi Cang was thinking.

It was clear that two beasts could be left behind, but in the end only one wing and one hind leg were left, which is really hard to understand.

Chi Cang looked indifferent and was leisurely on the back of the cow. He casually put away the wings of the Sky-Swallowing Bird and Qiongqi's thighs, nodded with satisfaction, and then replied: "You are right, those two ferocious beasts Beasts are cunning, ferocious, and vengeful, but one thing you didn't mention is that they are also greedy.

The mountain treasures haven't been born yet, they won't give up here, they will always come back, so I just let them live a little longer. "

The little red bird frowned.

"If you let them live for a while, there will be more variables. What's the point of doing this?"

"Meaning? The two of them know they can't beat me, so they will definitely call for people. And the two ferocious beasts are not interested in humans, so they will definitely not call strong humans over. What they call will definitely be some delicious beasts.

At that time, I only need to prepare a big pot in advance, and Tiantunque and Qiongqi will not only jump in by themselves, but also bring some fresh ingredients.

Mountain treasures and game, the best of both worlds, isn’t it wonderful? "

Chi Cang was chatting there, talking about his "plan" casually, frightening those ancient relics. This master must be too strong, "letting the tiger return to the mountain" just to let the powerful sky-swallowing bird and Qiong Qi Get ingredients for him?

Little Red Bird and Zhu Yan's descendants were also a little confused. Is this "plan" too crazy? What if the sky-swallowing sparrows call a bunch of beast masters? Can Chi Cang withstand it?

Suddenly, their expressions froze, and they finally grasped the key point of Chi Cang's words.

He wants the mountain treasures and game, which means that Chi Cang also wants to fight for the mountain treasures.

In this case, they and Chi Cang are rivals.

Suddenly, the two beast masters changed their faces, and looked at Chi Cang seriously and warily.

How could Chi Cang not know their thoughts? However, with his current strength, even if Little Red Bird and Zhu Yan's descendants united, they would not be his opponent at all.

You know, before he lost his memory, he was the Thunder Emperor, one of the Ten Evils. The Venerable's realm was not even considered an ant in front of the Ten Evils.

Even if Chi Cang has only recovered "a little bit" at this time, his understanding of the avenue is not comparable to that of the so-called Beast Lord.

This was the case with the Sky-Swallowing Bird just now. The power was almost the same, but it was restrained in front of Chi Cang. He couldn't exert even three points of his strength, and defeat was the inevitable result.

"What, do you two want to fight with me? If I hadn't seen that you still have some conscience and are not closely related to ferocious beasts, I would have suppressed you together, and the outcome would be just like these mounts. Go back to guard the village. Head." Chi Cang said rudely, scaring Little Red Bird and Zhu Yan's descendant to take several steps back.

They had no doubt about Chi Cang's ability, and the few shots they had just taken had shown a huge gap.

"No, I came all the way just for the mountain treasure, how could I just give it up to..." Zhu Yan's descendant frowned and muttered to himself.

The little red bird next to him immediately took action and interrupted his words.

A cluster of bright red flames enveloped the monkey, burning its whole body.

The descendant of Zhu Yan was burned and jumped up and down, his monkey hair was burnt black, and there was a smell of paste. He was very angry and accused the little red bird of carrying out a sneak attack, saying that he would fight it again.

The little red bird explained to Chi Cang: "Uh... don't listen to this monkey's nonsense. Since you are interested in Shanbao, we are sure of the beauty of adults and will not fight for love."

With that said, it and the scolding Zhu Yan descendant left here while fighting.

Suddenly, the mountains in the center of the wilderness became empty, leaving only Chi Cang and a group of ancient relic mounts.

"Why are you still standing there? Go back to the village."

Chi Cang said urgently.

The Bull Demon regained his energy, immediately spread his hooves, held his head high, and led the way.

It walked out with a pace that disowned its relatives. If it walked like this in normal times, it would definitely be beaten up by the relics in the mountains who couldn't stand it.

But now, with such an invincible boss on board, who dares to make irresponsible remarks about it?

The group of ancient relics following behind wanted to kill the cow, but they were also a little envious and wanted to replace it.

The Bull Demon trembled suddenly, feeling a little chilly in the back yard. It looked back suspiciously, and happened to see the direct eyes of the ancient relics. It was startled and immediately understood what these guys wanted to do. To usurp the throne.

Unfortunately, it was a first-come, first-served basis. The Shicun it arrived at first must be one level higher than these later households, so it was not worried about this.


2 monthly tickets for "Life is helpless".

2 monthly passes for "Book Friends 20200612170644999".

1 monthly ticket for "The Proud Family".

1 monthly pass for "Zunxue".

1 monthly pass for "sayfiveagain".

1 monthly ticket for "Southeast King dsy".

1 monthly ticket for "Book Friends 20190617133009047".

1 monthly ticket for "Like Water for a Thousand Years".


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The starting coin of 100 for the "Omniscient and Almighty Immortal".

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