The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 25 Ishimura’s shock

The "army" of the ancient relics marched towards Shicun in a mighty manner, passing through the territories of many beast kings. Everywhere they went, the ferocious beasts in the forest would tremble in fear at the scene before them, thinking that the ancient relics had united. , What big move are we going to make?

It wasn't until they saw the blazing color on the back of the bull demon, as well as the awed eyes and low postures of the ancient relics, that they were convinced that those beast kings were likely to become prisoners of this strong human being.

Immediately, all the ferocious beasts were very happy and ran away to spread the good news, so that all the ferocious beasts who had been dominated by the beast king would celebrate.

In the past, they had to live under the brutal rule of these beast kings and had to surrender. Now, the beast kings have been brought to bear, and they are naturally liberated.

The ancient relics have strong senses and can see all this.

The Lihuo Bull Demon, Demon Ape, Golden Retriever Lion, etc. all smiled evilly.

Do these fools think they will suffer? It's really ridiculous. At this time, instead of suffering, they are in an excellent situation.

If you follow such a big boss, as long as you perform well, there will be many benefits in the future.

You know, the wisdom of the beast king is not weaker than that of humans. Seeing how ferocious Chi Cang is, they have made up their minds to hang out with Chi Cang to the end. Even if they are driven away now, they are unwilling to leave.

The beast kings silently watched the ferocious beasts jumping around in the jungle, and wrote down the ones that jumped the most so that they could "talk" to them alone later.

Chi Cang turned a deaf ear to these things. The laws in the wilderness are so cruel, the survival of the fittest, and there is no need to pity the gods or intervene.

Soon, Ishimura appeared in sight.

The small village is built with ordinary stones. It has a very primitive style and is not large in scale, but it is very warm and full of laughter and laughter.

When Chi Cang and the others arrived, people were gathering in the open space at the head of the village. Everyone was beaming with joy, and there were bursts of exclamations from time to time, as if they had seen something incredible.

Next to the crowd, a huge charred willow tree stood quietly. The only green willow tree was ordinary, swaying in the wind, quiet and peaceful.

"Is this the big devil's village? It's actually here."

The beast kings muttered to themselves, a little surprised. They travel across the wilderness and naturally know the distribution of living creatures in the wilderness, which includes villages, tribes, etc. where humans live.

Among many human settlements, this small stone village is the most special, because the charred willow tree in the village that worships the spirit is unfathomable and invisible to people. It is suspected of being an ancient god, giving people a sense of terror. Feeling, even the beast master is not willing to provoke him.

Now, this village is even more extraordinary. In addition to the unpredictable willow tree, there is also an extremely ferocious demon king.

The size of the relic species has shrunk a lot, but there are a lot of them, so they can be easily spotted when they are gathered together.

"Ah, it's Uncle Chicang who's back." Shi Hao revived the Supreme Bone. His strength was extraordinary, and his spiritual sense was extremely sharp, far surpassing the others in the village. Therefore, he was the first to discover Chicang and the beast kings.

He got out of the crowd and rushed towards that side excitedly. The clansmen in the village also followed him out of the village, smiling to welcome the returning Chi Cang.

Niu Mo didn't regard himself as an outsider. After seeing Shi Hao, he felt particularly friendly and ran over with Chi Cang in his arms.

The ancient relics behind him looked suspicious. They knew that this cow was not as naive as it appeared, but was actually very smart.

He was only shrewd, but he was also full of bad intentions. This could be seen from the fact that he tricked them before, which resulted in each of them being beaten violently by Chi Cang.

Now, it showed extraordinary enthusiasm for the little one running over. There was definitely something not simple about it. The beast kings took notes in their hearts and remembered this.

"Wow! So many ferocious beasts?" The children in the village were shocked when they saw a group of relics following Chi Cang, because they were all species they had never seen before, and they felt novel.

"That big golden lion has a single horn. It looks so majestic." Snotlout's eyes sparkled, as if he had found a treasure.

The golden lion over there was very proud after hearing this, and his head was raised very high. It is always a pleasant thing to be praised.

However, the next second, it broke through its defense and almost fell to the ground.

The snot-nosed kid who was praising him before suddenly changed his topic and started talking about dishes related to lions.

"Well, this horn is its essence. If it is made into a lion's head, it will definitely be a great supplement."

The eyes of the old people in the village shrank, thinking of the legend about the golden-haired lion, they all sweated for the snotty baby, and quickly told him to stop talking. This was probably the golden-haired lion king who dominated the deep wilderness.

"How come this ape has a pair of wings? Could it be said that it can fly into the sky and escape from the earth?"

When the demon ape heard this, it flapped its two flesh wings and really rose from the ground, suspended in mid-air.

A group of children screamed that they had never seen such an ape.

"I heard from the patriarch, grandpa, that monkey brain is a great tonic. Eating it can replenish the brain." Pihou said this unexpectedly.

The demon ape was choked suddenly and almost fell from the air.

Shi Yunfeng looked at the ape with fleshy wings and felt that it looked very similar to the legendary demon ape. Could it be him? He quickly asked Pihou to stop.

As for the other few, such as the red dragon and the thunder sparrow, there are corresponding rumors. The old people in the village pass it down from generation to generation and are in awe of the beast kings entrenched in the depths of the wilderness.

The most obvious one, and there is no need to suspect it at all, is the old golden old Suan Ni. It is golden in color, its body is terrifyingly powerful, and there is a golden glow flowing all over its body, which is extremely sacred.

The clan elders in the village were horrified. This was a powerful ancient relic very close to the village. It was stronger than the Li Fire Bull Demon and the Demon Ape. According to rumors, it was already very old and would pass away in the next few years.

Unexpectedly, Chi Cang was brought back to the village.

This is a golden Suan Ni, with treasures all over its body, especially the original treasure talisman engraved on its bones. If it can be obtained, it will open up a shocking treasure.

Thinking of this, the old people in the village couldn't calm down anymore. They stared directly at the old Suan Ni, making it feel uncomfortable and cold.

After Shi Yunfeng confirmed that these were the famous ancient relics, he was frightened for a while. He thought it would be great to have a Lihuo Bull Demon in the village. As a result, Chi Cang brought back so many at once, which was simply terrifying. Did this wipe out all the nearby beast kings?

He walked over and asked Chi Cang in a low voice about these ancient relics.

"Don't worry, they don't dare to punish evil in the village. They will stay here to protect Stone Village from now on."

The bull demon next to him nodded enthusiastically and was very cooperative.

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